
Silver light flashed, the spider’s mouth let out a scream, and the huge body fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

Yan Muqing walked over, reached out and touched the scythe that had just been shot, and then looked at the spider, on the deep wound cut out by the skunk, you could see that a touch of red energy was gradually fading, “Sure enough, it is the Chaos Spirit…”

Yan Muqing murmured, and then she reached out and pushed the spider and made it lie on its back, without the slightest regard for the ugliness and disgusting of the corpse, which surprised the members of the field team, but the members of the technology development team did not have any expression, this kind of thing, compared with the research Yan Muqing did in the team, is simply not worth mentioning!

After Yan Muqing looked at it for a few moments, she got up and continued to move forward, but Tang Wanwan, who was at the end of the line, narrowed her eyes, because she saw that at the moment Yan Muqing turned around, the corner of the latter’s mouth revealed that fox-like black smile! This sudden attack made the atmosphere of the whole team more solemn, their movements were more careful, their eyes did not let go of any suspicious corner, Yan Muqing walked to a closed hatch door, and was preparing to reach out and push away, whining! The Jade Fox suddenly let out a cry and then swooped towards the left side of the team.

Yan Muqing immediately withdrew his hand and quickly followed the jade fox, only to see the jade fox stop in front of a gate, his claws kept scratching on it, Yan Muqing looked at the team members behind him, and then took a few steps back, several team members stepped forward to look at each other, and then the two team members slammed open the door, and the remaining team members were glowing blue on their bodies, holding weapons and instantly rushing into the door!

It was just that the enemy that everyone expected, did not appear, here is a vast restaurant, about a few hundred square meters of space, only scattered plates and food, it seems that the people on the ship are eating, by the sudden appearance of the enemy to take away in an instant!

Yan Muqing walked to a table, stretched out his finger to dip the cake on the next plate, put it in his mouth and tasted it slightly.

“What did you find?”

Tang Wanwan stepped forward, Yan Muqing spat out the cake in her mouth, and her lips showed joy, “There are still living people!” ”

It was hot today, but the cake didn’t have any spoiled taste, so it was not long before these people were taken captive! Now that they were about to search the entire passenger ship, they still didn’t smell a trace of blood, which meant that the enemy did not choose to kill the people directly, but most likely wrapped them all in cobwebs as before! Considering that the bomb with a time limit, it can only be used as a condition of being used as a threat if there are a large number of living people! Therefore, Yan Muqing instantly came to the conclusion that these three thousand people must be hiding somewhere now, and there must be a lot of living people among them! Tang Wanwan’s face was also a joy, and she wanted to continue exploring with her subordinates.

Suddenly, the eerie leather rubbing sound sounded again!

This time the sound was coming from the direction of their heads, and it was approaching them at a very fast speed!

So much so that Tang Wanwan’s body had just emerged with extraordinary power, and behind her came a gunshot, and an extraordinary power erupted! Looking at the commotion in the crowd, Tang Wanwan’s face darkened, before the spider disappeared in front of her, and then appeared in the crowd, if Yan Muqing did not react quickly and kill it with a scythe, it might really cause casualties! Tang Wanwan’s breath soared violently, and she shouted angrily,

“Get out of the way!”

The words had not fallen, the figure had jumped into the air, the breath on her body was bulging, all of them converged on her toes, and the rich power made the blue extraordinary power change in form, and it turned into a wisp of golden lightning! Constantly flashing on her feet!

Shine this dark restaurant like daylight!

Let the things that make the sound of the Sissos reveal their bodies, and it is a dozen giant spiders that are larger than people!

“Lightning Strikes Dance!”

With this loud roar, Tang Wanwan’s figure instantly disappeared in the air, like a thousand thunderbolts crashing into the spider swarm! Thunderbolts and hissing sounds sounded at the same time, and Tang Wanwan’s figure was constantly shuttling through the spider swarm, and every shake was accompanied by a golden lightning explosion!

Between breaths, the dozen spiders had all turned into headless corpses! However, although she quickly eliminated the raiding spiders, her face was not too good-looking, because she found that in the riot just now, their number seemed to be a little less… She walked expressionlessly to her subordinates, “Count the number of people! ”


Some of the frightened team members withdrew their eyes from the corpses everywhere and quickly began to carry out the instructions, and soon, the number of people was lightened.


Tang Wanwan hammered the table around her into pieces with one punch! Her face was extremely ugly, four people less!

Two of them were from the field team, one from the technology development team, and the other was the old lady who came looking for her daughter!

“Captain Tang, what do we do now?”

The deputy captain of the field team came forward, not knowing whether to find the missing crew members first, or to find their missing team members first, after all, the team members had just disappeared, and if they followed the trail of those spiders, there was a great possibility that they would be found quickly.

Tang Wanwan was silent for a few seconds, and then her eyes became solemn, “Continue to carry out the previous task!” ”

“Wait a minute.”

Just at this moment, a soft voice sounded, only to see that it was Yan Muqing who opened his mouth,

“You want to go find the missing team members first?”

Tang Wanwan frowned, after the attack just now, now their time has become less!

“No, I agree with your decision.”

“Then you…”

“But before I do that, I need to tell you one thing…”

Thirty seconds later, the crowd marched forward again, the line still dull, but if you had the heart to observe, you could find that under everyone’s seemingly calm expression, there was a subtle shock!

The speed of their march began to increase, no longer worried about drawing out those monsters, and even when facing the cobwebs, they no longer used their swords to clear them, but directly released extraordinary powers, in this urgent atmosphere, the second layer of the passenger ship was quickly searched, and the crowd began to advance towards the last floor, just as their footsteps just stepped on the lowest floor, whining!

A sharp hissing sound suddenly sounded from the mouth of the Jade Fox!

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