At their feet

There was a small hole in the ground of the third underground floor, which was bombarded by Xiao Yueqing’s Yan Hui before, and now the eyes of everyone present were all looking from the cave entrance to see that the platform on the fourth underground floor was empty at the moment, but it was only a moment before everyone concentrated on listening attentively to the roar of the next subway

A subway was parked securely on platform 2 on the fourth basement floor

Everyone held their breath and did not make a sound, and the car door opened

Only to see countless people dressed in black coming out of the subway to feel their undisguised spiritual aura and everyone’s pupils narrowed

Really old Japanese people!

Chai An did not speak

Instead, a few gestures were made

It means staying on guard and seeing what they’re going to do.

Because judging from the number of evolutionists they had just encountered, they wanted to occupy such a trading center

Those few hundred people are completely enough or even seem a little too much

Although they had already died under Xiao Yueqing and others, their rank was at least second-level after all

The evolutionary of this strength

As long as the captains of the Sixteen Guards don’t shoot

Basically, it is possible to walk sideways in the table world

Not to mention that some more people have been sent now.

“Do you think there’s something here that attracts them?”

Someone asked in a low voice

Chai An was a little dissatisfied with this sudden sound

But he still looked very carefully at the group of evolutionists below who kept coming out of the carriage

Because it’s only a moment

He found that there were more than five hundred people coming out! Even more than before!

His face became very serious

“They’re coming to this place in a steady stream, and it’s a bit of an anomaly.”

“If they were scattered, the trouble would certainly be greater than it is now,”

“That guy at Holtlis is extremely cunning, and there must have been some conspiracy to do so.”

The man before him continued to ask

“Do you know what his purpose is in doing this?”

Chai An was a little annoyed

He turned back to the man and reprimanded

“If I knew, Lao Tzu would have done it a long time ago.”

He stopped halfway through his remarks

Chai Ann’s brow furrowed

Look at the young man next to him who is talking

“Which guard are you, and how come I’ve never seen you?!”

Chai An stared seriously at the man next to him and felt that something was wrong

Although he could feel a ripple of extraordinary power in the other’s body, the tone of this guy was a little too calm in this case, and although the other party was wearing a hat

It was not clear what he looked like, but Chai An still felt that this person’s posture was a little strange, and he had already been in the process of setting off

All the people in the unit had been written down and the uniform that the man was wearing now was on

Not the clothes of the Internal Affairs Team, nor the Spirit Hunting Team, but the clothes of the prison team

“Captain Chai, haven’t we met before?” Forgot it so quickly? ”

The man looked up

He had a faint smile on his face

Chai An looked seriously at the man’s uniform

He saw a badge with his name engraved on his opponent’s uniform, “Fan Zhebai? ”

Chai An thought about it in his mind, and then he looked at the man doubtfully

“I’m pretty sure we didn’t before.”

Halfway through the conversation

A burst of blue light surged from his hand

Hit the opponent’s neck at a speed that is invisible to the naked eye!

One second you’re still talking, the next you’re in the conversation!

This abrupt turn is not to mention that it is an ordinary prison team member, and even several captains around Chai An have not reacted to the surprise on the faces of Lu Chengqi and others

Chai An’s hand knife had already landed on Fan Zhebai’s body!


Fan Zhebai’s neck was instantly split and the whole person lost his life breath and fell to the ground with a loud roar.

“Captain Chai, what’s going on?”

Ling Siye asked in amazement

Not just her

Everyone present looked puzzled

I don’t know how Chai An suddenly burst into murder

But at this moment, they all retreated to Chai An’s side and stayed away from the corpse, which was the instinctive trust Chai An’s expression after this battle, which was still extremely solemn, and he kept looking around seriously

“That person just now is not one of our sixteen guards. Lu Cheng was shocked.”

“But I see that he is obviously wearing the clothes of the prison team, and his name is still on the badge?”

“The body is, but the soul is not, you see. The crowd looked toward Fan Zhebai’s corpse on the ground and saw only the body that had been normal before.”

At this moment, a strange change was taking place and a blood stain suddenly appeared on his body

His face also became extremely pale

It didn’t look like he had just been killed by Chai An, but like a man who had been dead for days!

“Fantastic Stay”

A burst of dry laughter came from behind them and the crowd immediately turned to look

Only to see an evolutionary who had been killed by them before

Now he is actually standing up in a very twisted and strange posture! There was black qi lingering on his body

In the moment of standing up

The opening in his neck that had previously been cut open by Ling Siye’s poker was strangely compounded in front of everyone’s eyes

Looks like a person who hasn’t been hurt at all!

“Captain Chai is really fierce, and he will even attack his own people.” The man smiled and looked at Chai An.”

Chai An snorted coldly

“Fan Zhebai just died the day before yesterday, and now he suddenly appears alive in front of me!”

“Even the corpse is not spared, the argument is fierce, I Chai An is ashamed of myself in front of you Hollys!”

The crowd was stunned

Instinctively took a step back

This weird guy in front of you

Is it actually the old Hiji’s ruler Hollis?! What the hell did he get mixed in?!

They’ve only heard about it all along

I didn’t expect that the first time we met, it would be in such a way! Zheng!

A sword qi instantly emanated from Xiao Yueqing’s hand and directly attacked in the direction of Hhotlis! meanwhile

Ling Siye’s poker and Lu Chengqi’s arrows also blocked Hollis’s retreat in an instant!

Several people realized at the same time

Now that Holtlis has appeared here, what follows is bound to be a death battle

At this time, we must start first!

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