Countless roars sounded below, and the demons of hell came to the human world, Shiba Anmi had been discovered, and instead of blaming the few subordinates who made the sound, they immediately retreated and shouted loudly, “Retreat! ”

Almost as soon as he left the entrance of the escalator, several evolutionists rushed out of the entrance, and several red-glowing attacks immediately shot towards the crowd!

The crowd did not react for a while, forced to retreat by the sudden attack, and in this short instant, the number of evolutionists rushing up from the entrance of the escalator had reached dozens!


Xiao Yueqing blocked an arrow, and then took a leap forward, slashing down the head of one of the fastest evolutionists who rushed with one sword!


The wind arrow flew past Xiao Yueqing’s side, shooting an evolver back into the entrance.

“They’re a bit outnumbered, and they have to hold this entrance!”

Lu Chengqi stepped forward and said with a serious face, they still don’t know how many evolutionaries there are below, nor do they know how strong those guys really are, but if they hold that entrance, they will occupy a favorable terrain and form a situation that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Xiao Yueqing nodded, the sword light in his hand was suddenly great, and he killed the three evolutionists in front of him, and Lu Chengqi was not far behind, constantly shooting out a series of retreating evil wind arrows at the man in black, under the combined force of everyone, they would soon push the battle line forward and come to the narrow entrance.

“It’s done!”

Lu Chengqi’s eyes flashed, the spell flute in his hand was full of patterns, a retreat wind arrow hit the head of the evolver who was going up the escalator, the other party immediately fell backwards, with several black-clad people behind him and fell to the ground again, Lu Chengqi’s body was constantly glowing with blue light, and the continuous spells were thrown down, although they could not kill them all, but also greatly curbed their upward momentum, even if occasionally there would be a few stronger evolutionists, who could dodge her attack to the front, But the moment they just appeared, they were bombarded by Xiao Yueqing or Ling Siye again.

However, at this moment, Ling Siye was a little impatient, she was originally an extremely irritable person, the previous scene of corpses everywhere, has made her heart pressure a fire, now although the situation seems to be developing in their favorable direction, but several of them know that their opponents are at least second-level evolutionists, even if they are a little vain, but after all, it is also a second-level, although now they can force them back, suppress them below and can’t come up, but the real killing of the object is not a few, There is a steady stream of evolutionists, and they only have a few high-level supernatural beings, so the situation will slowly become more unfavorable to them.

“I said… There are no humans below, it’s all chowder. ”

Lu Chengqi, who was constantly releasing spells, suddenly heard Ling Siye whispering next to her, she didn’t have time to look at the other party’s expression,

“Well, I don’t see any trace of a human, and even if there were, it should…”

“That’s fine.”

Ling Siye’s tone was low, as if she was forcibly suppressing her anger, and as the words exited, the breath on her body surged up, and the strong breath dissipated, even blowing one of the evolutionists who was about to rush up, along with the arrow that landed into the ground.

“What are you going to do?”

Xiao Yueqing frowned and looked at Ling Siye,

“Get out of the way, I want all these pieces to be buried alive!”

Ling Siye’s afterglow glanced at the corpse next to her, a strong anger appeared on her face, she held out her hands to the entrance, and the blue light on her body suddenly burst into flames! Rumble!

With a loud noise, the people who had left their original positions saw that the floor in front of them collapsed violently, and countless huge stones instantly blocked the entrance! This crazy!

Really buried those guys alive in the ground?! Lu Chengqi looked at Ling Siye in shock and uncertainty, and Ling Siye’s brow stretched out, and he seemed to be very happy.

“Persuade the wine, come and see if they are really dead?”

Lu Chengqi still did not dare to relax, if it was just some ordinary chaos spirits below, she would still believe that Ling Siye really killed all those guys, but now they were facing at least the second-level evolutionists, Lu Chengqi had some doubts, this attack did not work on them in the end, He Zhijiu, who had entered the semi-animalization, immediately lay on the ground, pressed her ears to the ground and concentrated on feeling, after a moment, she got up and looked at everyone,

“It seems that they are all dead, I did not hear any voices below to persuade the wine to be an extraordinary person of the animal system, after entering the semi-animalized state, the senses became more acute, and since she said that there was no movement below, it would certainly not be wrong.”

“Cut, suddenly feel like killing them like this, as if too cheap this bunch of shit”

Ling Siye skimmed her lips with some dissatisfaction, in her opinion, the guy who committed this crime of mutual anger between man and god should be executed according to the ancient punishment Ling Chi! Xiao Yueqing suddenly turned to Fang Xiameng and asked, “There are several exits on this subway platform!” ”

Her expression was extremely cold, making Fang Xiameng immediately rush back, “Four! There are four exits! ”

Lu Chengqi was still thinking, and when she heard this answer, she immediately reacted, and her pupils shrank.

