Fang Xiameng cried out in surprise,

“Grandclass? Isn’t that more powerful than the first level?! ”

Chai An, who was drinking, almost choked,

“Do you know what the concept of special class is in this world?!”

Fang Xiameng thought seriously for a moment, then shook his head,

“I don’t know, anyway, I just know that the special class can beat that group of evolutionists.”

Chai An reacted to this, the boy in front of him should only have just become a transcendent person not long ago, and usually did not pay attention to this information about the rank, in his eyes he could not see the difference between the high-level strong, Chai An sighed,

“Tell you so, there were only five special rank strong men in the sixteenth guard,”

“It took fifty-two years for it to slowly accumulate,”

“But if the three of them become special ranks, then without saying a word, the number of special rank strong men of the sixteenth guard will come to nine!”

“It’s been a full fifty-two years, and only then have five Extraordinary Beings appeared!”

“But from the time of the time to today, but in a few months, the sixteenth guard will immediately have three more special level strongmen!”

Chai An finished speaking, and took a deep look at Fang Xiameng, “Do you understand what this concept is?” ”

After Fang Xiameng listened to Chai An’s words, his expression suddenly became solemn, and he looked at Chai An’s extremely serious opening,

“Captain Chai, I see, please be sure not to… Captain Shi introduced me, I want to worship him as a teacher! ”

Chai An almost didn’t squirt out, he originally wanted to tell this Fang Xia Monte level strong cultivation is not easy, but this boy actually replied like this, Chai An really wanted to slap the boy in front of him!

Fang Shameng suddenly asked again,

“You just said there are five super strong men in the Sixteen Guards, so are you?” Chai An’s heart was finally better, and he replied proudly,

“Of course! I’ve been in the special class for decades! ”

Chai An was somewhat relieved, this boy finally asked some questions that people should ask, he was waiting for Fang Xiameng to praise himself, but he heard Fang Xiameng ask another question, so that Chai An gave up the good feelings he had had for him before, and wanted to slap himself twice.

“Captain Chai you should look like you’re in your forties now, but I see Captain Xiao and they’re only in their twenties.”

“They’re so much younger than you, but now they’re about to enter the special level to catch up with you, don’t you envy?”

Chai An was now so angry that he gritted his teeth and wanted to find a needle to sew up this boy’s mouth, and he snorted coldly,

“What is there to envy about this, my special rank has been trained by relying on my accumulated cultivation over time!”

“These little farts are just lucky recently and want to catch up with me, let’s talk about it in ten years!”

After saying that, Chai An raised the bottle in his hand and grunted and drank, Fang Xiameng did not understand the gap between the special grades, but listening to Chai An say this, he also believed eight points, but he looked at Chai An’s eyes and suddenly became strange, “Captain Chai, why are you crying?” ”

“Fart! Which of your eyes saw from Lao Tzu crying, this wine is too strong, Lao Tzu is choked! ”

“Oh, is it?”

Fang Xiameng snatched the bottle and took a sip of it from his mouth.

“It’s not big, sweet… Isn’t this sparkling wine?…… Ouch! Captain Chai, what are you hitting me for?! ”

Chai An snatched back the bottle, the angry white Fang Xiameng glanced at it, his heart was simply churning in his heart now, Fang Xiameng was not wrong, he was indeed envious, especially in a few days, the speed of progress of the group of little farts caught up with his cultivation speed of several years before, how could he not be envious?

But what can be done? Before Shi Bu Yan also came to him, and told him that he might be able to help him improve the use of moves and extraordinary powers, which might make his strength improve a little, but at that time, Chai An refused because he was very busy, Chai An himself knew, he was not very busy at all, nor did he not believe that Shi did not speak, but he was already a lot of age, how could he pull down an old face to accept the guidance of a nineteen-year-old boy?

And he still owes Shi Bu a bet, which makes him even more embarrassed, but where can he think that the “some” improvement that Shi Bu said at that time would be so big!

Chai An, who has been cultivating to stunts for decades of diligence, of course, knows that the cultivation path, in addition to hard work, the method is also very important, although he has entered the special level for a long time, but his cultivation has entered a bottleneck, it has not been improved again for several years, in his opinion, Shi Wu is a boy who is extremely good in efforts and methods, he knew so, he should not have been so hard at the beginning, otherwise now his bottleneck will really break through!

Chai An poured a sip of wine into his mouth, and the spirit fell into his throat, and bitter tears flowed…

“All right, it’s over.”

Ling Siye put away the poker and said to the people behind him,

“I really don’t know how that guy at Hhotlis can stand it so well?” These hundreds of evolutionists were all hidden, and they were not released until today. ”

Ling Siye muttered, if it weren’t for the surge in strength with the help of Shi Wuxian, even if the strength of these evolutionists was somewhat vain, they wouldn’t be able to suppress the disaster here almost without any war damage, after all, here in the trade center, counting the evolutionists they had killed upstairs before, plus the platform full of corpses now, the enemies they had killed were almost five hundred.

