Ah Wei gave a happy thanks, originally thought that there would only be a captain, but he did not expect that the headquarters had actually sent Tang Wanwan, the captain of the field team, and Yan Muqing, the captain of the technical development team, to the headquarters this time! Then it seems that there is no problem with this cruise ship hijacking incident! When he was about to tell this story again, after listening to it, Tang Wanwan frowned and looked at the old lady next to Ah Wei, “Is it the police you reported?” ”

“Yes! This morning my daughter said she was going to a meeting and got on the cruise ship. ”

The old lady’s face was wrinkled, looking about the same age as Lin Xinzhi, and the old man’s voice was full of anxiety.

“Then I called her, but after a few words, I heard her scream from the other side of the phone, and then the phone hung up!”

“When I called again, the phone was no longer answered, and I was afraid!” My house is not far away, right next to the port, so I immediately ran to the police! ”

The old lady stepped forward and grabbed Tang Wanwan’s hand, “Sir, my daughter she…”

“Rest assured, we’re here to solve this matter!”

Tang Wanwan solemnly shook the old lady’s hands, and her tone was extremely firm,

“I promise Tang Wanwan! Even if I take this life, I will save everyone, including your daughter! ”

After speaking, Tang Wanwan’s look suddenly became displeased, and she looked at Yan Muqing beside her.

“How? Am I saying something wrong? It’s that uncomfortable expression again.”

Yan Muqing was putting her hand under her nose at the moment, her eyebrows were lightly raised, her expression looked a little disgusted, she gently glanced at Tang Wanwan, “It’s really a brainless woman.” ”

“Yan Muqing!”

Yan Muqing ignored Tang Wanwan, who was instantly furious, and her gaze asked while looking around for something,

“Don’t you smell anything strange?” It stinks… Like the smell of rotten. ”

Tang Wanwan’s anger stagnated, and she understood that Yan Muqing’s expression before coming over was not aimed at herself, but smelled some strange smell, she also sniffed her nose, but only smelled the sea breeze.

“Maybe it’s the smell of fish and shrimp over there,”

Ah Wei reached out and pointed to a pile of dead fish behind him,

“There are often fishing boats throwing some dead fish there, and usually there will be special people cleaning up every day, but today the situation is special, it is not too late…”

Ah Wei smiled sarcastically, but that being said, he didn’t smell any strange smell himself, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, the captain from the headquarters was just powerful, and his nose was so much more spiritual than theirs.

Suddenly, a ringtone rang, and Yan Muqing and Tang Wanwan pulled out their mobile phones at the same time, only to see that it was a text message from an unknown number.

[The cruise ships held hostage by Ishizhao Port are three, a total of about three thousand people, there is a bomb on the cruise ship that will explode in thirty minutes, the bomb is unknown on which cruise ship, the jealousy of the old day division is in that place, the above information is said by Holtlis on the phone, not to be fully believed but not to be believed.] The “elevator” was vandalized and I was coming at full speed, looking to be careful. Listen to the moon at night. 】

Yan Muqing and Tang Wanwan were more and more shocked the more they looked at each other, every time they read a sentence, their expressions became solemn, and when they saw the last person who dropped the money, they were even more shocked, the general she would come personally?! Although this is an unknown number, both of them know that this must be a message sent by the general, because their current mobile phone has been specially encrypted, and those who know the number can only be the management level of the sixteenth guard! Tang Wanwan’s face changed, and she immediately grabbed Ah Wei’s collar,

“Are you sure a cruise ship was hijacked today?!”

Ah Wei was also stunned, and the sweat of Dou Da instantly oozed from his forehead,

“Captain Tang, really! This old lady is still here! ”

He turned his head hard and looked out at the sea,

“You see, it’s parked there, and there is the wreckage of our damaged police boat on the surface of the sea next to it.”

When Tang Wanwan looked at it immediately, she only saw that on the distant sea, there was a small ship shadow, and a few hundred meters away from it were several faintly visible black dots.

“Don’t worry, think about it, are there any other cruise ships departing from Shizhao Port to the sea today?”

Yan Muqing narrowed her eyes, gently attached her hand to Tang Wanwan’s hand, signaling her to put Ah Wei down, although she liked to fight with Tang Wanwan, but now there was a new situation, making the situation more critical than before, there was no time for her to tease Tang Wanwan… Tang Wanwan snorted and let Ah Wei go, Ah Wei swallowed his saliva, and then began to desperately recall, and soon his eyes widened sharply.

“I remember! There is indeed only one cruise ship going out to sea today, but two passenger ships went out earlier! ”

Tang Wanwan was about to continue to ask, Yan Muqing reached out to stop her, and said softly,

“Have you contacted them?”

“Nothing… You! Come here! ”

Ah Wei summoned a port manager and asked him to immediately turn on the hands-free phone to call the two passenger ships registered.

Beep beep beep beep beep…

Every time the prompt sounded, everyone’s hearts were cold, and no one answered!

“I’ll play again…”

The manager opened his mouth in a panic, and he now realized the seriousness of the problem!

“No more.”

Yan Muqing stopped him,

“How many people are on those two passenger ships?”

Managers hurriedly check the registration information,

“One is eight hundred and twenty-seven men, one is nine hundred and thirty-two… J…”

“Can you locate them?”

The manager shook his head with a bitter face,

“No sir… Our electronic devices don’t know why something went wrong… Does not function properly. ”

Yan Muqing nodded without any expression, and then looked at Tang Wanwan, both of them saw the same information from each other’s eyes, the disappearance of these two passenger ships was definitely not accidental!

Other words……

The message that the Admiral sent by Holtlis—most likely true! Nearly three thousand people were really taken hostage by that Ivy!

Now this matter has become quite tricky!


Dozens of team members appeared behind Tang Wanwan, and they were the subordinates brought by the two.

Tang Wanwan’s eyes flashed with essence, and she glanced at Yan Muqing beside her, without any verbal communication, but they all instantly understood the meaning contained in each other’s eyes.

This is a special tacit understanding formed by their years of fighting, and the personnel arrive and act immediately! At this moment, there are still twenty-eight minutes before the bomb explodes!

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