“Not good!”

But her reaction was still a little slower, snapping, a burst of footsteps sounded in the wide underground second floor, only to see that in a few corners around them, suddenly there were many people dressed in black, they smiled and walked toward the crowd, just for a moment, they surrounded all the sixteen guards present in the middle!

“You sixteen guards have sent so many people to kill us?!”

One of the male evolutionists said dismissively that their current number was close to three hundred, and all of them were high-level evolutionists!

The sixteen guards surrounded by them were less than fifty people! The man looked at their eyes, just like looking at the fish on the board, the red light in his eyes lit up, he hadn’t noticed it before, and now he found that the women in the team, all of them were incomparably beautiful, he stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips, staring dead at Xiao Yueqing, who was the tallest in stature.

“Little beauty, if you wish… Before he could finish speaking, he heard a sword cry sound in an instant, and then a sharp pain came from his mouth, only to see that his tongue that had just been stretched out had now been cut off by the sword and fell to the ground! ”

“The next sword is your head.”

Xiao Yueqing’s gaze was as cold as a sword, and the fishy smell of blood spread out in his mouth, causing the man to be furious at once, and he made a whimpering sound in his mouth, and his face was extremely angry and pointed forward, and the evolutionists who surrounded the crowd immediately received orders and roared angrily towards the members of the Sixteenth Guard!


Ling Siye’s mouth suddenly burst into laughter, and a strong joy appeared on her face.

“It’s just right! The old lady is thinking that burying alive is cheap for you dog shit! Without a word, the blue extraordinary power suddenly enveloped her whole body, and a breath that was even more violent than before suddenly burst out, while Ling Siye was floating in mid-air! ”


A man armed with a gun had a red glow in his eyes, raised his hand and fired a shot at Ling Siye, he did not expect that this petite and cute looking woman would be so stupid as to take the initiative to rise into the air to become a live target under siege!

But the next moment, his expression froze, only to see a black shadow fly out of Ling Siye’s body, instantly breaking the bullet with spiritual power, and coming in his direction at great speed!

What is this thing that can actually break a bullet?! The man’s face changed, and he immediately wanted to escape, but at the moment of turning, he felt a chill in his neck, blood spurted out instantly, and in the man’s gradually blurred vision, he saw that the other companion in front of him was also instantly cut in the throat, he tried his best to open his eyes, at the last moment when his consciousness was about to disappear, he finally saw clearly what it was that had just broken his bullet and killed himself, it was actually a card with a dark black metallic luster!

Fang Xiameng looked at the Ling Siye floating in the air, a green curly hair constantly dancing, and the cards that flew out of her body, danced with her fingertips, and kept shuttling through the incoming evolutionists, Fang Xiameng felt that he had misread it, how could the cards bring a blood mark on those high-level evolutionists every time they moved?! However, those screams that kept ringing out, and the bright red blood that burst out, were reminding him that what he saw before his eyes was what was really happening, Fang Xiameng’s mouth was wide open, and the cards could kill people!

So after I go to buy a license, do I have to file a case?!

“Sleeper! I actually saw Captain Ling’s demon poker with my own eyes! ”

A member of the Spirit Hunting Team beside Fang Xiameng exclaimed,

“What is Demonic Poker?!”

Fang Xiameng asked hurriedly,

“That was developed by Captain Ling, when she rushed to find the deck of cards that the technology development team had rushed to make overnight.”

“It seems to be made of a special kind of metal, and with Captain Ling’s Nian Power, it is simply a great weapon!”

“Right, right, right! I saw Captain Ling use it at the training ground a few days ago, and the hard metal plate of the thief was cut off by Captain Ling! ”

“Speaking of… It seems that the captain went to look for Captain Ling once, and then it wasn’t long before Captain Ling mastered this trick. ”

In the midst of the gossip, Fang Xiameng heard a salutation, Captain Shi?

Who’s that?

“Captain Ling be careful!”

An exclamation sounded, only to see that several evolutionists had quietly come to Ling Siye’s back at some point, and all of Ling Siye’s cards were in front of her, there was no time to stop several enemies behind her, Fang Xiameng was preparing to come forward to help, but he saw that Lu Chengqi had already held the blue spell flute and placed it next to his mouth, and a very pleasant melodious flute suddenly sounded!

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