Under the attitude of several people fighting for each other

The speed of the whole team is breaking the momentum

It didn’t take long to go from the second floor to the thirty-seventh floor, with the cooperation of several captain-level figures

The evolutionists lurking in the corners are almost just emerging

It was directly destroyed by the tight attack.


The crowd returned to the atrium on the first floor and Chai An stood in the doorway and waved to several captains

“A few of you come here.”

The rest of the team members looked at the captains walking towards Chai An, “The captains seem to be stronger again!”

“Yeah, killing those second-level evolutionists is like chopping melons and chopping vegetables!”

“Right, right, I can clearly feel that Captain Xiao’s sword is sharper than the last time he acted!”

Ling Siye looked at Chai An

“Captain Chai, after all the incidents have been handled, what small meeting did you tell us to come over?”

Chai An’s expression was somewhat calm

“Tell me what you think about this operation. Ling Siye glanced back at the floor behind him and stretched out a little bit.”

“Although the report says that the disaster in this place is the most serious? But how I feel very weak.”

“Well, I have the same opinion as Captain Ling, and I feel that their breath is a bit vain.”

“Although I am a second-level evolutionary, it seems that it is less than the second-level level, but it is stronger than the quasi-second-level.”

Lu Chengqi frowned and said that she still seemed to feel that something was wrong but just couldn’t say it

“What they look like.”

Xiao Yueqing briefly said a few words Lu Chengxiao’s eyes lit up


She looked towards Xiao Yueqing

But the latter was cold and no longer opened his mouth Lu Chengqi did not care

Then Xiao Yueqing said

“Just now we killed a total of twenty-three Evolvers, and their rank is the same as in the intelligence.”

“They are all second-level, and there are only four quasi-first-level evolutionists, but they were also killed by us in a short period of time.”

Lu Chengqi’s face showed thoughtfulness

“But the strange thing is that the evolutionists are able to possess spiritual power in human bodies.”

“It is because they gave up their human identity and switched to the old company.”

“So they have one of the most striking characteristics when they use spiritual power,”

“The whole person’s body will be affected by the shadow, and more or less will take on the state of chaotic spirits,”

“For example, Zhu Feiwen, Dong Chengzhou, Xia Lotian and others we met before”

“But this time, these twenty-three evolutionists have maintained their human appearance until their deaths, and there has not been a single change of this kind.”

“Maybe that’s why their strength doesn’t look like normal evolutionists and is easily destroyed by us.”

Lu Cheng paused

He continued

“Holtlis must have known about this as well, and he knows that this manpower will certainly not be able to prevent us, and there should still be.”

Speaking of which

Her pupils shrank suddenly

Only to see that everyone around them seemed to realize what several people said in unison

“Subway station”! ”

Chai An’s brow furrowed tightly

“In previous communications, it was mentioned that there were traces of evolutionists in subway stations.”

“Just now the boy named Fang Shameng also said that the evolutionists of the trade center came out of the subway entrance.”

The eyes of several people fell to their feet

Generally subway stations in such places are built in the position of three or four floors underground, their expressions are relaxed from the beginning

It became extremely serious

Although there were only a dozen evolutionists in the trade center, they were at their feet

And how much is lurking? Hundreds?

Or a few dry? Chai An suddenly smiled

Squeeze your eyebrows at several people

“Don’t be so serious, aren’t there some strange evolutionists?”

“I heard that you were all taken special care of you a few days ago, and your strength has definitely improved.”

“How? Do you think that the boy’s personal guidance is not enough for Hollys’s experiments? ”

Xiao Yueqing immediately snorted coldly when he heard this

Then he strode toward the entrance to the underground on the side and Lu Chengqi looked at Chai An with a strange look on his face and followed him

“What special care? Chai An, you tell the old lady clearly! Ling Siye walked directly to Chai An’s face.”

Angrily looking at him with his head held high

Chai An didn’t want to provoke Ling Siye to be angry at this time, so he had to keep laughing and fighting

Ling Siye saw Chai An’s appearance

After snorting, he also beckoned the people of the three teams of hunting spirits to follow Lu Chengqi, “Don’t you just see that the atmosphere is too heavy, I want to enliven the atmosphere, how can it seem like I have overdone?” ”

Chai An shook his head helplessly.

