As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar,

“Underfoot? Isn’t there sea water underneath? ”

“Is the missing passenger ship in the sea?!”


Tang Wanwan’s look was extremely serious, she briefly explained the situation below, and then looked at the people with shocked faces.

“I know it’s weird, but it’s true,”

“Since there is no missing person here, there is a good chance that it is in the passenger ship below.”

“This is extremely dangerous, and the enemy we are about to face may be even stronger than we think!”

After a pause, Tang Wanwan continued,

“I know that everyone has their own family, if you are afraid of wanting to quit, you can take a step back, and I promise you that there will be absolutely no opinion!”

“Time is urgent, give you ten seconds to think, let’s get started!”

After Tang Wanwan finished speaking, she turned around, and the expressions of the sixteen guards present had undergone subtle changes, although their strength was not particularly high, they were not fools, and they could quietly hide two passenger ships of tens of tons in the sea with bubbles

And it can also take everyone on the ship away in an instant, and now there is no trace of it.

And from the time they got on the ship until now, they didn’t even know what the enemy they were going to face looked like, and when they thought about this kind of strength with their fingers, they could think of how terrifying the enemy’s strength was this time!

“It’s time.”

Tang Wanwan turned around, her eyebrows raised slightly, she was a little surprised, because although the people present could see that there was obvious fear on their faces, none of them flinched!

None of them!

“You little rookies… It was really unexpected to me…”

Tang Wanwan walked to the front of the line, and a member of the team who couldn’t help but shiver suddenly asked in a loud voice,

“Since you are so scared! Why not back off?! ”

The small team members were startled by Tang Wanwan’s sudden strong drink, he forcibly controlled his trembling body, and looked straight at Tang Wanwan and replied loudly,

“Report Captain! Captain Shi said that in this unavoidable war, only by doing our best can we have the hope of living to the death! ”

“Clucking and clucking”

A light laugh sounded, and Yan Muqing’s smiling eyes narrowed, “Okay, then come with me.” ”

Her wrist moved slightly, “Jade Fox Min! ”

A white fox with a jade body emerged from under her short rod, and the tip of the jade fox twitched and ran forward.

Tang Wanwan couldn’t help but skim her lips when she saw Yan Muqing with a fox-like smile again, and then led the crowd to keep up with Yan Muqing’s pace in front of her.

Soon, the crowd, led by the Jade Fox, came to the bottom of the cruise ship and clucked loudly.

The waves outside the window lapped against the glass window, as if they would shatter if they were not careful, and everyone could not help but feel a little shocked in their hearts, but the jade fox was not affected, and kept looking down and sniffing in the room, and suddenly, it stopped in a place, making a whimpering sound in its mouth, and constantly planing the ground with its own paws.

Yan Muqing walked over, and the breath on his body surged, bang!

The seemingly unremarkable floor was slammed open, and instead of seawater seeping out from beneath it, a square hole three or four meters wide appeared.

The eyes of the crowd converged, the pupils shrank instantly, through the mouth of the cave they could clearly see the scene inside, outside was the blue water, in which countless fish were swimming, but it was separated by a huge bubble, the bubble was a passenger ship, which extended some arm-thick silk thread, and the other end of the silk thread seemed to connect the cruise ship that was now located.

And the passenger ship, under the action of bubbles and silk threads, was quietly waiting below them, and at this moment a rope appeared under the cave entrance, connecting the cruise ship below, as if someone had been preparing to be here.

“This Ive… It’s kind of interesting. ”

Yan Muqing softly said to himself, and then took the lead in grabbing the rope and jumping.

The crowd followed them in turn.

“Are you going down too?”

Tang Wanwan looked at the old lady in front of her, and now there were only two of them left.

“Definitely! I can’t see my daughter and I can’t see it! ”

“Okay, then you hold on to me.”

Tang Wanwan hugged the old lady with one hand, and grabbed the silk thread with the other hand and entered the bubble.

Soon, everyone landed on the passenger ship, everyone’s expression was a little hairy, even if they had already stepped on the deck with their feet, but looking at the fish swimming in front of them and the dark bottom of the ship overhead, this strange scene that had never been seen in their lives still made their hearts hairy, which stemmed from the fear instinct of human beings for the deep sea! Tang Wanwan led the old lady to the ground and asked Yan Muqing,

“How’s it going?”

Yan Muqing shook his head slightly,

“I didn’t hear anything.”

The whole Haiyuan No. 116 was silent, and when I was on the cruise ship before, I could still hear some waves, but now after entering the passenger ship in this bubble, there was no more noise in everyone’s ears, only the eerie silence of death, and even without bothering to hear the heavy breathing of the people around them! Tang Wanwan once again ordered everyone to search according to the previous group, this time there were more than a dozen team members, plus the jade fox summoned by Yan Muqing, making the search operation much faster again.


The results of the report are still the same as the last time, and no abnormal situation has been found! There was no trace of a single person either! Tang Wanwan looked at Yan Muqing, and the two of them nodded lightly at the same time, and now the only possibility was that only the missing people in the bubbles further down must be on the bottom of the Haiyuan 78! Led by the Jade Fox, the crowd came to the lowest floor of Haiyuan No. 116, and in the same position, they found the exact same entrance, and even the silk thread that appeared at the entrance was generally long.

This time, the crowd began to hesitate, because from the entrance, the sea below was no longer blue, but began to appear dark black only in the deep sea! Once there is any problem in it, the huge amount of sea water and huge water pressure that immediately pour in will make them immediately fall into an extremely dangerous situation! However, it is now getting closer and closer to the time of the bomb explosion, and there is no room for them to hesitate for a short time!

Damn it! Spelled!

That’s what everyone thinks! Only this time, things are different!

It was still Tang Wanwan behind the palace, and the moment her footsteps just landed on the deck, a ticking sound suddenly sounded in this silent space! All the people’s faces turned happy at the same time, and finally found the bomb! Right here! But the next moment, the faces of the people changed again!

Because they suddenly heard a sissy sound, and with this strange sound, the ticking sound began to gradually become farther away! That bomb – moving!!!

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