Although in the process of evacuation, several chaos spirits appeared on the road, but fortunately, there were not many of them, almost when they just appeared in the sight of everyone, they were directly killed by Tang Wanwan, who had been prepared earlier.

Soon, the awakened people came to the deck of Haiyuan 78 with the Sixteenth Guards, and saw that they were not on the surface of the sea, but under the dark and dark deep sea, and they were still in a huge transparent bubble, this extremely strange scene made these rescued people can’t help but exclaim, “Am I dreaming!” Why are we at the bottom of the sea?! ”

“What is this bubble?!” If it were broken, wouldn’t we all be drowned here?! ”

“I’m still young! I don’t want to die here! ”

The crowd became extremely chaotic again,

“Everybody be quiet!”

The woman who woke up first suddenly stood up,

“We have to believe the Sixteenth Guard, and since they said they could take us out safely, they would certainly be able to do it!”

She clenched her fists and said excitedly, trying to calm down the chaos.

“Pretty calm, what’s your name?”

Tang Wanwan walked over to the woman, her eyebrows smiling, “Lan Weiyi.” ”

The woman snorted.

Tang Wanwan took a deep look at her, she had an impression of Lan Weiyi, this woman quickly calmed down after experiencing the panic when she first woke up, and in the process of evacuation, she had been helping the members of the Sixteenth Guard to evacuate the work, it seemed that she usually seemed to be a strong woman with extremely strong psychology.

Tang Wanwan focused her attention on the chaotic crowd again, mixing extraordinary power into the language, and soon the crowd became quiet.

The operation of quickly appeasing the chaotic scene is simply a matter of hand for her, the captain of the field team who has been out of the field for many years.

“Take them up.”

Tang Wanwan turned to the vice captain Luo An beside her and said, “Yes! ”

Not long after, the crowd on the deck had all climbed up along the silk line,

“Report! The crowd is evacuated! Captain, go up there too. ”

Luo An wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked over to Tang Wanwan and performed a salute.

He was now somewhat happy, fortunately those people had all woken up, although because they were wrapped in cobwebs, there were some symptoms of dizziness, but there was no problem with their movements, and they could climb up the silk thread by themselves, otherwise so many people, with only dozens of their team members, could not evacuate them all from this ship in a few minutes.

Tang Wanwan did not speak, but looked at the cabin behind them with Yan Muqing, the joy in Luo An’s heart suddenly dissipated, he knew what the two captains were looking at, although now all the people and team members on the deck except them and Lan Weiyi had retreated to Haiyuan No. 116, but there were less than two thousand people on the deck, because the cargo hold they had been hidden before, although it was hundreds of square meters in size, but for three thousand people, it was still too narrow.

Even though they were already coming to the rescue as fast as they could, there were still hundreds of people because of the suffocation caused by being wrapped in cobwebs… And there is no way to wake up.

Forever asleep in the cargo hold on the ground floor of Haiyuan 78…

Lan Weiyi’s look was also a little dark, and she walked over to Tang Wanwan and Yan Muqing.

“Captain Tang, Captain Yan, you have tried your best… Even if they knew about it, they wouldn’t blame you. ”

Yan Muqing glanced at Tang Wanwan and smiled lightly,

“So many people have advised you, you don’t go?” Just have me here. ”

Luo An’s eyelids jumped, seeing that the two captains were about to start fighting again, and hurried up to prepare to persuade again, but when he saw Tang Wanwan staring at him fiercely, he closed his mouth tightly.

Pulling Lan Weiyi toward the silk thread,

“Not all the personnel have been evacuated, why are the two captains still here?”

Lan Weiyi asked curiously, and Luo An sighed,

“You don’t know, before we were in the search process, we encountered the attack of the Chaos Spirit in the restaurant, although the captain quickly solved them, but there were still several team members missing, including an old lady…”

“We didn’t find any danger on it before, and the captain probably wanted to stay and look for it…”

Lan Weiyi’s footsteps stopped, she slowly turned her head to look at Luo An, and her voice suddenly became a little trembling,

“That old lady you said… What does she look like… How old is it… Luo Ann was a little strange to Lan Weiyi’s tone.”

“The face is a little fat, probably more than seventy years old, wearing a red flower long sleeves, said to have come to find his daughter…”

“Is there a mole next to her eyebrows?!”

Lan Weiyi suddenly grabbed Luo An’s arm, and the tone became extremely urgent and nervous, and Luo An was caught in some pain.

“How come you have so much strength?” Let go of me, I think about it! ”

Luo An frowned and remembered for a moment, then nodded,

“Well, there’s a mole next to her eyebrows… Alas! Where are you going?! ”

Before Luo An’s words were finished, he saw Lan Weiyi turn around violently and quickly run towards the cabin behind him!

“What are you going back to?!”

Luo An shouted urgently, “She’s my mother!!!” ”

Lan Weiyi didn’t stop, her voice was already a little crying! Luo An was about to catch up with Lan Weiyi, which was a dangerous place where the Chaos Spirit lurked, how could an ordinary girl enter alone!

Just a flower in front of his eyes, Tang Wanwan had already appeared in front of Lan Weiyi’s body to stop it,

“Captain Tang, you let go of me!” That missing person is my mom! I’m going to find her! ”

Lan Weiyi struggled hard, but the strength in Tang Wanwan’s hand was so great that she had no way to get out.

“You go up first!”

Tang Wanwan gave Luo An a look, Luo An saw it, stopped the footsteps coming towards this side, turned and pulled the silk thread and climbed upwards, the illuminated flashlight was tied to his helmet, allowing him to gain a little vision in the dark deep sea.

Luo An looked at the light that kept shaking with his climbing action, and he had some feelings in his heart, he originally thought that this time down, most of it would be a fierce and less auspicious action, but he did not expect that in addition to the appearance of some giant spiders, no other enemies appeared, and the bomb was not detonated in advance, if he could go back safely this time, he must buy her favorite daughter for his good daughter… Loan’s thoughts suddenly froze, and in the light that had just shook, he seemed to catch a glimpse of something strange in the sea….

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