“Captain Shiba!”

Behind him came a loud shout Chai An turned back

Only to see that it was the breathless Fang Xia Meng Chai An who was running was just in his heart

I glanced at him angrily

“Didn’t you boy, let you take your group leader back to treatment?” What are you running around for? ”

Fang Xiameng said helplessly

“The group leader has already received treatment in the branch, and I can’t help it if I’m not an auxiliary department,”

Then his expression became angry

“Moreover, those bastards killed so many of my brothers and injured the group leader like that.”

“How can I settle down and stay alone in the division?!”

Chai An took a deep look at him

“Good boy, there is a kind! Come with me. And then ”

Chai An then led the remaining members of the Sixteen Guards towards the underground entrance.

“What the hell is going on?”

A member of the team asked in a low voice

“You just didn’t hear it, the captain said that the enemies in the trade center are only a small part, and the people in the subway station are the big heads.”

The team members around him whispered back

“Ah, how many evolutionists are there down there?”

“I don’t know.”


The whispers in the line stopped the fact that they had just walked around a corner

Many people covered their mouths with shocked faces because they were in front of them

The previously clean ground had completely disappeared and countless corpses appeared in front of them

There are men and women, and even old people and children

They lay in pools of blood with severed limbs scattered everywhere

There were trails of blood on the ground

Even some of the blood stains had been shot against the wall

The sight was no different from a slaughterhouse!

“These damn shit!”

Ling Siye gritted his teeth and said these words, Xiao Yueqing’s face was cold like a piece of cold ice, and she paused slightly

After making a quiet gesture, he continued to walk forward

On the way here, They have seen the signs

The subway entrance is located in the third basement level of this commercial center, and the second underground floor is the parking lot

And their current location is only a shopping mall on the basement level, but even if it is one floor away from the end

It was hard to imagine what it would be like to be a hell on earth, and all the people present were silent

Because it was the first time to participate directly in the battle I had never seen such a scene

At this moment, I couldn’t help but want to gag, and even the members of the Spirit Hunting Team who had been fighting for many years now had a very bad look

The whole team moved forward in silence and no longer any more chatter appeared as they continued to descend

There were more and more corpses and blood stains on the road, but they still did not speak

It’s just that everyone’s eyes are staring at the round fist and clenching it deadly

In their hearts at the moment

It has been filled with boundless anger.


The procession turned a corner and then stopped because it was not far in front of them

It was the passage to the subway mouth on the third floor underground at the entrance of that small staircase

Hundreds of corpses piled up like a hill, their expressions were extremely frightened and they pounced forward

It seems that just when he came up through the escalator, he was killed by the Evolver who suddenly appeared behind him.

In front of them were several uniformed security officers and forces

Their bodies appeared next to the location closest to the stairwell and dropped their weapons

And the body is not intact.

Chai An’s face was extremely solemn

He came to the front of the line

After signaling the angry crowd behind him to remain quiet

He carefully approached the quiet escalator entrance to the entire second basement floor

There are only human corpses, but they have not seen an evolutionary, so they have a great possibility

Now they all stay in the three underground floors underneath

Chai An tried his best not to make any noise from his footsteps as he carefully poked his head out

Looking down at the escalator, the next moment his pupils were constricted to see that they were in the third floor underground

There were countless shadowy figures shaking and they were all dressed in black robes so that they could not see what they looked like

There are also no breath fluctuations on the body

It looked like a bunch of ordinary humans waiting for the subway, but Chai An knew

These people are evolutionists! He clearly saw countless faint traces of blood on their black robes!

The blood of those innocent and murdered around him! This group of little troublemakers

Lao Tzu has finally found you! A cold light flashed in Chai An’s eyes as he slowly retracted his body

I was going to discuss the next action with several captains, but there was a sudden gagging sound at the back of the team, followed by a second and third sound!

The team members who had previously forcibly suppressed the gag were even more bloody

The scene is even more tragic here, and finally it is not stopped!

Their voices instantly shattered the silence of the second underground floor, and Chai An’s face changed

Immediately look down again

I saw that the black-robed people who had hung their heads before were now looking up at themselves

Each of them had a pale face with a streak of blood in his eyes

And a weird smile like seeing prey!

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