This made Xiao Yueqing once extremely disappointed, after discovering that there was no possibility of any change, Xiao Yueqing no longer chose to try, she closed her heart, no longer said superfluous words, began to spend all her time and energy on exercise and tasks, and became the iceberg beauty in everyone’s mouth.

Xiao Yueqing thought that she would continue like this, but the appearance of the time was silent, but it was a crack in the eggshell that made her wrap herself, the frankness of the first meeting directly called the name, the clear and bottomless eyes without distractions, the unscrupulous style of acting, the ethereal in the nest like the arrival of the gods, the patience of teaching herself, all of which made Xiao Yueqing have a different kind of emotion without saying a word, but she has never understood the love between men and women, and she did not know what kind of emotion this is. Until just now, Fei Si walked towards them with a sword, and she was infinitely close to death, Xiao Yueqing found that the first thought that flashed in her heart at that time was not the fear of death, but the smile of Shi Wu, at that time she suddenly understood her feelings for Shi Wu, so she now looked at Shi without saying a word, even if she vaguely guessed the relationship between him and Lu Chengqi, Xiao Yueqing also had to boldly express her intentions! Because, she did not want to regret it before she died, as she had done before.

Ling Siye looked at Lu Chengqi and Jiang Yi’er, who were still crying bitterly, as if they hadn’t heard Xiao Yueqing speak, and then they saw a ghostly expression, and their eyes moved back and forth on Xiao Yueqing’s body and Shi Wuyi’s body, “Do you know what you are talking about?!” 】

[Do you know that your injuries are not good yet!] 】

[Do you know that this is very meaty!] 】

Do you know that you are just confessing ah!!! 】

Ling Siye’s heart was roaring madly!

Without saying a word, he reached out and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Xiao Yueqing’s eyes.

The subway behind him made a noise, only to see that at the sunken carriage, Fei Si’s figure was struggling hard, rubbing Jiang Yi’er’s head without saying a word, gently releasing her arms from her waist, and then walking towards the subway.

As soon as he turned around, Shi’s expression was instantly cold, and the softness was for those close to him, not for the enemy!

When Shi Buyan had just arrived at the trade center, he smelled the blood in it, and only saw the members of the Sixteenth Guard, and did not see Lu Hengxi and Chai An, which made his heart sink at that time, originally he wanted to use Cang or He to directly kill those evolutionists, but that might mistakenly hurt the sixteen guards who were very close to the enemy, so he adopted the physical technique combined with the attack method of the spell, and in the process of killing the enemy, he found that the body was scattered everywhere in the trade center. This made a chill rise in his heart, and then on the way over, he saw the scene that Lu Chengqi and others had seen before, that kind of corpses piled up into mountains, full of broken limbs and skeletons, and the space was full of a hellish scene with a strong smell of blood, which made Shi Wuyi’s heart chill even worse, although he was not a saint, but watching how innocent people turned into cold corpses appeared in front of him, it also made the endless anger rise in Shi Wu’s heart, and when he arrived here, Just saw the scene where Chai An, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, released the blood arrow to save Lu Chengqi.

Then, after observing the situation of the crowd through the six eyes, the unspoken anger completely reached its peak! Although the sixteen guards were unconscious, but basically there was no major trouble, Jiang Yi’er’s body was not serious, but there were several bruises on the body, which were obviously formed after being overturned and fell to the ground, they were not affected much, and Lu Chengqi, Xiao Yueqing, and Ling Siye were not only several impact injuries on their bodies, but also had bleeding in their bodies, even under the treatment of Jiang Yi’er’s bhikkhu altar, it would take at least half an hour to restore the ability to act independently, not to mention the rest of Chai An. The injuries were almost so severe that they were dying! In the end, if he didn’t appear by himself, then not only would Chai An die, but Lu Chengqi would also be killed by that guy one by one! This kind of behavior was even worse than the old priest before he did not say anything, and it had already touched his bottom line!


The subway made a noise again, and Feth finally struggled to get out of the carriage, he shook his head, feeling a little dizzy, he reached out and touched his forehead, looked at the blood on his hands, his face became angry, he looked at him and walked towards him without saying a word, “Who are you?!” ”

He didn’t say a word when he didn’t know, but he knew that this white-haired teenager was very strong, and just now he didn’t even notice half of his breath, and he was directly knocked unconscious.

“I have no vendetta against you, why did you suddenly attack me?!”

Fei Si did not say a word when he saw it, he looked at the surrounding environment, saw Lu Chengqi and others who were receiving treatment, he showed a natural expression, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Oh, whose boyfriend are they, you said it earlier, I’ll let them go.”

Fei Si smiled and looked at Shi without saying a word, but his heart became a little frightened, at first he was ready to attack Shi Wu as soon as he woke up, but now he suddenly found that the breath of the other party, with the continuous pace of moving forward, was rising at a rapid speed, and in a few words, it had reached an extremely terrifying level!

A deep throbbing rose in Feth’s heart!

Thinking of the previous side’s silent blow to stun himself, let him suddenly disperse the idea of fighting with Shi Wu,

“Everyone is under the shroud of divine brilliance, and everything can be discussed…”

“Shut up.”

When he pulled off his blindfold, he couldn’t hear any anger in his voice, but from those extremely magnificent blue eyes, he saw the boundless chill that almost froze him! Firth did not give up, he smiled awkwardly,

“There are good words…”

Without saying a word, he stretched out his hand, and a heavy subway door flew into his hand, and then slammed into Feith, bang!

Fei Si turned his head to look at it with some trembling, only to see that the door had smashed directly through the carriage, and half of it was embedded in the wall behind him! Fei Si suddenly realized what kind of army, turned back sharply, only to see a fist rapidly enlarging in front of his eyes! Fei Si didn’t have time to react, he was hit by a huge force, and his body smashed into the subway car again! But this time, just listening to the explosion of the bang, the huge subway instantly broke into two sections!

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