Jiang Yi’er and the others looked at the figure standing in front of Chai An, and first reacted for a few seconds before the person who came was silent.

“Holtlis, this dog bastard, actually dared to deceive the old lady!” When the old lady is well, she must slaughter this bastard! ”

Ling Siye scolded in a low voice, her eyes fell on Shi Wuyi’s body, before Holtlis told them that Shi Wuyan had been eaten, Ling Siye was still a little serious at the time, and now he suddenly realized that it was just a lie that Holtlis had told in order to disturb their minds.

“I knew you would be fine… How can you be so powerful to be given by Holtholis…”

Lu Chengqi couldn’t cry, she had already cried into a tearful person, this was the most tragic and difficult battle she had ever experienced, not only had countless innocent people died, even several of their captains had been beaten without the ability to fight back, and Chai An had just almost died at the hands of Fei Si, Lu Chengqi was very afraid that he would also die, so that he would never see him again and not say anything.

Chai An forcefully opened his blood-captivated eyes, and finally saw who was standing in front of him.

“The white-haired boy… I knew it…… You’re definitely not going to die… The corners of Chai An’s mouth grinned softly, revealing a proud smile.”

“How… The last blood arrow of Lao Tzu just now… Isn’t it handsome…”

Cough cough cough.

Chai An’s face changed, coughing up a mouthful of blood, he looked in the direction of the unspoken, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

“The white-haired boy… If I go down… Remember to order good wine at this time of year in front of my grave…”

Without saying a word, he stretched out his hand to press on his neck, Chai An immediately closed his eyes and fell into a coma, when he did not say a word, he leaned down, did not care about the blood stains on Chai An’s body, picked him up and walked to Lu Chengqi and the others, and gently put him down on the ground and lay flat, Jiang Yi’er hurriedly trotted over,

“Captain Chai, how did he pass out?”

Shi Bu Yan wiped the blood stains on Chai An’s face and whispered,

“Yi’er, use the altar of a bhikkhus.”

Jiang Yi’er nodded, summoned the bhikkhu altar that she had unfolded before, on the stone pillar condensed by the extraordinary power, the koi gushed out a blue clear spring, completely covering the bodies of the people, constantly restoring their qi and blood, this is Jiang Yi’er’s last extraordinary power, before because she was afraid that the bhikkhu altar would be shattered by Fei Si, so she had not dared to use it, and now that the time is not saying a word, naturally it can be used with confidence, and when it is not said that she will go over and hug the sixteen guards around them, who were stunned by Fei Si, Let them lie side by side in the clear spring.

Shi Wuyi looked at Chai An, only to see that the other party’s previous weak breath was slowly recovering, and it was obvious that his abdomen was visible, and rhythmic breathing undulated.

Previously, Chai An thought that he was about to die, but it was not said that he could see that although there was bleeding in his body, but because he had integrated the extraordinary power into the flesh and blood, it had played a large buffer against the vibrational force of Fei Si, so in fact, the injury caused was lighter than he thought, although it was still very serious, but after receiving Jiang Yi’er’s treatment, he was sure to be able to ease up, but he himself was affected by the pain in his body, and his brain was also affected by the vibration force. As a result, the control of his own situation is not accurate, so he will think that his life will not be long, but if he does not faint him from time to time, let him spend his mind there all the time, maybe there will really be a big problem.

Shi Buyan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Su Ruquan, the medical captain, asking her to rush over immediately for follow-up treatment.

The message was just sent over, I felt a petite figure pounced on me, I looked down without saying a word, only to see Jiang Yi’er holding himself tightly, and a whimpering cry came from the head buried in his waist, Shi Wuyi sighed, gently touched Jiang Yi’er’s head, and his eyes fell on Lu Chengqi and others in front of him, “Let you suffer…”

Lu Chengqi was crying now and couldn’t speak, while Ling Siye snorted weakly, tilted his head to the side, and did not dare to look at Shi Wuyi’s gaze.

“This is the duty of our sixteenth guard, but we are not as skilled as people…”


Although he said this on his lips, the afterglow of the corner of his eyes was secretly looking at Jiang Yi’er, who was tightly hugging Shi Yi’er, who was not saying anything, and there was some envy in his eyes.

At this moment, she heard a female voice ringing,

“I’m not afraid of suffering, what I’m most afraid of just now is that I will never see you again…”

Ling Siye turned her head violently, and the violent movement made her grin in pain, but she didn’t care at all, her eyes were wide open, and her face was full of incredulity, because it was not Lu Chengqi she thought she had just said that sentence, but Xiao Yueqing, who had always been known for her coldness! Wait a minute!

What are the droplets in the corner of this woman’s eyes? Could it be tears?!

Ling Siye was shocked, she had always felt that only the gentle ones like Lu Chengqi and Jiang Yi’er would cry

But I didn’t expect Xiao Yueqing, an iceberg-like woman, who had just looked pale and in pain, couldn’t move, just inhaled a cool breath, and now she actually shed tears without saying a word to Shi!

Xiao Yueqing did not care about Ling Siye’s gaze, she looked straight at the time without saying a word, she has been known for her strong swordplay since she was a child, no one of her peers can win over her, after the independent awakening to become an extraordinary, it is even more that she has left the people around her far behind, is the most talented person in recent years among the sixteen guards, but Xiao Yueqing is not happy, because she finds that she is not happy, somehow there is no one who can talk, all the people who come into contact with her, or covet her beauty, Or they just want to use her strength and status to make some profits.

Although Xiao Yueqing is amazingly talented in swordplay, she is very clumsy in interpersonal communication, often does not control the sense of distance, and occasionally has two people who really want to make friends with her, and will also become estranged after a short contact…

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