Firth walked out of the pit with his hand against the wall, his body shaking uncontrollably, the whole person had been beaten into a human form, “It’s so cool to see this guy being beaten!” ”

Fei Si listened to Ling Siye’s voice, the pain in his body and the shame in his heart rushed up together, and he wanted to scold loudly, but his teeth had been knocked out for the most part, and he couldn’t say a complete sentence at all, he could only be angry and keep shivering, Ling Siye looked at Fei Si’s wretched look, and the whole person laughed and trembled.

“You see the book that the guy was holding in his hand before fell off.”

When she was about to drink Coke again, she found that the holy book on the ground began to emit white light, and then turned into a stream of light and merged into Fei Si’s body, and then Fei Si’s trembling stopped, and his body began to emit white light! The white light became more and more abundant, and suddenly became extremely dazzling, so that everyone could not help but close their eyes, until the white light faded, everyone looked, could not help but shrink their pupils, the look was instantly solemn, only to see that at this time, Fei Si’s body was stained with a hazy white glow, the swelling on his face disappeared, the bones shattered arms had recovered, the rest of the injuries disappeared, even the previous worn-out robe was restored to its original state again, in addition, on his head was even more appeared, a white aura like the angel in the mythological story! Click.

A metal cracking sound sounded, and the black shackles on Feith’s left ankle shattered, turning into countless small fragments and converging behind Feith, mixed with white light to form a pair of huge wings!

It’s just that the color of the wings is not pure white, but with an extremely eerie black gray! Coke flowed on the ground, but Ling Siye ignored it, her look was extremely stunned, if it were not for the pair of black and gray wings behind Fei Si that seemed to be somewhat contrary, his current appearance was almost like a legendary angel!

“Can this guy really turn into a birdman?!”

Ling Siye murmured, Lu Chengqi frowned tightly,

“Do the people in the correctional center have the same powers as the old priests?!”

“God shines brightly, and all beings are equal!”

Fei Si opened his arms and shouted loudly to the sky, the Holy Book was the source of his strength, and now it was integrated with his body, while bringing him stronger strength, the holy power contained in it would also repair the injuries on his body as before, which made Fei Si’s mood become extremely happy, and even dared to speak in front of the silent face, he looked at Lu Chengqi and the others with disdain,

“This is ‘divine grace,’ and don’t compare it to the lowly powers of those demons…”

A sound of metal friction interrupted Fish’s words, only to see Shi unspeakably stretch out his hand, a heavy car door was torn from the subway and flew to the hands of Shi Shi, the cracking sound sounded, and the door rotated and threw towards Fei Si! Bang!

The car door touched the stone pillar in front of it, instantly smashing it into pieces, as if it had hit a piece of tofu, and it continued to roar in the direction of Feith!

But this time, Fei Si’s face was completely unafraid, he had a soft smile, just gently reached forward, and the door with huge force was firmly caught by him! Then his hand shook slightly, and the car door flew back along the spot at a faster speed! Shi WuXian turned his head slightly, dodged the door that turned back, boom!

A loud crashing sound sounded behind Shi Wuxian, and Lu Chengqi and the others looked through the dust that had been lifted, and countless cracks appeared in the wall, and the car door was almost completely trapped in the wall! The crowd took a breath of cool air, and they realized that when the door flew out of Fish’s hand, the power contained in it was greater than when it was thrown without words! How come?!

Didn’t this guy get beaten up completely without saying a word before?! How come now that the power has changed so much?! Fei Si’s expression was somewhat self-satisfied, it seemed that he was extremely satisfied with his performance this time, and the reactions of Ling Siye and others, he originally wanted to taunt Shi Wuyan twice, but the moment his eyes fell on Shi Wuyan’s body, the smile on his face froze, damn!

Why is this guy still this look!!!

Didn’t he feel the power of the blow I had just hit?!!! In Fei Si’s eyes, Shi Wu’s expression was still as cold as before, and those pale blue eyes looked at Fei Si, without any emotional fluctuations in them, as if they were looking at a dying person… The whole person is like an eternal cold ice, emitting a cold and breathtaking cold.

Damn it! Damn it!!

Damn it!!! Anger suddenly arose in Fei Si’s heart, and he looked at Shi Shi without saying a word, and Shi Bu Shi’s figure had disappeared in the same place at this moment, and when he reappeared, the fist covered with spell power had already arrived in front of Fei Si’s body!

“Hey hey, this shit is really not long-lasting, and you will be beaten up again after you say it!”

Ling Siye didn’t say a word when she saw it, and became happy again, looking forward to Fei Si’s nose and swollen face being beaten again, but then her expression was a delay, only to see that Fei Si actually did not use the power of vibration, but also extended her fist, it seemed that she was going to directly fight with Shi Wuyi!

“Is this guy crazy?!”

Ling Siye looked at Fei Si in surprise, he actually chose to hard connect the silent fist! Who is it?

Be the one who broke dozens of tons of subway with one punch! And when it doesn’t say anything, that chowder hasn’t been beaten enough before?! But the next moment, her eyes shrunk, only to hear a dull flesh crashing sound, Fei Si and the silent fist against each other, but Fei Si’s figure did not move, but stood firmly in place!

He really took the silent fist!

This chowder power is now so strong?! Ling Siye looked at Lu Chengqi and Xiao Yueqing, seeing them also had a surprised expression, and then looked at Chai An, this uncle’s eyes were poisonous, he could definitely see something!

But I saw that Chai An’s brow was also locked, and he seemed to be very confused about the current situation…

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