Ling Siye looked a little surprised

“Sleeper! Broken! ”

She knew how much force it would take to damage this tens of hundreds of tons of things, and she had previously used the power of mind

It took a lot of effort to just pull the car door, but now it’s just a punch

Just cut the whole subway in two

The power contained in this can be imagined: “Poor Fiss, it must be in pain.” Although she said so on her lips

Joy jumped on his face

He also turned his head to look at Chai An, who was lying next to him

“Uncle Mole, get up and watch the good drama!” ”

Fei Si struggled to get up from the subway, and his appearance at the moment looked very messy, and the robe had almost completely broken and collapsed

The left side of the face is swollen high

His face was full of dust and blood, and he looked down and spat out a mouthful of blood

The unspoken look in his eyes looked very jealous at the attack he had just made

He already felt it

The breath of the moment is extremely special

Completely unlike the extraordinary power possessed by the Sixteen Guardians, it was more similar to the spiritual power of the people of the old days

Thinking of the few words that Holtlis had told him before, Fest quickly reacted

This suddenly appeared in front of me

The white-haired boy who beat himself up without the ability to fight back was under the church before

The newcomer whom Holtlis had warned Ange not to despise was silent.

[Worthy of being a man who is comparable to that general, this kind of strength is indeed terrifying!] 】

Firth whispered in his heart

He was a little irritated

[Didn’t you say that you should let the Ange guy restrain this without saying a word?] How could he be here now? 】

Come to think of it

A thought suddenly arose in Feth’s mind


[It must have been calculated by Holtlis, who brought the time without saying a word, and wanted to kill me.]

I knew that this group of despicable guys of the old days would certainly not easily hand over the Divine Skeleton to me! 】

Thinking of this, Fetus’s expression changed unpredictably

He suddenly flashed an ugly smile toward the time

“You are the genius boy who did not say it, please,” Fei Si said without speaking

The silent figure moved again

Instantly appeared in front of his eyes

Then the fist slammed into his head! But at this very moment

The force of the shock suddenly erupted from above Feith’s left hand without a slight movement of the eyes

The figure flashed in another location


The force of the vibration hit the wall behind the place where he had previously stood, and blasted the wall into a large pit

The wall skin also fell off a large layer.

“Sneak attack! What a sinister and despicable little man! ”

Ling Siye roared angrily

Fei Si didn’t care that Ling Siye’s scolding had disappeared the smile on his face

A deep malevolence ensued that had previously shown no regard for his face

Speaking to a silent and low-pitched plea for forgiveness is not wanting to fight with the other party

But Shi Wuyi did not give himself face and directly began to fight


Firth simply gave up the idea of peacemaking.

“It’s pretty quick to hide!”

The voice did not fall

Feth’s left hand kept pressing in the air

Several successive vibration waves attacked Ling Siye’s expression from all sides and became a little nervous

“Don’t make a hard connection!”

She whispered

The force of vibration is a very special force that is not only almost invisible to the naked eye

And even if it’s perceived

It will also be deceived by its appearance like a wave of water that it is a force with no lethal power

Ling Siye and a few people had thought that they had not evaded in time

As a result, he was shocked by the force of the vibration into his body and injured his internal organs.

Ling Siye’s fist clenched tightly

The mood changed as the silent figure flashed, “Can you just keep hiding?” ”

“Not necessarily.”

Chai An’s voice rang out

Under the clear spring of the bhikkhu altar

He had regained consciousness but could not act yet

Now with the help of Jiang Yi’er, he leaned against the wall and watched the battle ahead with Ling Siye and the others.

“What’s the solution?”

Ling Siye was a little excited

“Each time he attacks, it seems to be a huge range, but there will be a dead corner that can only be controlled at a good time.”

“Besides, isn’t there a way to break it head-on?”

“Yes there is, but it’s almost impossible.”

Chai An hesitated

“What a method, talk about it!”

“Feith’s attack is to produce a rapid vibration of your own energy, and when released, you can counteract the attack of others, and this is the principle of your attack that suddenly stopped in front of him.”

Chai An’s expression was serious

“It’s like a vibrator, if you want to crack it, you need to know the amplitude and phase of each vibration of Fiss, and then create a vibration ability with equal amplitude and opposite phases, so that the vibration force of Fiss can be cracked head-on.”

Chai An shook his head

“But the frequency of each vibration of Fith is different, and the speed is extremely fast, if you want to crack it head-on, you must make a judgment on the energy at the moment when Fiss releases the shock wave, and put it into action, and there can be no mistakes.”

Ling Siye’s excitement collapsed

“Listening to it is a big head, not to mention the implementation, which requires too high the accuracy of the power and the ability to react!”

Chai An sighed

“It’s really excessive, so it’s impossible for anyone to do this, but the only way to do it is in theory, and the only way is the shock wave dead end I mentioned earlier.”


Chai An’s eyes lit up

“There is a flaw on the right.”

He found Feith’s connection attack

A tiny untraceable hole appeared in his right direction

A shock wave dead angle with a range of about one meter appeared.

“It’s time to strike!”


Almost at the moment when Chai An said these words, the figure that dodged the shock wave without saying a word instantly disappeared and appeared in the dead corner to the right of Fei Si, and the dark red spell covering his legs

A whiplash with the sound of breaking the air

Just jerk towards Feth’s waist!

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