Xiao Yueqing nodded and walked toward his subordinates, the still petite He persuaded wine to protrude from Lu Chengqi’s pocket, the energy consumed before was too much, she was still a little short of a moment to return to its original state, at this moment everyone present quietly packed up their weapons, the previous discussion suddenly disappeared, only the sound of footsteps and weapons colliding in the whole space, none of them spoke, and their faces could not see the joy of defeating the old Riji, because… There are so many ordinary people who have died here!

That kind of scene of corpses piled up, maybe in another twenty years they will not forget Ling Siye looking at some of his teammates,

“Raise your spirits!”

She knew what these people were thinking in their hearts, and her own heart was also unhappy, otherwise she wouldn’t have just recovered and thrown herself into the battle again, Ling Siye’s eyebrows were upside down,

“Don’t be discouraged! It wasn’t us who killed them, but the scumbags of the old days! ”

“If you think it makes your heart uncomfortable, then from today onwards, give the old woman a good exercise!”

“When your strength becomes stronger, kill all the evildoers in this world without leaving them alone!”

“From waste to strong! In this way, we can protect those who believe in us and no longer let today’s things happen again! ”

The object of Ling Siye’s training at this moment was not only the people of her Spirit Hunting Third Team, but everyone present, in her opinion, Xiao Yue was cold and did not speak, Lu Chengqi was too kind to say such words, as for Chai An’s old guy, although he was the person in charge of this operation, Ling Siye did not have any hope at all for the person who loved wine and gambling, seeing that this incident would leave a psychological shadow on her companions, and only she, who was secretly called a crazy woman in her daily life, was concerned.

As for being scolded for being grumpy?

Ignoring him, Ling Siye didn’t care about these other people’s thoughts at all, and she believed that if she didn’t say anything here, she would do the same thing as her.

Although the crowd was still packing up their things, it seemed that they had not heard Ling Siye’s words, but on their low faces, there was a slight change in their expressions, and the previous dazedness and inattention became… Firm! Lu Chengqi took the lead in coming to the second underground floor, and she looked at Chai An with a strange face,

“Captain Chai, you’re almost done drinking the wine, if you try to persuade the wine to wake up and see you like this…”

Chai An coughed dryly twice, and said with a hippie smile,

“It doesn’t matter, isn’t her consciousness not yet restored, and when I buy her another bottle, she won’t be able to see it.”

Lu Chengqi saw that Chai An had some rogue looks, and had to sigh lightly,

“Okay, then you’ll see…”


Chai An’s expression suddenly became extremely serious, he put his finger to his mouth to signal Lu Chengqi not to speak, Lu Chengqi frowned, immediately realized that Chai An may have found something, and reached out to make a standby gesture to everyone.

Chai An frowned for a moment, and then he suddenly turned to Fang Xiameng beside him and asked in a hurried and low voice, “How many platforms are there?” ”

Although Fang Xiameng had a big nerve, even if he was stupid, he knew that something big must have happened, and he immediately replied,

“Two, this is platform one, and the fourth basement floor is platform two.”

Chai An heard the words, his expression became extremely serious, he whispered to the crowd and ordered,

“All the wounded are evacuated, and the Extraordinary of the Interior Squad of the middle rank below the quasi-second level are also evacuated, keep quiet, immediately!”

Everyone was stunned at first, not knowing why Chai An suddenly gave this order, but they also immediately acted according to his order, Lu Chengqi carefully handed over the fire phoenix in his arms to Fang Xiameng, and some uneasy instructions,

“She’s a little weak now, and you’re going to take good care of her, you know?”

Fang Xiameng solemnly performed a salute toward the landing,

“Yes, Captain Road!”

Then he withdrew with the troops, although he very much wanted to stay and advance and retreat with Chai An, but after seeing the battle just now, he understood that if his strength stayed here, it would not play a half role, but it was possible to drag his legs, and when everyone walked a little farther, Ling Siye frowned and looked at Chai An, “What is the problem?” ”

Chai An’s gaze swept over the only twenty or so companions left in front of him, and his voice said in a low voice,

“I just heard the sound of the subway coming in below.”

As soon as this statement came out, the team members became confused, just an inbound what is the fuss soft?

But several captains looked different at the same time!

If it is normal, this is indeed nothing strange, but now that the entire watch world has been affected by the disaster, it is impossible for human beings to maintain the normal operation of the subway, and Chai An obviously will not joke with them about this matter!

The eyes of several people instantly looked downwards, that is, the one who had now entered the station at their feet could be a person who could be the old Hiji!

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