At the moment when the flute sounded, many people present were attracted by the pleasant sound, only to see that above the people, there was suddenly a circular light array engraved with complicated incantations, the light array was not large, but there was a blue light gushing on it.

“High Heaven Xuan Rain!”

Lu Cheng’s crisp voice sounded, and the blue light above the light array scattered countless tiny points of light, immediately falling from the light array, and then violently falling towards the several evolutionists behind Ling Siye, one of the strong men immediately raised a thick shield in his hand, but the next moment, his face changed, only to hear a faint pop, the shield in his hand was instantly pierced, and a terrible scream also suddenly sounded from his mouth, everyone looked at him, only to see that his body was actually covered with that blue point of light, to pierce a blood hole!

A woman next to him was horrified and tried to escape, but how could she be faster than the falling rain?!

Countless faint points of light fell on her body, she just came and let out a scream, and countless blood holes were instantly pierced through her body!

This thing that looks like a blue raindrop, how powerful is so terrifying? Just when everyone was shocked, another series of screams sounded, and the dozen or so people behind Ling Siye were all pierced by the blue light hole, and none of them were spared!


Ling Siye’s hair dancing in mid-air,

“Lu Chengqi, I didn’t expect you to even have such a lethal move, this is not like your style!”

A member of the second team of the Spirit Hunting Team suddenly remembered something at this moment, and his eyes widened.

“I’ve seen it at the training ground! At that time, I thought that Captain Lu was developing a healing spell, but I didn’t expect it to be so terrible! ”

“I felt the same way, and when I looked at the bright smiles on the faces of Captain Shi and Captain Shi, I thought it was healing!”

Another member of the team also said that they had no leisure time to speak in the face of the three hundred evolutionists

However, as soon as Ling Siye and Lu Chengqi struck, they instantly killed dozens of enemies, making their pressure suddenly become much smaller, but just when their expressions became relaxed, Chai An suddenly felt that something was wrong, and there seemed to be some huge spiritual power gathering below! His face changed suddenly, and he shouted at the crowd that was fighting fiercely, “Back off! ”

It was still a step too late, and although the crowd heard his warning sound, before they could make a move, several red beams of light suddenly burst out from under their feet! Countless fine cracks stretched out from the cracked hole in an instant! Bang!

With a muffled sound, the ground where the crowd was located shook and immediately collapsed downwards! Chai An’s eyes were fast, dragging Fang Xiameng around him to jump to a safe place, some of the spirit hunters around him also broke away at the moment of a thousand shots because they were far away from the center of the beam, but in the center of the beam, several captains and most of the team members fell down together with countless pieces of rubble! However, the energy beam from below was still continuing, shattering the ground below their heads, and the huge stones fell off, smashing the Ling Si Ye floating in mid-air! The people who escaped the disaster looked at each other, and the second underground floor, which had just been full of fighting, suddenly became quiet, and in front of them was the smoke caused by the collapse of the floor, and it was impossible to see what the situation was at the scene.

“! This bunch of shitty is really not human! ”

Chai An angrily released his breath and shook the smoke and dust in front of him,

“They didn’t even care about their companions at all, and wanted to throw Lu Chengqi to their deaths together!”

He looked down and shouted in a hurry,

“How’s your situation?!”

He didn’t rush down at the first time to prevent the Evolvers from suddenly attacking again, Chai An now wanted to scold the mother, he led the team to come, now the Evolvers have not solved, if something happens to these team members, then the newly promoted to the leader of the combat team will definitely kill themselves!


The sound of wings flapping sounded, and the smoke and dust that filled the three underground floors were all blown away, Chai An stared at it, only to see the semi-animalized He Xunjiu floating in mid-air, just obviously she dispelled the smoke and dust, he was thinking that when the people below were not injured, his heart was suddenly tight, the subway platform of the third underground floor, at this moment, was full of countless stones and broken steel bars, they were stacked on top of each other, countless figures were pressed underneath, although most of them were evolutionists wearing black robes, But there are also figures wearing their sixteen-guard uniforms! Jiang Yi’er, who was covered in dust, walked to a member of the internal affairs team whose thigh was pierced by steel bars and was screaming, and she gently patted the other person’s shoulder, “You bear with me…”

Before the team members could react to what was going on, they heard a snort, and the steel bar on his thigh was directly pulled out by Jiang Yi’er! The moment the blood flowed out, Jiang Yi’er’s fingertips glowed blue, and he quickly clicked a few times at the key acupuncture points on the other party’s body, and the blood that was originally gushing gradually became smaller, and then it magically stopped!

