As soon as he finished speaking, Fei Si pressed his two fingers falsely, and a vibrating force was like a wave of water, swaying in the direction of Chai An!

Chai An’s eyes lit up suddenly, every time Fei Si released the vibration, the dead corner position formed was different, he had not yet thought of how to crack the method head-on, so he had not taken advantage of the chase before, just to wait for Fei Si’s initiative, and now, the opportunity came!

This time, the dead end is not behind you, but on the left!

Chai An’s figure disappeared in the same place, instantly appeared next to Fei Si, and immediately punched him in the ribs! One

A sound of broken bones sounded, Fei Si let out a scream in his mouth, and the whole person’s body was instantly knocked away, crashing into a stone pillar, the stone pillar collapsed violently, and a large pile of rubble fell to bury Fei Si in it, “I didn’t expect Captain Chai to be so fierce…”

Xiao Yueqing wanted to struggle to stand up, but he was stopped by the pain of the injuries on his body, so he had to continue to lean against the wall to receive Jiang Yi’er’s treatment, just at this moment, several people saw that the white holy power suddenly bloomed out of the rubble pile, Fei Si’s figure had just been revealed, and the shock attack was once again heading towards Chai An! This time it’s overhead!

Chai An immediately recognized it, and as soon as his footsteps moved, he appeared above Fei Si, but Chai An’s face suddenly changed, only to see that Fei Si almost at the moment of Chai An’s action, he raised his head, and at this moment he showed a strange smile in front of him, looking at Chai An in mid-air, is it deceitful? Chai An’s heart jumped, and then he saw the corner of Fei Si’s mouth grin widely, “Caught Oh~”

The next moment, Feith’s left hand was no longer the same as before, just two or three fingers in the air, but violently clenched into a fist! Airplanes!

An energy several times stronger than before erupted from Fes’s left fist in an instant! The powerful shaking force even formed a faint ripple in the eyes of everyone!

This attack was like a sphere, starting from Feth, the pot encompassed the entire space, forming an attack with an extremely wide range and no dead ends!

Chai An was in mid-air, unable to change his body, and he was extremely close to Fei Si, and he was the first to bear the brunt of it, he gritted his teeth and tried to fight against this force, but in the end he still did not resist, his body was violently catapulted to the ceiling, and then fell heavily to the ground!

The force of the shaking continued to spread, and everywhere they went, the floor was instantly lifted, and the remaining sixteen guards present were all bounced onto the wall, spitting out a mouthful of blood and fainting, even Xiao Yueqing was affected again, and their faces became even paler before!

“I heard Hhotlis say before that there are many people in the Sixteenth Guard, so their plan to invade the East has been blocked.”

Fei Si slowly walked to the ground lying on the ground, without any movement, his whole body soaked in blood Chai An,

“I didn’t believe it, but after seeing you, I kind of believed it.”

“Sure enough, it is a mysterious oriental country, and even a guy in his forties can hurt me.”

Between words, the holy scripture on Feth’s right hand began to emit a white light, and the light covered his body, which made his previous injuries begin to recover slowly, and even the broken ribs before were gradually recovering.

The gentleness of the previous appearance appeared on Feth’s face, but now that everyone saw this expression, they felt a false sense of nausea rise in their hearts.

Fei Si moved his body for a moment, satisfied with the recovery of the power of holiness, now he already felt that the pain in his body had basically disappeared, he walked over to Chai An, kicked the other party hard, Chai An’s body flew up instantly, hit the wall and fell softly, but he did not make a sound, and no breath appeared on his body.


Fei Si looked at Chai An in surprise, the other party’s eyes were now closed, his forehead was full of blood, and there was no fluctuation of half a breath.

“Che, how strong did I think it would be?”

“Captain Shiba!”

Lu Chengqi and the others instantly became red-eyed, looking at Chai An in disbelief, not wanting to believe that the bad old man who liked to drink and like to bet, in many team members called obscene, died like this, but in their perception, Chai An’s body really did not have half a breath.

“Didn’t you say that after you went out, you had to buy another bottle of the same sparkling wine for the persuasion?!” How can you talk without counting! ”

Lu Chengqi shouted madly, but the injuries on her body made her unable to get up, she could only look at Chai An’s direction with tearful eyes, at this time, Fei Si’s eyes lit up, his favorite was the expression of this kind of person when he was sad, the emotion that escaped from the depths of his heart would make him become extra excited, Fei Si’s reach out and grab, a long sword on the ground flew into his hands, Chai An was indeed an extremely powerful opponent, he even in order to win this victory, at the expense of his own rib breakage, Only to lure the other party to the top of his head, and finally burst out ten percent of the vibration force, only to kill this sixteen-guard special level strongman, although the body can recover, but the previous kind of pain is real, which makes Fei Si’s heart become impatient, he hurried to Lu Chengqi and others, can’t wait to eat their beautiful fingers, at this time, Fei Si’s face suddenly appeared a strange smile, only to see Jiang Yi’er angrily stretch out his hands, blocking in front of Lu Chengqi and others who could not move, Fei Si smiled lightly, This little girl was just an extraordinary person of the auxiliary department, and she didn’t have half a bit of combat power to speak of, he just gently waved Jiang Yi’er and flew away, “Little girl, don’t worry, I’ll come to you right away…”

Saying, he raised his long sword and split it towards the fingers of Lu Chengqi, Fei Si was a Westerner, Lu Chengqi’s blond hair made him like it very much, but at this moment, Fei Si’s heart suddenly produced a palpitation, he subconsciously flashed to the side, poof!

A bloody arrow passed through his chest, piercing the hole in the wall in front of him and flying out! A sharp pain came, Fei Si turned around to look at it suddenly, only to see Chai An, who he thought he had died before, was lying on the ground and holding out his index finger to himself, Fei Si’s expression of anger was extremely distorted, if it were not for the last kind of palpitations, let his body move a little, Chai An’s last attack would really penetrate his heart! Just a few millimeters away!

I died at the hands of this guy! Chai An’s mouth was full of blood, he was indeed very badly injured before, although the shock force of this attack did not see any injury on the outside, but it was extremely destructive to the most vulnerable internal organs of the human body, Xiao Yueqing They have not recovered now after being hit, not to mention that he was hit at close range by the shock force of Fei Si, Chai An fell into a coma at that time, and then after waking up, he tried his best to cover up his breath, even if he was kicked by Fei Si, he endured severe pain and did not react at all. It was for this time, in order to use the blood he spat out as a medium to unleash the spell, and shoot out a blood arrow that gathered all his remaining strength! Looking at the pierced blood on Feth’s body, he felt his eyelids becoming heavy, and in a trance he saw Fest walking towards him angrily, “This is not dead…”

Chai An whispered weakly to himself,

“I thought I could break through this boy’s heart…”

Chai An only felt that his consciousness was getting heavier and heavier,

“Eh, there’s really no way… The white-haired boy… I do this… It’s paid off… Your bet is on it…”

Listening to the footsteps that stopped in front of him, Chai An closed his eyes weakly, bang!

A thudding sound suddenly sounded in front of you, followed by the creaking sound of the carriage being hit, and someone was fighting?

Chai An tried his best to open his eyes, and vaguely saw a white figure appear in front of him.

“If you die here, the bets owed to me will not be counted.”

It was a young voice, and Chai An felt that this voice was unusually familiar, but he also felt very strange, because he had never heard the boy speak in such a cold tone, and the cold made him feel that the temperature around him had dropped a lot…

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