Tang Wanwan looked at Ah Wei in front of her,

“How many boats are there that can be used now?”

“There are still a dozen or so ships, all in the port location, ready to go!”

Tang Wanwan’s eyes flashed with essence, and her eyes sharply scanned the crowd,

“All obey the order, now in addition to the cruise ship being hijacked, there are two passenger ships missing!”

“You are divided into three groups, one group to search for the missing passenger ship, and the other two groups to follow me and Captain Yan to the cruise ship!”

“Everyone immediately got on the boat and went to sea!”

Although the general said that she was coming soon, now Tang Wanwan knew that there were nearly three thousand people in the hands of Yi Wei, and there was a bomb on it that was about to explode! Now that her subordinates had arrived, she decided not to hesitate to act immediately!

Now they have too little information, but if they leave a minute early, those on the ship will have a little more hope of being rescued! Then she looked at Ah Wei again,

“You are here on standby, the communicator is not available now, as soon as something happens, immediately inform you by text message!”


Tang Wanwan strode toward the port position, but as soon as her footsteps moved, she felt her hand being pulled, and when she turned her head to see, it was the old lady who had reported her feelings before.

“Please, sir, let me go with this old woman!” My daughter is on it! ”

Tang Wanwan frowned,

“No, it’s dangerous, you can’t be with us.”

The old lady burst into tears,

“My daughter on that ship!” She’s younger than you! Even if… My wife is going to see her face too!” ”

Tang Wanwan frowned, and then used her eyes to signal Ah Wei to come and take the old lady away, they are not going to play, the front is very dangerous, how can it bring an elderly old lady?!

“It’s all right, just let her go with her, I can understand her mood, and maybe help her in this operation.”

Yan Muqing opened her mouth to stop Ah Wei, who was about to come over, she gently supported the old lady, and her expression looked a little serious.

“This operation is very dangerous, it may go… You can’t come back, have you thought about it? ”

The old lady did not hesitate for a moment, and her look was very firm,

“As long as my daughter is okay, my old bones will be all right!”

Yan Muqing narrowed her eyes and smiled, Tang Wanwan frowned, she didn’t like Yan Muqing to smile like this, she looked like a fox.

Soon, all the people had already boarded the glance boat, and Ah Wei stood on the shore and shouted loudly to the crowd,

“About three hundred meters or so away from the cruise ship, there will be an unknown force that can cut off the police boat, so be careful!”

Tang Wanwan waved her hand and signaled, then ordered her men to start the yacht and sail towards the cruise ship that was quietly parked on the surface of the sea in the distance.

At this time, she and Yan Muqing invariably walked to the front of the police boat, the two looked solemn, spread their perception range to the maximum, and did not let go of any abnormal movements around them, the police boat they were in now was at the forefront of the whole team, the other nine were tens of meters behind them, the two captains joined hands, as long as the unknown force appeared, they could instantly detect it, and immediately take corresponding measures! The speed of the boat is very fast, and the distance between the cruise ship is constantly decreasing, 800 meters!

Seven hundred meters! Five hundred meters!

Tang Wanwan and Yan Muqing’s eyes grew solemn, and the extraordinary power on their bodies was faintly visible, ready to deal with the strange power that was about to appear! Four hundred meters!

Three hundred meters! Two hundred meters!

The two looked puzzled, no! They didn’t feel any other power appearing, and now even if they were under the cruise ship, they didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary!

After thinking about it for a moment, neither of them came to any credible conclusions, so they decided not to think about this matter anymore and to cruise first!

Tang Wanwan gestured toward the Xingzhou boat, which was parked four hundred meters away, and except for the last three that left to find the missing passenger ship, the other six all sailed over.

As soon as everyone boarded the cruise ship, their hearts immediately sank, the deck was scattered with uneaten fruit, the fuchsia wine was poured out of the broken wine glass, emitting a strong smell of wine in the scorching sun, and the faint fishy sea breeze poured into the nose of the people, Tang Wanwan frowned, and many years of field experience told her that it was obvious that the people on the cruise ship, when they were staggering, suddenly appeared some force majeure force, forcibly interrupting their party, and in the disaster events that had been dealt with in the past, Blood and wailing are almost certain to be seen on the scene! But now, except for fruit and wine, Tang Wanwan didn’t see a trace of blood at all, nor did she hear a single movement!

There are nearly a thousand people on this cruise ship, how can there be no sound!

And they can’t disappear out of thin air from this place! So now there is only one possibility, they are forced to concentrate somewhere on the cruise ship, all tied up and unable to move or… Already killed! Tang Wanwan looked at her with a cold look and immediately ordered,

“All of them are divided into three-person teams, enter the inside of the cruise ship to search, and if they find missing people or suspected bombs, don’t act rashly!” Get back on deck now! Be fast! ”

“Sir, I’ll go with you!” I’m going to find my daughter! ”

The old lady looked extremely anxious, and Tang Wanwan frowned, but still stopped a group,

“Take her with you, and probe at the upper levels, don’t go too deep.”


The subordinates were ordered to leave with the old lady.

In an instant, only Tang Wanwan and Yan Muqing were left on the deck, at this time, Tang Wanwan looked sideways at Yan Muqing, only to see Yan Muqing take out a short black stick, and her wrist shook her lips and teeth to open and close, “Butterfly Dream Illusion.” ”

Yan Muqing’s voice was very small, a colorful butterfly appeared from the summoning array in front of her, the two-finger-wide wings flapped slightly, and the figure melted into the air and disappeared into the vision of the two people.

“You’re worried…”


Yan Muqing put up his fingers and interrupted Tang Wanwan’s next words, Tang Wanwan saw that the corners of Yan Muqing’s mouth showed that lazy smile again, and her mind moved, so she stopped talking, closed her eyes and recuperated her strength, quietly waiting for her subordinates to return…

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