But this time, the crowd found some clues, originally they thought that this was a similar boundary to the time, but this time Fei Si released more breath, so several people found that the sword qi and raindrops were constantly trembling, and the air in front of Fei Si was also constantly trembling, and the pupils of several people shrank violently, this guy… It seemed to cause a vibration in the air, which made their attacks stop!

At this moment, the holy scripture in Feith’s hand emitted a soft white light, Hum!

Xiao Yueqing only saw that the air in front of her was shaking violently, and her and Lu Chengqi’s attacks also dissipated in an instant with this violent shaking!

The smile on Fei Si’s face was even worse, he turned his head to look at Xiao Yueqing and Lu Chengqi who looked solemn, his eyes fell on their hands, and the essence of his pupils bloomed, he had only noticed Ling Siye before, he did not expect that there were two women with the same outstanding posture and a pair of slim jade hands!


Feith’s expression was extremely happy,

“It seems that I have good luck today, I came to the East once, and I actually met three beautiful young ladies.”

“Beautiful fucking big-headed ghost!”

With a roar, Ling Siye summoned the poker again and headed towards Fei Si’s rapid attack, only this time it was not ten, but eleven!

This was her extreme operation, and a huge amount of spiritual power filled her body, causing a series of visible green tendons to emerge from her neck! Xiao Yueqing was also cold as ice at this moment, and together with the angry Lu Chengqi, he also burst out with full strength, releasing an attack on Fei Si again, three different attacks emitted a huge force, the evolutionists on the way were only slightly touched, and they died immediately, but Fei Si sighed.

“Anger is really bad for the skin, but I’m very picky about food… Before the words fell, a dazzling white light burst out from above the holy scriptures, and the five fingers of Fei Si’s left hand pressed down at the same time, humming! ”

The air in front of him suddenly appeared in a wave visible to the naked eye, the vibration spread out from his fingertips, rapidly expanding, and the three attacks were immediately shocked into nothingness by the shock force at the moment of contact! Lu Chengqi and the others changed their faces and were preparing to dodge, but before they could make a move, they were directly hit by the rapidly coming shock force! Bang!

Several people flew out in an instant, crashing into the wall on the other side of the platform, their mouths spitting out blood, anger in their eyes, trying to struggle to get up, but they found that they had no strength to stand up again!

I could only watch as the group of evolutionists grinned and approached them! This guy is superclass!

And not the usual special grade!

Several people finally realized this at this moment, and the bulging robe on Fei Si’s body fell, and he looked at the evolutionists around him faintly, “You guys get out of here.” ”

The evolutionists flashed red in their eyes, and immediately left without saying a word, they were ordered by Hollis, they needed to unconditionally obey the instructions of Feth, Feth had a happy smile on his face, and walked to the three captains, the reason why the evolutionists appeared here was to restrain the sixteen guards, originally he did not know the strength of these people, so he did not show his face, anyway, the evolutionists are not his people, even if they die more, they will not be distressed, and now they find that the captain of the Sixteen Guards can’t beat himself at all, so he let them leave. After all, the next time was his time to enjoy food, and he didn’t want anyone to disturb him.


A tiger roar suddenly appeared, Fei Si only saw a transparent fierce tiger pounce in front of him, and immediately the force of the finger false press triggered the vibration, shattering the tiger, but his brow was wrinkled, only to see that after the tiger was scattered, it turned into a pool of water dripping on the ground, and he still smelled a strong smell of wine in it!

Click, click, click.

The sound of footsteps sounded, and Chai An walked to the three women with the wine bottle,

“I couldn’t imagine that the boy had really guessed that Holtlis would really cooperate with the angels of the West.”

After he took a sip of wine, his eyes narrowed to look at Feth,

“I’m the person in charge of this operation, and now you’re beating them up like this… J…”

Chai An’s squinting eyes opened suddenly, and the sharp eyes inside them were exactly the same as before.

“If I don’t kill you, it’s hard for me to deal with that boy——!”

On the first floor of the business center, the team members who had retreated before were sitting on the ground for a long time, “You say Captain, what did they find?” ”

“Who knows, there should be enemies,”

“I feel that the enemy this time must be even stronger than before, otherwise Captain Chai would not let us leave.”

“Then do we want to contact support?”