However, the team member also fainted directly because of the huge pain.

Chai An’s eyes instantly turned red, because the collapse of the entire two-story slab affected almost all the teams that fell below, like the wounded who had just been injured, there were no less than a dozen within his field of vision! Even Jiang Yi’er can remove the steel bar to stop the bleeding as before, but they will completely lose their combat effectiveness within this period of time, and in this dangerous environment surrounded by evolutionists, once they enter the coma and lose their combat effectiveness, then there will be a high probability of death!

Chai An looked at those extremely young team members, but at the moment they were constantly wailing in pain, and the anger rose in their hearts, and when they were preparing to go directly down and kill the group of evolutionists with their own hands, they suddenly caught a glimpse of Jiang Yi’er’s movements, after treating the two wounded, she did not go to the next wounded position, but directly came to the center of the team, Jiang Yi’er bowed her head, and put her hands on her chest.

“Three virtues and six tastes, universal offering…”

With her whispering, the blue light on her body emerged, constantly converging towards her hands, and in a few moments, the blue light filled her palms, as if a bend of a clear spring rippled in the palm of her hand, and then, those blue lights overflowed from her hands, and did not disperse, but all converged in front of her, casting a cylinder that flowed like water! At the very top of the cylinder, a koi with a cocked tail appeared.

“…… Bhikkhus beg for food, clean and prolong! ”

As Jiang Yi’er’s final words fell, the koi’s mouth spat out a light blue clear spring, which covered all the wounded in an instant, and the wounded who were originally crying in pain and wailing suddenly looked surprised, because they found that the moment Qingquan touched themselves, the unbearable pain before was magically alleviated a lot, almost to the point of being ignored!

And the wounds on his body also strangely stopped bleeding! They looked at Jiang Yi’er, who was standing in the center, in shock, unable to understand what she had done, and that there would be such a miraculous recovery effect! Chai An’s pupils were also constricted at this moment, because he clearly felt a majestic life force in those blue liquids! This little girl who used to only make candy is now making amazing progress!

“Yi’er, you’re doing great!”

Lu Chengyi smiled and squinted and came over and patted Jiang Yi’er, and Jiang Yi’er smiled.

“No, the great thing is that the time is not to say it, this is what he taught me the other day, I just did it according to what he taught.”

Lu Chengyi’s smiling face froze, “He also taught you?” ”

Jiang Yi’er looked at the landing into a puzzle,

“What’s wrong with the sister, why use “also”? Did he teach a lot of people these days? ”

Lu Chengqi was about to open his mouth, his face suddenly changed, and he slammed Jiang Yi’er in front of him to the ground, the strong wind blew through, only to hear a bang, an explosion sounded in front of them! Lu Chengqi got up and looked at it with a solemn expression, only to see that in the passage of the subway platform, countless black-clad people came out at some point, several of whom were holding a fireball in their hands, and were approaching them with a sly smile, Lu Chengqi immediately realized that it was these guys, Miao Shi and Junsen

Let them fall here! Bang!

Several stone slabs were lifted, and the evolutionists who had been covered below also climbed up, they did not care at all about the dead hands of their former companions, but also joined the team, and their faces slowly approached the crowd, at this moment, Lu Chengqi The number of evolutionists around them, although the number was a little less than the previous three hundred, but now they were on the subway platform, the space was much smaller than before, and many attack methods could not be used, making their situation even more unfavorable! Looking at this sudden change, the people upstairs were about to jump down to prepare for support, but they saw He Shujiu suddenly look up at them and shout, “Stay still!” ”

Then He persuaded the wine to look in the direction of the landing Chengqi, the two had known each other for many years, although it was only a glance exchange, but Lu Chengqi instantly understood the meaning of He Persuasion Wine, and immediately picked up the mantra flute and drank a low voice,

“Ten Thousand Charms Seal Demon Array!”

A pale blue aperture appeared on the ground in an instant, yellow rune paper and black spell marks appeared, and a layer of blue film appeared between the rune papers, turning into a protective shield to envelop the sixteen guards and envelop the people of the sixteen guards! The people of the Spirit Hunting Team were frightened, at that time in the underground nest, Lu Chengqi used this move to block the multi-purpose attack, but the Ten Thousand Spells Demon Array was only a pure defensive means, and everyone did not understand why she used this move at this time, instead of the previous high-heaven Xuanyu Eight with extremely strong lethality…

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