
A prefabricated board takes off

Ling Siye revealed his figure from below

Her green curls were stained with blood as she had just been blown by the falling floor slabs from the lower floor as she floated in the air

An opening had been smashed in her head before, and the person had fallen into a coma

But under the clear spring summoned by Jiang Yi’er, her injuries had recovered

“This group of miscellaneous pieces actually sneaked up on the old lady!”

Ling Siye’s expression was very unhappy, and she didn’t ask much after finding out that the scene was full of burnt and burned black charcoal

Directly summon Exterminator Poker again to join the battle


Under the attack of Xiao Yueqing and Ling Siye

The number of Evolvers in the subway platform is decreasing, even if there are a few fish that have slipped through the net

He died in an instant after being besieged by the gradually recovering spirit hunters

As a female evolver screamed Xiao Yueqing sheathed her sword

This is the last evolutionary here except for the members of the Sixteen Guards

There was not a single standing enemy in this space.

The crowd of onlookers downstairs seemed a little stunned at this moment for a while before someone reacted

“It’s not a dream, these enemies are all high-level evolutionists!” Just killed by our captain? ”

“It is not thanks to Vice Captain He and Captain Lu of our second team, the nirvana that just fell from the sky is simply looking at me stunned!”

“Our Captain Xiao is also very strong, so let’s say again, we feel that your Vice Captain He’s move is too powerful, it doesn’t feel like a second-level ah.”

“Hey hey, you don’t know, Vice Captain He has recently made amazing progress and has been promoted two levels in a row, and just passed the certification of a first-class extraordinary person yesterday!”

“Sleeper, isn’t it! Doesn’t it mean that the further back in the future, the harder it is to improve your power? How can she still be promoted two levels in a row? It’s time to catch up with the captain! ”

“Great, if you invite me to dinner tonight, I’ll tell you the trick of Vice Captain He to promote so quickly!”

“Read, by the way, I look at that Jiang Yi’er of your team, it seems that the progress is not small, before I remembered that she was only a fourth-level extraordinary.”

“Fortunately, I am not as high as your Vice Captain He, and now I am only barely strong enough to reach the second level.”

“Second level, that’s really a little low, four to two jumped three levels!” You’re laying me out!” You thief! ”

See here

The atmosphere of everyone became active

A member of the interior team asked

“What is the name of your Captain Xiao’s sword qi just now, it looks very powerful, and you can kill several evolutionists at once!”

The members of the Spirit Hunting Team, who were joking with the team members, testified that he was a little embarrassed

“I don’t know, this is the first time I’ve seen the captain use this move in front of us, maybe it’s a new move that has been developed recently.”

“Pull it down! Xiao Xu, your captain’s moves are not clear who believes it! ”


The member of the first team, named Xiao Xu, was a little anxious

“You don’t know Captain Xiao’s temper, she is not allowed to let others approach when she is training!”

“Well, that’s also…”

“That’s right! I remembered that the captain had gone in two days before when Captain Xiao was training! ”

Xiao Xu’s eyes lit up

Then it denied itself

“However, he just stayed inside for a short while and then came out, he should just look for Captain Kang for something…”

He muttered quietly

However, he did not notice that the people present with his words instantly became quiet, and everyone looked at each other strangely

Then he looked at him with a brush and said, “Yes, that’s the way it should be.”

Xiao Xu felt that his guess was very reliable, after all, Shi Buyan was the vice captain of their Spirit Hunting Team before becoming the captain of the team

It was normal to go to the captain to discuss some things, so he looked up

The sight of everyone staring at him startled him

“Sleeper! What are you all all staring at me all of a sudden! ”

“Xiao Xu, do you remember that after Captain Xiao came out, your Captain Xiao developed that new move?”

Xiao Xu seriously thought about it for a moment and then nodded his head heavily, “It seems to be, so what’s wrong?” ”

The team member looked at Xiao Xu’s puzzled expression and patted his shoulder helplessly

“You haven’t found out that Captain Yanlu, Captain Ling, Vice Captain He, Jiang Yi’er, and your Captain Xiao have all grown by leaps and bounds in the past few days and have mastered powerful new moves.”

Speaking of which

He looked at Xiao Xu with burning eyes

“And they all came up with the same thing during the time period when this change occurred.”

Xiao Xu listened to his teammate’s words and suddenly realized something

An unbelievable exclamation

“You mean that Captain Shi pointed out to them and made their strength grow by leaps and bounds?!”

All the people present didn’t speak back but their expressions

It does express their thoughts one by one should be like this, there is no other explanation!