“The communication equipment is broken, how to contact?” And now there are disasters everywhere, and there are no more people. ”

“Alas… If only the captain was there, he would definitely wipe out all these miscellaneous pieces in minutes! ”

“Special! After Lao Tzu goes back, he must double his exercise and strive to kill a few more pieces of miscellaneous pieces next time! ”

Fang Xiameng did not participate in the discussion between them, but seriously looked at the petite fire phoenix in front of him, he was going to put it in his arms, so safe, but this little guy was not willing at all, so Fang Xiameng had to hold her carefully in his hand, but even so, he was also pecked by it several times, and now they stayed on the first floor waiting for the captain of them, there was nothing else to do, Fang Xiameng was ready to tease this little fire phoenix again, but just when he just held out his hand, The action was sudden, he seemed to hear some strange sound, Fang Xiameng looked up, only to see that there were several team members around him who also had the same expression as him, several people looked at each other, looked at each other, signaled everyone to be quiet, and then looked towards the entrance to the underground on the first floor, and the sound was coming from there, clicking.


Could it be that the captain is back to them?!

Several team members looked happy and were about to get up, but they were pulled by Fang Xiameng, “It seems that something is wrong!” ”

Everyone was stunned, and then they also found footsteps coming from the passage, there were many, very messy, not at all like the captain’s footsteps, who was it? Clicking, the footsteps were getting louder and closer, and even the shadows of the people in it could be faintly seen, and Fang Xiameng’s face changed suddenly, “Run! ”

As he spoke, he slammed the small fire phoenix on the ground in the palm of his hand and ran towards the outside desperately, because he had just clearly seen that out of the passage were a group of evolutionaries dressed in black robes!

Why did the Evolvers appear on the first floor of the Trade Center? Captain Chai, Captain Shaw what about them?

Couldn’t they have easily killed this group of evolutionists before? What the hell is going on down here?!

Fang Xiameng’s heart was a mess now, but he had no time to think about these questions at the moment, the evolutionists were at least second-level level, with the strength of their squad could not be defeated at all, the only thing Fang Xiameng could do now was to complete the task given to him by Lu Chengqi and take good care of the small fire phoenix in his hand.


A terrible cry sounded behind him, and Fang Xiameng’s heart was suddenly shocked, he knew that it must be which team member was caught up by the evolutionary, but he did not dare to turn back and did not dare to pause, just run forward with a sullen head! Bang!

Fang Xiameng knocked open the door of the commercial center and ran to the street, he did not choose to run towards the branch next to him, although there were team members, but now there were only some people without combat effectiveness, could not lead the enemy over, Fang Xiameng’s figure turned, running towards the street on the right, but his footsteps just moved, only to hear a bang, a fireball flew from his side, hit a shop in front, instantly triggered an explosion, Fang Xiameng did not react, immediately hit by the flame wave, the whole person fell to the ground, The little fire phoenix also rolled out of his hand

“The boy is running very fast!” Eh… How can there be a little bird here? ”

A mournful voice sounded at the side of the body, and then he saw a hand grabbing in the direction of the small fire phoenix, Fang Xiameng was shocked in his heart, and immediately ignored the pain in his body, slammed forward and protected the small fire phoenix in his arms.

“You special!”

The voice was furious,

“Give that bird to Lao Tzu, hear that?!”

The next moment, Fang Xiameng only felt a pain in his back! That Evolver is kicking him!

Fang Xiameng’s aching teeth grinned, he had been injured before, and now he was kicked a few times by a second-level evolutionary, making his face instantly pale.

“Let go!”

The evolutionist saw that Fang Shamon was not obedient, and the force on his feet was even greater

Fang Xiameng’s forehead was sweating with pain, but he still refused to let go, there was only one thought in his mind now, his strength was low, and he did not play a half role in this incident, since Captain Lu asked him to take good care of Xiao Huofeng, then even if he died, he would have to complete this task!

One foot, two feet, every kick will make Fang Xiameng snort, he feels that his consciousness has become somewhat blurred, he suddenly remembered a person in his heart, if he is as strong as that person, maybe the result now will be completely different…

Suddenly, Fang Shameng felt that his body was light, and the evolutionary did not kick? But he still did not dare to get up, but the next moment he heard a scream above his head

Fang Xiameng’s face changed suddenly, because he could hear that this was the scream of the evolutionary!

Fang Xiameng suddenly looked up, only to see a white-haired teenager standing in front of him, and in front of him was the evolutionary being, who was now motionless, and his foot had been broken, showing an extremely distorted angle.

The teenager pointed at the evolver and looked at Fang Xiameng, “Just now he kicked you, is that the foot?” ”

The teenager reached out and helped him up, Fang Xiameng kept his head down and knew where he could only keep nodding his head, he was already excited and unable to speak!

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