Almost instantaneously, the sound of the sissos carrying the tick had disappeared, and the surrounding area fell silent again.

Everyone’s expression was a little frightened, if it was on the ground, maybe they weren’t so scared in their hearts, but now the place where everyone was was in the deep sea where they couldn’t see a trace of sunlight! Even with the lighting, the range of vision they could see was not too large, and the sound of the Sisso, which had just suddenly appeared and then suddenly disappeared, was obviously not the sound of human beings! A whimpering sound sounded, and the jade fox kept spinning in place, unwilling to continue to move forward, as if there was something terrible in front of it, making it become agitated!

Everyone looked at the half-hidden hatch not far away, and they all knew that there must be a chaotic spirit inside, lurking in the unknown darkness, waiting for them to enter it, and then suddenly jumping out of the corner to attack them while they were searching! Tang Wanwan looked at her watch, and her expression became solemn,

“There are now nineteen minutes left before the time limit for the bomb to explode!”

She was a little anxious, although their action was already very fast, it only took nine minutes to search for two ships, but it was not enough!

I don’t know where the enemy is, where the missing person is, or where the bomb will be taken by the Chaos Spirit! They have to move a little faster!

Yan Muqing didn’t say anything, after calming the jade fox for a while, Bento first pushed open the half-open hatch in front of him, and Tang Wanwan saw that his subordinates were also following, so he arranged the old lady in the middle of the line, and he was still in the back of the palace, in case something suddenly attacked from behind.

Under the illumination of the lights, everyone took out their weapons and carefully observed the surrounding environment, this time they did not divide into small groups, but all of them gathered together to act, because this is the end, and there are already traces of the enemy, once separated, there is a great possibility that they will be broken by the enemies lurking in the shadows, Yan Muqing and Tang Wanwan are the captains of the Sixteenth Guard, naturally it is impossible to make the mistakes that only occur in the horror movie.

However, even though dozens of people were together, as the exploration progressed, the crowd became more and more frightened, because in the process of their progress, except for their own sounds, they could not hear half of the sound, could not hear the ticking of the bomb, could not hear the previous sisso, and even the voices of the missing people were not heard.

Where did those three thousand people go?!

Everyone has this doubt in their hearts.

Suddenly, Yan Muqing raised his white arm, signaled everyone to stop, and then looked up, the team’s lights shone overhead, one of the team members couldn’t help but let out a low cry, and then immediately covered his mouth with his hand! But his wildly fluttering eyes expressed the extreme shock in his heart now! I saw that on the ceiling of the cabin, there were white spider webs, layer by layer, and on it, there were several huge cocoons! One of the team members looked at the appearance of the giant cocoon and couldn’t help but ask in a low voice,

“Inside… What won’t be wrapped up is…”

Yan Muqing casually picked it up on the ground, picked up a broken glass shard, and the wrist shard moved rapidly towards the cocoon, and the surface at one end of the cocoon was instantly scratched open by the shard, and then the pupils of the crowd shrank violently! Because they clearly saw that what was revealed in it was a miserable white human face! The cocoon wrapped in it is really a person!

Someone took a breath of cool air, because above their heads, there were still four or five other giant cocoons hanging! Yan Muqing narrowed his eyes, those missing people were really on this Haiyuan 78! She immediately asked her subordinates behind her to put down all the cocoons above their heads, “Captain Yan, they all seem to…”

After the team members tore open all the cocoons to check, the color of grief faintly appeared in his eyes, so that he could not bear to say it again, Yan Muqing just looked at it, and immediately through years of experience, he understood the unfinished words of the team members… All of these people are dead.

She was silent for a moment, and then she said,

“Put them aside, write down the location, and take them out for burial if you have the chance.” The rest move on. ”

The team members took a moment and then began to act according to Yan Muqing’s instructions, although this was a little inappropriate for the deceased, but now they really did not have enough time and manpower to deal with the bodies of these innocent crew members, the three ships totaled nearly three thousand people, and there were more people waiting for them to rescue them in addition to these few.

It’s just that……

Everyone’s eyes were on the corpses with miserable faces, and the rest of them… Is there really a chance of being saved…?

The procession continued in silence, and soon came to the second floor of the hull, and more and more cobwebs appeared in the corridors and rooms, and in some places it was even necessary to remove it in advance to allow the team to continue to move forward.

Tang Wanwan, who was walking at the end of the line, was looking at the surrounding environment with a serious look, when suddenly her ears moved,

“There is a situation!”

A hurried sound sounded, and the whole team immediately stopped, and Yan Muqing raised his short rod.

“Skunk Speed!”

A faint blue light burst out, and a silver-gray scythe appeared in front of her.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the back of the line!

It was the kind of sound they heard when they first boarded the ship! The team immediately turned around and aimed their weapons at the darkness behind them, and the eerie sound was getting closer and closer, as if something was rushing towards them! But just when I could already vaguely see a black shadow, the sound of the sissock suddenly disappeared!

Only the heavy breathing of the crowd could be heard, Tang Wanwan frowned, the black shadow just now was definitely a chaotic spirit, but why did it suddenly disappear?!

Creak! At this moment, a cry similar to leather rubbing suddenly came from the top of everyone’s heads, and everyone was suddenly startled, and immediately looked overhead, and the next moment, the expressions of the people immediately became extremely frightened, only to see a spider larger than a human, with a gust of fishy wind, rapidly enlarging in their field of vision!

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