Xiao Xu’s pupils trembled

His heart had long been filled with surprise, though he knew that the strength of the unspoken was very strong

It’s not just him

Almost all of the members of the Sixteenth Guard knew that even the strongest general, at the morning appointment ceremony, had personally stated that she had not prevailed in the unspoken battle


Their own strength is strong

And being able to teach others very strongly are two completely different concepts

The difficulty of this can be described as the difference between heaven and earth!

The latter requires not only a very thorough understanding of power in one’s own mind, but also according to the specific circumstances of the person being guided

to develop the most suitable method for their cultivation so that they can be able to do it in a short period of time

Let their strength increase so rapidly

Xiao Yueqing, Lu Chengqi, Ling Siye, He Xunjiu and Jiang Yi’er were all five

They are all completely different from the five transcendent systems but from today’s point of view

The moves they use are extremely suitable for their abilities!

That means that Shi Buyan is not only extremely familiar with his own power

I also have a deep understanding of these five extraordinary systems! It’s like being all-round!

Nineteen years old

It is to know all the systems of the transcendent and this kind of thing

Even the incomparably clear presentation in front of him now made him feel as if he were listening to a mythical story! Fang Xiameng’s eyes rolled round

It was the first time he had heard someone able to reach such a state that he asked one of the team members beside him

“Who is the captain you are talking about, is it a senior?” Have a chance to introduce me! ”

He patted his chest hard

“As long as his old man is willing to point out one or two tricks to me, no matter how hard and tired I am, I can eat it!”

Fang Xiameng really wanted to meet this Captain Shi so much

The feeling of being beaten by the Evolvers before made him feel too humble

Xiao Xu rolled his eyes at him

“I really doubt that you are a member of the Sixteenth Guard, and you don’t even know what the Captain General of the Time is about, and what kind of old man you are.”

Fang Xiameng asked doubtfully, “Isn’t it?” ”

In his opinion

The strength of so many captain-level characters can be improved so quickly

It must be a unique master in the headquarters, Xiao Xu, who sighed helplessly

“Are you stupid, when the captain is only nineteen years old this year, less than a month after entering the sixteenth guard, how can he be an old man?”

Fang Xiameng was nineteen years old

Less than a month after entering the Sixteen Guards, his brain was thinking rapidly and suddenly he thought of a person

The eyes suddenly lit up, “Don’t say anything!” ”

“Who else but him?” ”

Fang Xiameng was shocked in his heart that he knew that he did not say anything

After all, what the other party did was too shocking, and the video of the other party punching Yan Qiushan Duomu at the beginning of the awakening was on fire for a long time

Let him see the blood boiling

Directly called out what the man should see, and then another person slaughtered the nest

It is even more that his reputation is known to everyone in the sixteen guards

Even many of the girls in their division have become little fans who don’t say anything, although Fang Xiameng is a muscle man

I hate that kind of little white face that is dry on the outside and dry on the inside

But the face that Shi did not say was just that he did not hate it at all

When the news of the unspoken appointment ceremony reached their branch, he happened to follow the leader of the group and they went out on a mission

When he came back, he heard the girls in their department, gathered together and happily talking about handsome men, captains, and the like, and he thought they were talking about which star

So I didn’t care at the time.

Only now do I know

It turned out that this time captain was actually silent! Come to think of it

Fang Xiameng’s eyes lit up

Turned his head to look at Chai Ann beside him

“Captain Chai, what you just said about the name of the flower has a master, what you don’t mean is to say nothing!” If it were him, I think it would still be more likely. ”


His expression became strange

“Captain Chai, didn’t you let you drink secretly, why did you suddenly start drinking?”

Chai An was now holding the wine that He persuaded to throw at him

Although Fang Xiameng’s muscular man’s way of questioning was a bit small, Chai An didn’t care too much

Instead of answering Fang Shamon’s question, he raised his chin downwards

“Boy, do you know what strength they are now?”

Fang Xiameng followed Chai An’s gaze

Only to see that the other party was looking at Xiao Yueqing and Fang Xiameng shook his head

“I’ve only been in the fourth level for two years, where can I see the strength of the captains?”

Chai An looked at him with disdain

“I don’t see it, I see your muscles are growing in your brain.”

“I tell you, not only has the strength of He Shujiu and Jiang Yi’er improved, but their strength has also improved a lot.”

“Xiao Yueqing is now about to touch the threshold of the special grade, and Ling Siye is also oh, yes, and Lu Chengqi!”

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