Another muffled sound was heard, and Shi Buyan threw another punch, but Fei Si actually took it steadily! Fei Si’s face was smiling, but his heart was extremely angry, because even in this situation, Shi Wuyi was still that kind of indifferent expression!

“Don’t hold on!”

Fei Si did not hold back after all, his expression became angry, but in response to him, it was another fist swing without saying a word! Bang bang bang!

The speed of the unspoken punches was getting faster and faster, and in just a few moments, his fist had turned into a shadow and kept falling towards Fei Si’s body! It’s just that……

Even though each of his punches was strong and heavy, and the sound of the breaking wind brought out reached the ears of Lu Chengqi and others more than ten meters away, his fist was still taken down by Fei Si’s punch! Ling Siye was already confused, wasn’t Fei Si remote?

How did it now become a melee fight? Still playing with the time without saying a word?! She wanted to ask Chai An and the others, but found that they were still confused.

“I feel… Their battle seems a little strange…”

Jiang Yi’er, who was on the side, suddenly opened his mouth, and everyone’s eyes instantly converged on the past, “What’s strange?!” ”

Several people opened their mouths together, and the fiery gaze startled Jiang Yi’er,

“Don’t look at me like that… I said it casually…”

“Yi’er, it’s all right, what did you find out though?”

“Before I watched you fight, that kind of powerful punch will be.”


“A burst of air came out,”

“Shi Wuyan and the man’s movements were too fast, I couldn’t see clearly at all, I could only listen to the voice…”

Jiang Yi’er scratched his head in embarrassment,

“Every punch seems to be very heavy, I can hear the sound of breaking the wind, but the sound of the fist hitting is very small… And I didn’t feel the usual kind of air waves… It’s like, as if…”

“The power in Shimo’s fist is absorbed!”

Xiao Yueqing took over the conversation, and her eyes looked deeply at Jiang Yi’er.

Xiao Yueqing was an extraordinary person in the Department of Physical Arts, and it was reasonable to say that she should be the first person to discover this problem, but now the first to notice this was Jiang Yi’er, who was an auxiliary department.

However, after a little thought, she understood, just because they are the extraordinary people of the combat department, so they will pay more attention to the situation in front of them, the way of fighting between the two and the strength of the strength, but Jiang Yi’er does not understand the battle, she can’t see those things at all, she can only observe the battle through her own senses, so naturally she also found this strange point.

Everyone looked forward again, and after shifting the focus of attention this time, they found that as Jiang Yi’er said, each time the two of them would make a small muffled sound against each fist, but the air wave formed by the energy impact was not generated once!

“Yue Qing, you are from the Department of Physical Arts, do you see anything?”

Lu Chengqi frowned and asked, Xiao Yueqing was silent for a while, and only then did he hesitate to speak,

“I feel like every time I punch it, Feth’s body seems to become a little illusory… It could also be that they moved too fast and I was wrong. ”

“You read that right.”

Chai Ann’s voice suddenly rang out, “You know what? ”

Ling Siye looked sideways, and when he saw that Chai An’s previously tightly locked brow had been unfolded, he knew that this old boy must have found something again.

“Every time the cub fights, his body will shake rapidly, causing the kind of situation that Captain Xiao said looks a little illusory.”

“The body vibrates?”

“Well… How do I explain it to you? ”

Chai An thought for a moment,

“Put it this way, the ability of the free cub is the power of vibration, and he previously released this energy to make the air vibrate, so it produced an invisible shock wave.”

“What about now?”

Now he was introspecting his energy, allowing himself to vibrate in order to counteract the unspoken attack. You can look at the present Fei Thought like an infinite number of springs.”

Chai An’s expression was very serious,

“Every time I hit my fist without saying a word, it is the same as hitting the spring, and the original force of 10% of the spring, once the spring shrinks, it becomes 50% or even 30%.”

“But the force doesn’t go away, it catapults out as the spring stretches, and the force gets bigger, just like when you play with a trampoline, every time you force the trampoline, it will bounce you higher.”

Ling Siye understood,

“No wonder that shit can go down that door and bounce back with greater force,”

“I thought his strength had grown, and it turned out to be fighting with the power of the moment!”

But her brow frowned,

“But he’s been so shaken, hasn’t he been able to beat him all the time?!”

“This miscellaneous person is not very good, but there are a lot of means!”

Chai An smiled and shook his head,

“No, if you look at the boy’s expression, he must have found out a long time ago.”

Ling Siye looked at the sound, only to see that although Shi Wushi’s fist was taken over by Fei Si every time, his expression did not show any decline, still the same indifference as before, Ling Siye thought of the previous response to Fei Si’s shock wave, Shi Wushi’s face was also such an expression,

“He’s looking for a way to crack it?!”


Chai An laughed.

“So what’s the cracking method this time?!”

Between the words, the breath on Shi Wuyan’s body began to churn, the dark red spell force continued to emerge, and a smile appeared at the corner of Chai An’s mouth, and he said word by word,

“Ren Er has thousands of means, and I broke it with one punch!”

As Chai An’s voice fell, they seemed to hear the space they were in, and there was a slight crackling sound of lightning, only to see a fist fall without saying a word, and at the moment of colliding with Fei Si’s fist, the breath soared! The dark red spell power changed, instantly turning into a series of jumping black lightning! Black flash!


A terrifying wave of air burst out from between the two of them in an instant, wrapped in a terrifying aura that made people shudder, and swept through the whole field in an instant!

The crowd lowered their arms that shielded them from the wind and dust and looked ahead, and the next moment they became extremely shocked, only to see that Feth was still standing where he was, but his right arm had disappeared, and he was constantly dripping blood, and behind him, there was a huge pit! Ling Siye couldn’t help but snort, she only felt her scalp tingle now! She recognized it, this was exactly the trick that she had used to blast the two old priests in front of the abandoned factory!

“This time that guy won’t be restored like a spring again…”

Ling Siye murmured,

“The spring is a spring after all, the force is too great, but it will be crushed.”

Chai An’s eyes flickered, although he was mentally prepared, but now he was still startled, and the threat of a punch without saying a word was so terrifying to this point!

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