“You’re finally here!”

Fang Xia was crying with joy and was about to pounce on the captains, but he was pulled by Chai An by the collar.

Fang Xiameng looked back doubtfully and looked at Chai An, who was stopping him from hugging, “Captain Chai, what’s wrong?” ”

Chai An snorted angrily,

“What’s wrong, I just saved your life again, do you know?!”

Fang Xia Meng was puzzled, and Chai An suddenly approached him and whispered in his ear,

“Those women look absolutely beautiful, but they are all famous and have a master,”

“That kid’s temper is very strange, if you know that you want to go up and hug, you will definitely be thrown to feed the Chaos Spirits!”

Having said that,

He patted Fang Shamon’s shoulder,

“I don’t even dare to think about this, you said I just saved your life!”

Fang Xia Meng was stunned, “Famous flowers have a master? ”

He couldn’t believe it.

He had never heard the news, and he had heard Chai An’s meaning.

These beautiful captains are still the same person!

Who among the entire Sixteen Guards has such a great ability?! Chai An skimmed his lips,

“What, don’t you believe it yet?” I tell you, that kid is…”

“Captain Shiba!”

A cold voice sounded,

Xiao Yueqing, who was straddling a long sword around her waist, stepped forward, and she looked at Chai An coldly,

“The purpose of our operation is to support the division and suppress the evolutionists here,”

“If you want to discuss something with someone that you don’t have, then wait until the end of the incident.”

She stopped, her face like frost,

“But it’s better not to let me hear it again, otherwise even if you are the captain, I will not be merciful to your men!”

Having said that,

She walked toward the stairs on the second floor of the trade center, but as she walked past the two of them,

A faint hint of joy flashed in her eyes, and Fang Xiameng swallowed his saliva,

Just when Xiao Yueqing spoke,

That kind of lingering breath almost made him almost suffocate! Sure enough, as the rumor goes,

Cold and glamorous!

“Captain Chai, what’s next?”

Lu Chengqi stepped forward,

Because Chai An was the only special supernatural in their team,

So naturally they became their current temporary leader, Chai An looked at the landing in doubt,

At this time, the other party’s face was slightly crimson, and he was just talking about flowers.

Say it casually,

But now look at this nun’s expression, how does it feel like it is real?! And Jiang Yi’er beside her,

At this moment, he couldn’t even bury his head, and Chai An felt a chill in his heart,

Looking at the most gentle Jiang Yi’er,

“Did you tell you about the bet?”

“Huh? What bet? ”

Jiang Yi’er asked in confusion,

“Yi’er, come here, stay away from that strange man.”

Xiao Yueqing stood on the second floor and looked at everyone coldly,

Jiang Yi’er sighed and immediately ran up, but Chai An was relieved in his heart,

Before betting that he still owes Shi Bu Yan a bet, if Shi Bu Yan is with her,

That Jiang Yi’er must know,

But she was obviously unaware of this, and it seemed that the guess she had just made was wrong. Seeing that everyone was standing beside him waiting for instructions, Chai An looked at Fang Shameng, “What is your name?” ”

“Fang Shamon.”

Chai An nodded,

“The communication equipment is broken, you can’t contact the headquarters, you tell us about the situation here.”

Fang Xiameng’s expression immediately became heavy,

“Ten minutes ago, we suddenly detected that there was a large amount of chaotic spirit aura here,”

“So I immediately mobilized the combatants of the division to rush over, but when I came, it was already in the wilderness.”

Fang Shameng’s fist clenched tightly,

“We carefully probed and found that we had not found the breath of a living person at all,”

“At this time, a group of men dressed in black came out of the subway entrance,”

“We thought we were ordinary people until they killed our teammates in an instant,”

“We just know that it is a group of evolutionists, and the lowest level is a second-level worker.”

“We immediately reported it to headquarters, and then we worked hard until you arrived.”

Lu Chengqi asked,

“Do you know how many of their people are in the business center right now?”

Fang Shameng shook his head,

“I don’t know, even if we kill several second-level evolutionists by cooperation, we are still not their opponents.”

“This business center has a 37th floor, and we just explored the 18th floor and they forced us to retreat.”

Ling Siye on the side heard this and said somewhat impatiently,

“Isn’t it a very simple thing, let’s just check it out!” Zheng! ”

A sword roar suddenly sounded on the second floor, followed by a roar like a beast, Xiao Yueqing had encountered the Evolver!

Chai An’s brow frowned,

“Take the squad as a unit, immediately start from the second floor to investigate upwards, the enemy’s situation is unknown, we must be vigilant!”

As soon as the voice dropped,

Ling Siye’s figure disappeared first, she had long been impatient with waiting,

Then the second team of hunting spirits led by Lu Chengqi also rushed towards the position on the second floor.

