
Several attacks hit Holliss almost in no particular order

The fierce attack instantly shattered Holtholis’s body into pieces! The three know each other’s strength

The shot was completely without a half-hearted hand almost bursting out of his full strength but seeing Holtlis die

Ling Siye was a little puzzled, “That’s it? ”

Xiao Yueqing’s face was cold and still maintained his answer

“No, that’s just the way forward. Ling Siye suddenly remembered.”

Fan Zhebai, who had just been killed by Chai An, was shocked in her heart

If he had been so possessed, how would he have killed him?!


Just listen to the sound of a jolt of joints

Another dead evolver stood up and looked at him solemnly

“Hotlis, what the hell are you here for?!”

There was power in Chai An’s body

Prepare for Hhotlis’s attack on him as soon as he makes a move.

Holtlis smiled back

“Don’t be nervous, I’m just here to say hello to you, this could be our last face.”

Chai An frowned

“What do you mean?!”

In the invasion of the headquarters twenty years ago, he had seen Hotlis from a distance at that time

And he’s only one level

But he knew Hollys’s purpose

It was to get back the demonic wreckage that had been sealed in purgatory by the general and wanted to come now

Perhaps this sudden outbreak of disaster is the same as the last time

It’s all about moving them out of headquarters and thinking about it

Chai An’s expression changed suddenly, “You got it?! ”

He instinctively asked the question but couldn’t believe it

Because the general, Elder Lin, and the three of them did not say anything, they all stayed at the headquarters according to the strength of Houghtlis when they left

It was simply impossible for him to enter Purgatory and obtain the wreckage while the three of them were stationed at the same time

But he saw that Holtlis raised an eyebrow and grinned a strange smile

“bingo! Congratulations on the right answer! ”

Chai was horrified when he settled in

He didn’t know how Holtlis got the wreckage, but he was here now

And from his tone and demeanor, there was hardly a hint of injury

That means that what he said is most likely true! If that’s the case

Then the demons sleeping in hell will soon be revived! But Chai An still didn’t believe him

“It’s impossible, the general and Shi Shi are all in the headquarters, just by you, you can’t get in!”

Holtlis suddenly burst out laughing, “Is it? ”


His fingers moved

A black shadow suddenly flew from Fan Zhebai’s corpse pocket to his hand

It was a square quaint box

Holtlis snapped the box open with a snap “You see what this is?” ”

Chai An’s pupils shrank for a moment as the box opened

He saw what was in it, it was a pure white and immaculate feather!

There was also an extremely holy breath emanating from it, although the breath emanating from it was extremely weak

But the power in it made Chai An feel a great terror from the bottom of his heart! no doubt

This is the remains of the angel sealed in the ninth layer of purgatory! Chai An was stunned

He bowed his head

The tone became low

“You put the general, Elder Lin, when you don’t say what’s wrong with them?”

Holtlis looked thoughtful

“Let me think about it,” he said, pretending to be surprised

“Oh, I remember, they were all eaten by me, what a pity. What a genius.”

As he spoke, the breath on Holtlis’s body fluctuated and dimmed the red spiritual power in his hand, but the pupils of Lu Chengqi and the others shrank

Because they saw the spiritual power in Holtholis’s hand turn the same dark red as when they didn’t say anything!

Even the smell emanating from it is exactly the same!

“Lao Tzu killed you bastard!!!”

Chai Ann’s bowed head jerked up

His eyes had turned red and he didn’t want to believe what Holtlis was saying

If not eaten

So why did Holtlis get the seal

And also shows the exact same breath as when it is not spoken?! His heart suddenly became extremely angry

I want to kill this guy in front of me directly! But someone moves faster than him!

“Exterminating Poker!”

“High Heaven Xuan Rain!”

“Swallow Back!”

The three voices appear almost in no particular order of indifference, anger, sadness, and irritability

All kinds of emotions contained in these few words turn into a strong offensive

Wrapped in a manic atmosphere

Just head straight for the smiling Holthus! Even if the other person is the same as just now

It doesn’t matter if you keep clinging to the corpse

Possess once and kill once!

