Between words, a black-robed evolver shouted, and raised his knife to slash at Ling Siye, and when Ling Siye was preparing to deal with it, he saw the man named Fei Si put his hand on the head of the evolutionary, and with a gentle push, the evolutionary’s body flew violently, exploding into a blood mist in mid-air!

“Who are you?!”

Ling Siye took a few steps backwards again, looking at the man in front of him who called himself Fei Si in disbelief, his expression was full of vigilance, because although her attention was almost on the subway in front of her just now, how to say that she was also the captain of the Spirit Hunting Team, and now she was about to reach the threshold of the special class, but even so, this man could actually appear behind her silently, so that she did not notice at all!

Faith smiled, “My name is Fei…”

“You know that’s not what I’m asking!”

Ling Siye rudely interrupted his answer, and at the same time, those dark black pokers were already floating steadily in front of her, ready to attack at any time.

Firth still kept smiling,

“It’s not polite to interrupt someone, but for your sake so beautiful, I’ll forgive you.”

“Then reintroduce yourself, I’m from the West and I’m a judge in a correctional office.”

Ling Siye frowned, she had never heard of any punishment center and judge, but Chai An’s expression suddenly changed.

“You’re the angels of the West?!”

He had always felt that this person’s costume was somewhat familiar, and now after listening to Fei Si’s words, he finally remembered,

“You’re not good at staying in your Sivan, what are you doing here?!”

Feith’s smiling expression disappeared, and he looked at Chai An with some displeasure,

“God’s splendor shines in the world, and every place should be illuminated by God’s radiance.”

If it weren’t for the fact that seeing Ling Siye’s excellent appearance made his mood more pleasant, then Chai An’s unreasonable questioning would have made him start to do it a long time ago.

He continued to turn in the direction of Ling Siye, and was about to continue to speak, but he found that a black shadow had already swept over his face, Fei Si dodged sideways, only to listen to Zheng’s sound, the black shadow had been deeply embedded in the stone pillar behind him, Fei Si looked back, it was actually a card with a metallic luster, and then a squeaking sound sounded,

“It is shameful that a believer in an angel would join forces with a demon!”

Ling Siye was very angry, at first, she saw Fei Si kill an evolutionary, and thought that the other party was here to help them, but during the time she was talking, she found that the group of evolutionists would not attack Fei Si at all, that is, he was in the same group as the old Riji’s group of miscellaneous people!

“no! no! no! It’s not about joining forces, it’s just about taking what you need. Firth said with a smile,

“What about that guy at Hotlis, where did you get it?!”

Ling Siye’s ten green jade fingers swung around, letting her poker all converge in front of her and locking on to Fei Si in front of her.

“The old lady still has nothing to ask, you let him get out, otherwise the old lady will kill you!”

In the face of Ling Siye’s strong hostility, Fei Si was not half annoyed, but his eyes lit up, and he looked at Ling Siye’s fingers with great greed.

When Holtlis had just come to hand over the remains of the angel to him, Fest had been ready to leave, because it had been agreed between them that Fests would help Hottlis to contain the Sixteenth Guard, until Hottlis successfully entered Purgatory and obtained the sealed wreckage, and he did not believe that Hotlis would break the agreement, because as he had told Holliss before, he put his soul in the punishment center, as long as something happened to him here. Then everyone who is left in the punishment office will immediately know that there are only three old priests left now, and they can’t resist the anger from the punishment office, but when he is ready to leave, Holtlis tells him that there are now several female captains of the sixteenth guard outside, who are not only powerful and extraordinary, but also extremely beautiful and moving, Fei Si already has the quirk of eating people’s fingers, after hearing this news, almost without any hesitation, he stopped his return plan. After preparing to eat their fingers first, and then consider returning to the West, after all, powerful extraordinary people are rare, beautiful and moving women are even rarer, and now Fei Si looks at Ling Siye, and can’t help but sigh in his heart that Holtlis is indeed not deceiving himself, although the woman in front of him is petite, but his hands are extremely good-looking, just a glance makes him a little salivating! Ling Siye saw that his question Fei Si did not answer at all, but with a strange look, she had been staring at herself, making her feel extremely uncomfortable, Ling Siye was furious, her fingers moved, and ten pieces of poker roared in the direction of Fei Si!

If you don’t say it, let’s fight until you say it!

But the next moment, Ling Siye’s pupils were constricted, only to see Fei Si smile, he raised his left hand to his body, and then, the ten pokers that could easily cut the throat of the evolutionary actually stopped in mid-air!

The card body kept shaking, because of the high-speed rotation and even made a whistling sound, but there was still no way to get close to Fish!

“Beautiful lady, anger is not good, it will make your skin wrinkled Fei Si smiled and said, his left index finger slightly bent, exhaling ——! The ten pieces of poker seemed to have received a huge force and bounced away from Feth’s side! Ling Siye’s pupils widened, what did this man just do?! ”

Why can I easily resist my attack?! As if he had done a trivial thing, Fei Si walked in the direction of Ling Siye with the holy book in his hand, with a victorious smile on his face,

“Swallow return and flapping wings!”

Along with the cold words, the sharp sword qi came suddenly, and Fei Si looked sideways, only to see that a dozen sword qi were entangled with each other, and their middle was condensed, but the front and back sides were opening a large mouth, like the tail of a swallow, and they were rushing towards his face at a very fast speed! This is an upgraded version of Yanhui!

At the same time, another pleasant voice also sounded at the same time, “High Heaven Xuan Rain!” ”

Above Feth’s head,

Suddenly, a blue array of light appeared out of thin air, and almost as soon as he looked up, countless blue points of light surged up on it, turning into raindrops and dripping down towards Fei Si’s head!

Lu Chengqi and Xiao Yueqing shot at the same time at this moment, because after seeing Ling Siye’s attack blocked, they immediately realized that this sudden appearance of the Inquisitor was not comparable to the group of evolutionists they had killed before, and only when the two of them shot at the same time could they have a chance to defeat him! The sword qi strikes, the raindrops fall, no matter which side of the attack Fei Si is resisting, he will not be afraid of the other place!

But Fei Si just stopped, and then pressed the three fingers of his left hand towards the air, and a very strong breath burst out from his side, the sword qi on the left side and the raindrops above his head, and at the same time, he stopped strangely in front of him, just like the poker of Ling Siye before!

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