Chai An looked at the dozens of members of the internal affairs team who came with him,

“Your combat strength is not strong, and your mission is to follow the members of the Spirit Hunting Team.”

“See if there are any surviving humans here, and if there are, report them immediately.”

His face at this moment was solemn,

Completely unlike the lewd uncle before, Chai An frowned and looked at Fang Xiameng,

“Don’t follow us, send your group leader to treatment first.” Fang Xiameng then remembered,”

My own team leader is still here, just a moment of excitement,

Forgetting about it, he turned to look,

Seeing that his group leader had fallen to the ground again at some point, “Team leader! ”

“Rest assured, there is still anger, but if you delay it any longer, you will not be able to say it back.”

Chai An finished speaking,

It also headed towards the second floor. Clang!

A long knife slashed at Xiao Yueqing’s sword,

Splashing a little spark, Xiao Yue stared coldly,

In front of him was an evolutionary with a vicious look, and extraordinary power surged forward,

The sword was immediately covered with a layer of blue light, instantly cutting off the long sword that was still equal before, and then a sword cut through the man’s throat.

“Go and die!”

A roar sounded behind her,

A man dressed in black did not know when he was lurking on the ceiling, and at this moment he suddenly fell, and his fingers became claws and grabbed at the top of Xiao Yueqing’s head.

“Retreat from the evil wind arrow!”

A squeaking sound sounded,

The fiery red beam of light pierces the space,

In the blink of an eye, he came to the top of Xiao Yueqing’s head, directly pierced the body of the man in black, and stared at the other party dead on the wall.

“Yueqing, you’re all right.”

Lu Chengqi ran over, and Xiao Yueqing frowned,

“Captain Road, I don’t need you to help me.”

Lu Chengyi was a little embarrassed,

Originally, although Xiao Yueqing’s attitude towards her was cold before, it was not as bad as it is now.

She didn’t know what was going on.

“What are you doing there, mother-in-law is like a woman!”

Ling Siye threw a second-level evolver into the air with his mind power, and then twisted his neck.

She looked at the second daughter provocatively,

And then like the wind passed through the middle of the two,

“Don’t wait for that guy to come over, you haven’t killed the evolutionists here yet.”

He Xunjiu, who was drinking, was furious, and she turned to look at Lu Chengqi without anger, “This crazy woman…”

She originally wanted Lu Chengqi to ignore Ling Siye, but she found that the people around her were gone.

“Persuade the drink, move fast,”

Only Lu Chengqi’s voice like a silver bell was left in the air, and He persuaded the wine to be stunned.

There is another flower in front of me,

Xiao Yueqing, who was still in front of him just now, was also gone, “What happened to this group of people?” ”

She took a sip of wine helplessly, and suddenly thought of something,

He also rushed up to the third floor,

The members of the Spirit Hunting Team who followed them looked at each other at this moment,

Didn’t you say you had to be careful?

How did these captains and vice-captains suddenly change their nature?

“Captain Ling is right, we need to speed up the progress.”

Jiang Yi’er also hurried towards He to persuade them to drink at this moment, and the team members were shocked.

Isn’t Jiang Yi’er an auxiliary department?! How could she be like an evil person?!

“You’re finally here…”

Third floor,

The two men in black smiled and looked at the captains who appeared in front of them, and just spoke,

I didn’t finish my words.

They were hit by countless attacks at the same time and instantly died, and several captains looked at each other.

He immediately began to look for the next evolutionary, and it was not long before

Lu Chengqi looked at the corpse of another evolutionary in front of him, his body had been attacked out of shape,

“A lot of attacks have failed, which will reduce the efficiency of handling incidents, and I think we should join forces,”

Xiao Yueqing’s eyes flashed, and he thought about it for a moment,

He agreed with Lu Chengqi’s view,

After a few people briefly discussed, they changed their operational policy.

With Xiao Yueqing of the Department of Physical Arts and He Xunjiu of the Department of Animals, as the vanguard troops,

Engage in short battles with the evolutionists you meet, followed by Lu Chengqi of the Spell Department,

In the course of their battle, the sword was replenished, and the spirit of the Ling Si Ye,

Because she thinks that motivation requires a long distance to be most effective, she is at the end of the whole team.

Constantly interfering with the attacks of these evolutionists, although the three captains of the Spirit Hunting Team,

This is the first time we have worked together,

But they cooperate with each other very well, even in the process of killing,

It also behaved better in the past, and showed great enthusiasm for killing the evolutionary,

It seems that for some strange reason, and in the dark struggle between each other, the corners of Chai An’s mouth twitched a little,

He was supposed to follow in the end,

This way you can clearly see everyone’s location in case something unexpected happens,

Good timely shot support,

But looking at the high morale of several people in front of me,

But he couldn’t help but raise that strange thought again, and several of them had obviously heard his words before,

So they’re now… Wouldn’t it be because of the reason of not saying it at the time?!

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