
Everyone looked at Fei Si’s miserable condition, and they couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air for him, and without saying a word, they walked to Lu Chengqi and gently kissed her on the face, and Lu Chengqi’s face instantly turned crimson!

The shocked eyes of the crowd shuttled back and forth on the two of them, specially!

I thought the two guys were a little close before, but I didn’t expect to be really together!

Shi did not care about their gaze, at this moment the coldness on his face finally faded,

“He has been deposed by me, and if you want to vent your anger, although he could have chosen a simpler way to kill Feth, the anger in his heart before can only be calmed down again through this feeling of fist to flesh.”

“So what are we going to do next?” What about you? ”

Chai An asked, his expression was a little strange, it was Lu Chengqi who did not say hello at the time, Ling Siye and a few of you were not kissed, why did you also become blushing?!

“The medical rescue team will come soon, and you will just listen to it.”

Shi WuXian said that although the two captains had already gone to Shi Zhaogang, and the night had also passed, but Shi Bu Yan was still a little uneasy, the matter here had been settled, and he had to hurry up to get past, and the remaining two pieces of parchment should also be on that Ivy’s body, Shi Wuxian was not worried that after he left, Holtlis would appear here to do something to Lu Chengqi and the others who had been seriously injured and unhealed, because in the text message sent to him by Elder Lin, it showed that the divine skeleton in purgatory had been taken away as Shi Wuxian expected. Then Holtlis should be very busy right now and there is simply no time to be here again.

Shi Wuyi’s eyes looked at Fei Si, “I, now, will go to Shizhao Port.” ”

After speaking, his figure disappeared in the same place.

“He’s really gone…”

Xiao Yueqing murmured that her current mood was a little lost, and she had plucked up the courage to say those words to Shi Wuyan before, but Shi Wuyan did not respond to her confession until she finally left.

But at this time, I suddenly felt that a hand grabbed me, Xiao Yueqing looked sideways, only to see Lu Chengqi’s eyes burning over, Lu Chengqi’s face was still crimson, in fact, at the beginning when Xiao Yueqing said those words, she heard it, but she didn’t know how to react, so she had to pretend not to hear, and now seeing the lonely look on Xiao Yueqing’s face, Lu Chengqi’s heart was not very comfortable, after tangling for a moment, she finally made up her mind, stretched out her hand that was still a little painful, and pulled Xiao Yueqing. She looked at Xiao Yueqing very seriously,

“Shi Wuyan must be in a hurry to deal with other things now, so he didn’t respond to you.”


“It doesn’t matter, if he doesn’t respond when the war is over, I’ll go to him with you.”

“Eh… Yes?! ”

Xiao Yueqing had not yet opened his mouth, Ling Siye and Chai An shouted first, the two looked at Lu Chengqi with a strange look, Lu Chengqi was red again by their faces, he did not speak again, just looked at Xiao Yueqing seriously, in fact, this problem Lu Chengqi has been thinking about for a long time, Shi Wuyan is really too good, whether it is appearance or strength or other aspects, it is simply too strong!

Originally, after being with Shi Buyan, Lu Chengqi was very happy, but then she found an unexpected trouble, Shi Wu’s strength is not something that she can bear alone, she must find someone to share it, and even she also marked Jiang Yi’er’s idea for a certain period of time, after all, that little girl is an auxiliary system, which can help people restore qi and blood and energy.

Now that Xiao Yueqing had expressed his intentions, it was just right! Maybe we’ll be able to play dressup together later!


Xiao Yueqing did not know what Lu Chengqi was thinking, carefully observed the expression of the other party, and saw that Lu Chengqi’s expression was extremely sincere, and the joy in his eyes agreed.

“Eh eh eh eh eh eh!!!eh eh eh

Ling Siye and Chai An called out at the same time, but the mood of the two was different, Ling Siye was half ashamed and half happy in her heart, she had some good feelings for Shi Buyan, originally saw Shi Buyan and Lu Chengqi together, thinking that she was determined to have no play, and now it seems that there is a little chance again…? And Chai An is resentful and angry, special!

This boy really didn’t let him live! I am forty-two today, I am still an old bachelor, this boy not only has Lu Chengqi been collected now, but his girlfriend has also taken the initiative to find another one for him?! It’s crazy! It’s just unreasonable!

It’s just… It’s so envious…! Chai An’s eyes left tears of envy.

At this moment, a faint wail sounded, drawing everyone’s attention to the past, only to see Feth lying on the ground, constantly emitting painful sorrows in his mouth.

“What a poor man…”

Ling Siye smacked his lips, and then mobilized the power of the mind, and the knife that Fei Si had dropped in front of him suddenly took off, and then directly inserted into Fei Si’s leg.

A terrible scream suddenly sounded, but none of the people present felt that Ling Siye had done something wrong, and this kind of hypocritical scum was not too much to go into hell and go to the oil pot.

“What are you in charge of in a correctional facility?”

Chai An casually asked, he wanted to divert his inner sadness, Fei Si only cared about wailing, did not want to answer Chai An’s question,

“What kind of dumb are you pretending to be?!”

Ling Siye’s mood was very good, she controlled the power of the thought, and twisted the knife inserted into Fish’s thigh, and the scream sounded again, and the sharp pain made Faith immediately say, “Loyalty, loyalty!” ”

Chai An looked at Fei Si doubtfully, “Is it really loyalty? ”

Fei Si was afraid that Ling Siye would move again, so he hurriedly said, “Really! I am truly the Seventh Judge, Steward Loyalty! ”

Chai An was almost angry, Fei Si, as a servant of the angels, not only violated the previous covenant and joined forces with the guys of the old Hiji, but later in order to survive, he used the sixteen guards to join forces with the old Hiji as a bargaining chip, and wanted to beg to spare his life without saying a word, this kind of rebellious person would actually hold the “loyalty” of the seven virtues?!

It’s a joke.

Suddenly, Chai An thought of something, and he looked sideways at Ling Siye,

“Find something to smash his collar.”

Ling Siye was first stunned, and then he also reacted, Fei Si now had almost no intact place on his body, but only the position of the collar remained intact, which was obviously a deliberate act of the time.


The Coke can slammed over, only to hear a slight creak, and then a bug the size of a fingernail crawled out of it.

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