The jade fox did not even look back, the figure of a swoop, disappeared in the corner position, the hearts of the people were frozen, knowing that Yan Muqing’s jade fox had an extremely sensitive sense of smell, before it made this kind of call, it was found, but this time it was not like before, waiting for the team to be together after the call exited, but directly running towards the front, this abnormal behavior, there must be a big discovery!

Could it be… Found the lair of these chaotic spirits?! The crowd immediately quickly followed, turned the corner and crossed a passage, only to see the Jade Fox crouching in front of a door, seeing Yan Muqing and the others coming, they jumped up and kept whining at the door in front of them.

Tang Wanwan stepped forward and found that this was a cargo hold of the passenger ship, she lay on the door and listened for a while, found that there was no sound coming from inside, and then retreated to the side, letting the subordinates break through the door, the team members looked nervous, the extraordinary power on their bodies had penetrated the body, but the moment they entered the room, their looks were terrified! Because in the cargo compartment, it is not the lair of the Chaos Turin, nor is there a chaotic spirit, and what is presented in front of everyone is one cocoon after another!

On the ceiling, on the ground, on the shelves… Dense! As far as the eye can see, it is all human cocoons wrapped in cobwebs!!! Sizzle——!

The sound of inhaling cool air sounded in the line,

“Go up and check to see if there are any living people!”


A team member led the way forward, he carefully walked to the front of a person cocoon, reached out and ripped off the cobwebs on it, a very beautiful but pale face of the woman appeared in front of everyone, the team member put his hand under the nose of the other party, and then shouted in surprise behind him, “Live! She’s alive! ”

Although the shouts were very small, everyone present heard it clearly, and the expressions of the people became joyful and excited, and they risked their lives to dive into this strange deep-sea bubble, wasn’t it to rescue these missing people? Although these thousands of people are now wrapped in cocoons, they have finally found them, and more importantly, there are still living people among them!

This made some of the younger players can’t help but get some of their eyes wet.

Tang Wanwan waved her hand, and the team members behind her fished in, tearing those cobwebs one by one, so that the people inside the cocoon were revealed.


“This one is alive too!”

“This one is alive too!”

A series of low cries sounded, more and more living people were discovered, and the dull atmosphere before the whole team was swept away!

“Still a little man…”

Yan Muqing whispered to herself, there were nearly three thousand human cocoons in front of her, one by one to tear, I don’t know when to go, she waved her hand, “Skunk Speed!” ”

“Royal Swallow Wind!”

The silver-gray skunk and the blue and white royal swallow appeared in front of them, allowing the team members to vacate their positions, the wings of the royal swallow waved, and a fierce wind blew in the cargo hold, scraping the cobwebs on the cocoons of many people, and the figure of the sickle was also constantly flashing, and the cobwebs that had not been blown open were cut open with sharp claws.

In less than a minute, the cocoons of three thousand people in the cargo hold were all broken.

“You all go out, don’t block the door!”

Tang Wanwan commanded the crowd to disperse, she knew that these people were sealed in cocoons, and now that they were released, they must need a lot of oxygen.

The team members looked nervously at the people on the ground, and suddenly, a coughing sound sounded, and the woman who was first found opened her eyes and looked at the crowd with a little confusion, you can see that there is still a little fear in her eyes, but the faces of the people are showing joy, and she is awake! Immediately afterward, more and more people opened their eyes and woke up from the previous suffocating coma, their expressions were confused and frightened at first, but after looking at the sixteen-guard uniforms worn by the people outside the door, their faces began to appear with surprise and excitement.

As everyone woke up, the cargo hold began to crowd, “Thank you!” Thank you guys so much! ”

The woman who woke up at the beginning, her body trembling, came forward, wanted to grab Yan Muqing’s hand, but was dodged by Yan Muqing, Tang Wanwan glanced at Yan Muqing, saw that the latter was blocking her nose with her hand, and seemed not to like some of the suppressed air here, so she stepped forward and coughed dryly, attracting the attention of everyone who had just woken up.

“Hello everyone, we are the people sent by the Sixteenth Guard to the rescue, and now we are all right!”

As soon as the words came out, the looks of the crowd became even more excited, some cheered, some whimpered, and some loudly praised the members of the Sixteenth Guard, “Captain! ”

The woman at the front suddenly opened her mouth, she seemed to remember something, and her expression became a little frightened,

“Before I fell unconscious, I saw a lot of big spiders! They are… Chaos Spirits?! ”

The people behind her, with this sentence, the expression also changed, the face once again appeared frightened, Tang Wanwan looked at the noisy crowd in front of her, reached down and pressed down, seeing that the riot gradually subsided, she continued,

“There are indeed chaos spirits here…”

“What?! Wouldn’t it be dangerous here! I want to go home! ”

“Don’t be impatient, you see…”

Tang Wanwan stretched out her finger to the Sixteenth Guards behind her,

“We have so many people here, they are all extraordinary, as long as you don’t run around, don’t act on your own, and follow our arrangements, we can send you home safely!”

Tang Wanwan’s words were mixed with a trace of extraordinary power, making her voice more powerful, and the noisy crowd gradually quieted down.

“We listen to you, we do what you say, we do!” I know that the Sixteenth Guardian will not harm us! ”

Someone in the crowd shouted, Yan Muqing came over, squinted his eyes and smiled,

“Since that’s the case, then bother everyone to do a favor, put those who can’t walk on their backs, and then follow our team members out together!”

After saying that, she commanded the team members behind her, came in to help people who had not yet awakened, or hug or lift or back, support each other, and began to evacuate from this cargo hold in an orderly manner, and began to move towards the upper deck position.

It’s just that…… Yan Muqing and Tang Wanwan did not tell these newly awakened people that in addition to those chaotic spirits, there was a bomb that was out of nowhere, and now it was close to the time of the explosion!

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