Stepping into hell, the space rift behind her disappeared, as if she was deliberately waiting for her before, and the night moon calmly looked at the front of her, this is an extremely desolate world, dry and cracked ground, the blood-colored moon hanging forever in the sky, the spiritual breath emitted from the air, so that the whole hell emits an infiltrative atmosphere, “The extraordinary power has been suppressed somewhat…”

Night Listening Moon felt the breath in her body and murmured, Bang!

The spear in his hand suddenly pointed behind him, and a chaotic spirit that was preparing to sneak attack exploded violently.

Night Listening Moon retracted the seven-foot Lie, turned around, and her footsteps were a little on the ground, like a sharp blue arrow rushing towards the front, although she could not see the Ivi, but she could capture the residual breath of Iwei from the air.


A giant tiger suddenly swooped out from behind a small hillside, and the night moon did not look at it, and roared directly from its side, but the giant tiger pounced on the body in mid-air, but it was suddenly stagnant, and then it fell down in mid-air, only to see that there was an opening in its abdomen, which was suddenly broken by the night moon in the process of moving forward rapidly, with the seven-foot spirit in his hand!

Night Listening Moon maintained a high-speed forward pace, constantly moving forward, almost every few seconds, there would be a Chaos Spirit, while killing them with their hands, Night Listening Moon also realized that these Chaos Spirits were just the pathways left by Ive, and as the Night Listening Moon deepened, she could clearly feel that the concentration of spiritual power in the surrounding air was getting higher and higher, and the environment in front of her became more and more familiar.

The sound of rubble sounded, the figure of the night moon fell to the ground, at this moment in front of her, there was a huge abyss that could not see the two ends, the darkness and depth inside it could not see the bottom at a glance, there was a faint roar of the beasts, it seemed that there were countless chaotic spirits hiding below, and the rich spiritual power emanated from the abyss, and even a layer of faint red mist visible to the naked eye appeared in front of her eyes! The chaotic spirits in the surface world are from the inner world, and the chaotic spirits in the inner world come from hell, and the abyss in front of them is the place where the chaotic spirits were first born! Ye Tingyue’s brow frowned slightly, and an irrepressible faint fluctuation began to appear in his heart, not because of the countless roars, but because this abyss had a name for one pole! Her best friend Mo Huayan was stabbed by her own hand and fell here!

“I’ve arrived, it’s time for you to show up.”

Night Listening Moon opened her mouth loudly in front of her, but no sound responded to her, just the roar of the beasts under the abyss, which was getting bigger and bigger! Suddenly, the night listened to the moon as if there was a feeling, the tip of the toe floated to the back, almost at the same time as she moved, a dense black shadow suddenly burst out from the abyss in front of her! Between breaths, he filled all the open space in front of the night listening to the moon! A hint of discoloration flashed in the eyes of the moon at night, only to see that on the ground in front of her, in the sky, countless chaotic spirits appeared!

The number of people who could not see the end at a glance even faintly covered the blood moon in the sky!

The spiritual power in the air was so thick that it was almost viscous!

“The strength is a little different.”

Night listening to the moon whispering softly, the ethereal voice and the surrounding oppressive atmosphere seemed incompatible, in her perception, in front of this unknown number of chaotic spirits, under the blessing of the hell breath, the spiritual power on the body was particularly abundant, so their strength was much higher than the chaotic spirits that appeared in the surface world, and some or even only the strength of the third level, the breath in the body had reached a level close to the second level! If any of the captains of the Sixteen Guards came, the chaotic spirit in front of them would not be able to escape the fate of a dead man! Roar, roar, roar!

Countless roars of the beasts sounded, and the red light in the eyes of the Chaos Spirits suddenly became even worse, and they roared towards the night moon!

But the expression of the night listening to the moon is still as calm as ever,

“It seems that you still don’t want to come out… Or maybe… Then kill them all! As the words fell, a wave of visible red qi erupted from her body, instantly knocking dozens of chaotic spirits that were about to pounce on her to the ground! One of the wolf spirits got up from the ground and did not continue to pounce on the night moon, but instead let out a whimpering and mournful cry from its mouth, and began to flee in the opposite direction in a panic! ”

Because the red wave of qi that had just emanated from the night moon was not the extraordinary power she held, but the strong killing qi she had formed by killing tens of thousands of chaotic spirits in decades! But before the wolf spirit could escape a few steps, he heard a roar from the seven-foot fierce roar in the hands of the night listening moon, and then turned into a black shadow and shot straight into the sky!

At the same time, the footsteps of the night moon stepped heavily on the ground, and the whole person also rose into the air after it, and then, a burst of fiery red flames suddenly appeared, wrapping up all the seven feet of Lie, the tender white hand grabbed the gun body, and the night moon saw the dense chaotic spirit under it, and the killing intent in his eyes was steep, “Tenglong Yueyuan!” ”

The flames on the body of the seven-foot flame spear instantly spread out, causing the whole body of the night moon to be covered with flames!

The next moment, the night moon was like a fire dragon, violently falling from the sky with the fiery flames that burned everything in the world! Rumble!!!

In the huge roar, centered on the landing point of the night listening moon, the flames wrapped in terrifying breath instantly swept the whole place!

The terrifying wave of flames instantly burned all the chaotic spirits around them into pieces of pitch-black coke!

No one knew how many Chaos Spirits had been killed by the Night Listening Moon’s blow, but just from the strong smell of scorching in the air and the corpses everywhere, it could be roughly estimated that the number of enemies who had just died under the flames was at least tens of thousands!!!

Night Listening Moon stepped out of the deep pit on the ground and slowly walked towards the abyss in front of them, none of the Chaos Spirits who had survived the flames of the flames, none of them dared to come forward, all of them were forced by the killing qi on Night Listening Moon’s body, constantly trembling in the same place.

“Is that what you dare me to do here?”

Night’s voice was very soft, as if he had just done a trivial thing, “These things… Can’t stop me. ”

Quietly around, Ive’s figure still did not appear,

“If that’s the case, then there’s no need for me to stay here.”

Night Listening Moon turned around, pretending to be leaving, suddenly there was a strange noise behind her, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of Night Listening Moon’s mouth, and she turned around and was about to open her mouth, but it was the figure that appeared in front of her who opened her mouth step by step, “Listen to the moon, are these years okay?” ”

In the soft voice, the pupils of the night moon shrank slightly, and in front of her was a beautiful face, and that face she had dreamed of every night for decades!

Night’s eyes were a little distracted, and his voice couldn’t help but become trembling, “Painting smoke…”

Originally said three chapters today, the result of Chengdu hot to the blackout brakes, this chapter is driven out in the Internet café… So there are only two more… Actor.

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