Only this time Holtlis did not move as he had before

Almost teleportingly, he appeared on the other side with a happy smile on his face

It seemed that he was very happy with the anger and sadness on the faces of the Sixteenth Guardians now to see Lu Chengqi and several people preparing to move at him again

He pushed his hands forward

“I can understand how you feel right now, but I’m not here to fight with you, I’m just sending something…”

Ling Siye roared angrily and interrupted Holtholis’s words

“I’ll send your mom!”

Then control the Exterminating Poker

He was about to attack Holtlis again but heard Holtlis speak

“Your opponents now are not me, but them. His eyes fell behind the crowd.”

Ling Siye and the others looked back

I don’t know when they are behind them

It was all surrounded by that group of evolutionists

A bunch of crap only.

Xiao Yueqing’s long sword glowed blue

Turning to split into the same sword-wielding evolver closest to him, Holtlis smiled faintly

“Really? Do you know what a true evolutionary is? ”


An extremely thick black qi suddenly surged up from his body

Then it dispersed at a very fast speed to the moment when the black qi entered the body of all the evolutionists present

The Evolvers suddenly burst into red light and their breath grew rapidly

The power becomes greater! Faster than ever!

It’s like the black breath of Hollys

Let their strength evolve again! Xiao Yueqing’s gaze froze

Only to see the evolutionary who was struck by her let out a roar…

Immediately he used his own muscles and bones to clamp down on her long sword! The black-robed man let out a strange laugh as usual, as if he couldn’t feel the pain of his body at all, and then a sword stabbed at Xiao Yueqing! Xiao Yueqing’s face was solemn

Immediately let go of the hand holding the sword

Then he punched the black-robed man in the head.


Fist hit

Blood suddenly flowed from the black-robed man’s mouth, but his expression remained as usual

It seemed that Xiao Yueqing’s attack had no effect on him just for the next moment

As soon as his eyes were closed, Xiao Yueqing drew back his sword and shouted at the crowd

“Be careful, these guys are weird, as if they don’t feel pain anymore!”


Ling Siye’s eyes rolled round

His eyes were fixed on Holtlis in front of him

“Hold on for a while, I’ll bring this bastard away!”

Between words

A full ten pieces of poker broke through the air and rushed towards Hollis! However, Holtlis turned into a black smoke

Dodged Ling Siye’s attack

Black smoke passed through the crowd to the open subway door where Holtlis was transformed into human form again

He smiled and waved at the crowd of sixteen guards

“I have other things to do, goodbye, my dear friends.”

Without saying a word, he stepped into the subway

The car door closes

The subway starts and starts driving towards the front.


Ling Siye wanted to chase

However, she was surrounded by several evolutionists and blocked so that she could not get close to the subway

I watched as the subway was about to exit the platform

Ling Siye felt that his whole being was about to explode,” I said to the old lady to stop!!! ”

Ling Siye’s hoarse roar exploded with all his power instantly!

An extremely large stream of thought power appeared from her body and immediately shocked the evolutionists around her

Ling Siye’s hair fluttered and the green tendons on his forehead bubbled up

Point your hands in the direction of that subway

The huge power of the mind was all under her control and converged in the direction of the subway

“Stop the old lady!!!”

The next moment

Just listen to the loud bang of the tens of tons of subway

It was really overturned by Ling Siye! But Ling Siye’s movements had not stopped her from floating in the air

Use the power of the mind to tear the doors of the subway door one by one” to make it clear, when it is not said what is wrong with them?! ”

She thought of finding Holtlis and asking clearly

She didn’t believe that the guy would actually be eaten when she didn’t say anything, but her look grew more and more anxious

Because she had ripped open almost all the doors of the car but still hadn’t seen Holtholis

That guy just like disappeared! Right now

A middle-aged man’s voice suddenly sounded behind Ling Siye

“Beautiful lady, don’t waste your effort, he left here before you overturned this subway.”

Ling Siye suddenly turned back in shock and saw only behind her

It was a man in a robe holding a heavy book in his hand with a kind smile on his face

Bowing slightly toward Ling Siye, he performed a salute,

“The first time we met, it was a pleasure to meet you, beautiful young lady, my name is Fei Si Ba.”

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