The look of the crowd was suddenly stunned, because the bug was not an ordinary bug, but a chaotic spirit with red eyes!

Ling Siye immediately controlled a stone to crush it to death, “It turns out that he meant it. ”

Chai An laughed, laughing very happily,

“Real boy… It’s so strong! It really made me have to obey! ”

Ling Siye asked incomprehensibly,

“What did you do without saying a word?”

Chai An smiled and replied,

“Before the boy left, he told Fei Si that he would go to Shizhaogang, and I thought he was looking at the wrong person.”

“Now it seems that he was deliberately speaking to the Chaos Spirit, or rather… It was deliberately said to Holtlis behind it! ”

Ling Siye was shocked, “Hollys?! ”

Chai An looked in the direction of Fei Si, Ling Siye looked at it, only to see that Fei Si’s expression now seemed very surprised,

“Looking at his expression, he should not know that there is a chaotic spirit lurking on his body, so there is only one possibility, that is, when Holtlis came to deliver something earlier, he quietly put it on him!”

“As for its purpose… I guess it should be to monitor the situation here, but looking at this, the boy must have found out a long time ago! ”

Ling Siye was shocked, and found out early in the morning?! Thinking of this, she herself felt incredible, that little bug had no combat power at all, and was easily smashed to death by herself with a Coke can, but in the power duel at that level just now, Shi Wuyan was able to completely hurt that little bug in the case of destroying Fei Si!

What precise force control does this require?! And he deliberately stayed there after he found out, which is clearly a kind of contempt for Hollis, who is watching! Every punch he threw without saying a word was not only on Feth’s body, but also on Hollis’s face! At this time, Fei Si was a little sluggish, he originally thought that the first stop when Shi Bu Yan came was here, but when he did not say anything about breaking the magic weapon in seconds, although Fei Si still did not know how Shi Bu Yan broke the sealing magic weapon, but seeing the indifference and proficiency that Shi Bu said at that time, Fei Si immediately understood that Shi Bu Yan had already gone to find Ange, and what kind of end Ange was now, Fei Si could think with his toes!

Feth’s heart was full of regret, if after he got the angel wreckage, he was not tempted by Holtlis’s words, for Lu Chengqi to stay with them, but chose to leave directly, then he would not have encountered that terrible time at all! Now I will not lie on the ground and wait for death, but I have already left Haiyuan City and am on my way back to the punishment center.

Fei Si had thought so, but the Chaos Spirit that had just come out from under his collar was shocking to him!

The thought in his mind was racing, and Fei Si immediately thought of something, although Holtlis had given the skeleton to himself, but he had no intention of letting himself get out of here alive! That Chaos Spirit is a locator!

As long as he leaves here and goes to a place where no one is, then Holtlis will immediately appear, kill himself and snatch the skeleton again!

And according to his own understanding of Hollis, this possibility is extremely high!

Although this would break the soul silk placed in the punishment center, and the remaining six judges would immediately know the fact that he was dead, as long as Holtholis, all the responsibility was pushed to the sixteen guards, and the judges would not be able to distinguish between true and false! Knowing this, he should not have agreed to cooperate with Holtlis in the first place, and directly chose to cooperate with Shi Wuyi, that teenager was not only terrifying in strength, but also far superior in wisdom and strategy!

Perhaps after helping the Sixteenth Guard to destroy the old Riji, they will still recite their own merits and give themselves the divine skeleton in purgatory, instead of being like themselves now, not only will the divine skeleton be taken away without saying a word, but they will also immediately enter death! Fei Si’s heart was agitated, and the sharp pain that came from everywhere in his body and the deep resentment in his heart made his eyes full of terrifying blood! Suddenly, his pupils widened suddenly, and then the whole person froze there…

Not long after, Chai An and the others heard a burst of footsteps coming from overhead, only to see a figure wearing a white coat appear in front of them, “Captain Su, you can be considered to be here.” ”

Su Ruquan gave a faint sigh of grace, and she spat out a puff of smoke, “I heard that there is a judge from the West here?” ”

Chai An turned to Nunu behind Su Ruquan, “Lying there.” ”

Su Ruquan turned to look, only to see a beaten inhuman man lying behind her, she walked over to check it a little, and found that the other party’s whole body was injured, although the strength of each blow was extremely strong, but every injury would only bring pain, not fatal!

At this time, it is not only extremely accurate to control the power, but also to the structure of the human body is also accurate and frightening! Does this guy still understand human body?!

Su Ruquan was shocked in her heart, because if she wanted to cause such an injury, even if she came personally, she who specialized in medicine, she would not be able to do what she did not say at the time!

“How’s it going?”

Chai An asked, Su Ruquan let out a deep breath, and then looked up at the crowd,

“Dead, the cause of death was shock caused by severe pain… and cerebral hemorrhage caused by extreme resentment. ”

And at the same time, in a church in the far west.

In an empty room, six judges holding holy scriptures were sitting upright, and in front of them was a huge statue of an angel with several candles in front of them, each of which was suspended with a white silk thread, snapping.

A faint voice sounded suddenly, but it seemed exceptionally clear in the silent room.

The six people instantly opened their eyes and looked at the candle flame on the far right, the white silk thread had broken in two, falling into the candle flame and emitting a strange white flame.

“Feth’s soul is broken…”

Time to go back to the time when the riots in Kaiwon City had just happened.

Table world, the southernmost part of Kaiwon City, Ishizhao Port.

A middle-aged man was nervously waiting in place, accompanied by an old lady with long sleeves.

When the sun was shining, the man’s forehead was hot and oozing sweat, but he had no intention of going into the shade to hide, and from time to time he looked at the distant pad, as if he was waiting for someone, suddenly, his eyes lit up, only to see that there were two figures coming rapidly not far away, and the man could not care about sorting out the uniform on his body, and hurriedly beckoned his subordinates to come forward.

“Two captains, you can be considered to be here!”

The man’s name is Ah Wei, the commander of the Sixteenth Guard Branch, who is responsible for the security of the southern district of Kaiwon City, including the Shizhao Port who had the accident.

Tang Wanwan, who was dressed in a leather coat, muttered,

“The matter is urgent, Captain Yan and I will rush over first, and the rest of the support will come later, and it will arrive soon.”

“You should report back here immediately, and don’t miss any suspicious details!”

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