On the fourth basement floor of the trade center, Fei Si looked at Chai An in front of him, and his expression looked a little surprised, “You said you were going to kill me?” ”

He seriously looked at Chai An’s appearance in front of him, wearing a green hat, with a beard, looking more than forty years old, the whole person looked a little thin and weak, Fei Si couldn’t help but laugh out,

“As you are now, I’m really afraid you’ll break up your old bones later.”

Chai An snorted coldly, did not speak, he poured a mouthful of wine into his mouth, and then squirted forward!

Suddenly, the wine spat out of his mouth turned directly into two mighty giant tigers, one after the other, and pounced on Fei Si one after the other! Chai An is the transcendent of the spell system, and the ability of the spell system needs to be launched with a certain substance as a medium, such as Lu Chengqi who belongs to the same spell system, the medium is the spell flute she holds, and the bottle of wine in Chai An’s hand is his medium, which can inject the liquid he touches into his own extraordinary power and turn it into various attack methods!

Fei Si looked at the tiger that was rushing towards him and did not dodge, and he smiled with some disdain,

“Sixteen Guards’ Super-Rank Strongman, is this only one move?”

His left hand was raised, three fingers pressed falsely in the air, and an invisible vibrational force was generated from his fingertips, radiating forward in a wavelike way, 봄

The first wine tiger was touched by the shock force, and was suddenly shocked back to its original form, re-transformed into wine spilled on the ground, the shock force continued to move forward, and in an instant, the second fierce tiger was scattered, and the corners of Fei Si’s mouth revealed a contemptuous smile.

“What a fool…”

But before he could finish speaking, his face changed, because he found that the Chai An who had originally stood in front of Lu Chengqi and the others had actually turned into a pool of wine and fell!


Fest exclaimed,

“It’s late!”

A voice appeared behind him, Fei Si suddenly turned around, only to see the real Chai An appear behind him at this moment, Fei Si was shocked in his heart, and immediately pressed his finger again, releasing the shock force to fight back against Chai An, but where would Chai An give him this opportunity, only to see the extraordinary power on his body suddenly burst out, the green uniform he was wearing exploded, and the pupils of everyone shrank, only to see that under Chai An’s uniform, he was actually wearing a strong muscle that was extremely inconsistent with his appearance! Gollum, the muscles in Chai An’s arm swelled sharply! The next moment, a fist wrapped in thick blue light slammed into Feth’s face!


Feth’s body was instantly knocked away, hitting the subway behind him, and sinking deep into the carriage along with the metal door! Lu Chengqi and the others, who were being treated by Jiang Yi’er, looked a little surprised at this moment, only to see that Chai An’s upper body was now naked, revealing a strong body of tendon flesh, and there were new and old wounds of all sizes on it, and countless scars were almost all over his entire body! They had never seen Chai An shoot, and the other party had always been an obscene uncle who loved gambling and drinking in front of everyone, where did they think that this guy was not only a strong person in the spell department, but also had such a strong tendon meat on his body!

Moreover, the scars that could not be counted also made everyone understand that Chai An’s real personality was completely different from the way he usually appeared! Now Chai An, full of sharp breath, he seriously stared at the subway in front of him, the look did not relax in the slightest, when the initial evolutionists appeared, he did not move, because there was no need, and Lu Chengqi Although their strength has improved, but after all, it is a short-term promotion, or some vanity, just through those evolutionists to help them consolidate their strength, and then Fei Si appeared, Chai An did not shoot at the first time, because he sensed the heavy energy fluctuations on the other side, And at first, Fei Si made Ling Siye’s poker stagnate, and almost made Chai An think that the guy had the same special bounding power as Shi Wei, which made him need to observe more, and later after Xiao Yueqing and Lu Chengqi also joined the battle, Chai An found that this guy named Fei Si, every time his left hand moved, it would produce a kind of vibration energy, and it was this rapid vibration that offset the attack of Xiao Yueqing and others, and although this vibration could not be seen, Xiao Yueqing and others suffered a big loss. However, Chai An discovered a flaw in Feith’s attack method through the damage of the things around him! That is, every time Fest attacks, the vibration will only fluctuate in one direction, that is to say, the opponent’s attack is not insoluble, but there is a dead end!

So he first used two consecutive identical attacks, making Fei Si think that his greatest power was this long-range attack, thus relaxing his vigilance against himself, and then under the cover of the water wave refraction formed by the two wine tigers in succession for the second time, he quietly created a doppelgänger with the wine, and his own body was converging his breath, and when Fei Si released the vibration towards the front, he came to the dead corner of the attack – Fei Si’s body, and then integrated the extraordinary power into the flesh and punched out a punch with strong explosive power.

In the incident of the old Japanese division invading the headquarters twenty years ago, countless high-level super-mortals were killed, and Chai An was only a first-level supernatural at that time, he could survive the attack of the three super-level strongmen on the other side, and even cooperated with Lin Xinzhi to pass a few moves with Holtlis, just by virtue of his keen battlefield judgment ability, the ability to control the enemy’s flaws, and his strong body that had been strengthened by the supernatural force! Syllable!

The carriage door was bounced off, the figure of Fei Si rose from the carriage, now he looked a little embarrassed, there was a damage to the black and white robe, there was a clear red mark on the left side of his face, Fei Si reached out and wiped the corner of his mouth, looking at the blood on his hands, his body trembled, a anger rose in his heart, making the gentleman’s expression on his face disappear, fierce and vicious emerged, he stared viciously at Chai An in front of him,

“Being interrupted while enjoying a good meal is a rude act that costs a price!”

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