“Listen to the moon, after so many years, your appearance has not changed.”

The black-haired woman opened her mouth softly, but she saw Ye Tingyue shake her head slightly, with a faint regret in her tone, “You, not her.” ”

After a pause, Ye Tingyue continued, “You don’t deserve to be her.” ”

The woman was obviously frightened, and her expression became a little embarrassed,

“How could it be? I am…”

“Although the appearance is similar, the voice is different, the movements are different, and the body shape is different.”

The night listened to the moon interrupted the woman’s words,

“And her unique breath… People like you can’t pretend. She had been with Mo Huayan for many years, the only best friend in her life, the most familiar person in her life, even if that face was disguised again, but how could she not tell it? The woman’s eyes narrowed slightly, followed by a flick of the corner of her mouth.”

“Cut! You really aren’t that good at cheating. ”

This woman dressed as an ink painting cigarette was exactly Evie who had entered hell in advance, originally she did not intend to come out, she wanted to drag the night moon here with this boundless chaotic spirit, but she did not expect that this made her herself have some fearful trembling amounts, and she was burned into fly ash by the blow of the night listening moon!

And those who were still scared and shivered did not dare to attack! Hearing that the night listening moon was leaving, she came out of the abyss and wanted to continue to delay the time that the night listening moon stayed here, but she did not expect that just by taking a look, her disguise would be recognized by the night listening moon! Evie looked at the night moon coming to him, and smiled,

“Don’t get excited, don’t get excited, have something to say~”

Although the appearance of the night listening moon is also extremely outstanding, even after decades of time, her appearance does not see half of aging, which makes the body is a wrinkled old woman Evie extremely jealous, and even as soon as she sees the night listening moon, she is eager to stitch the skin of her whole body into her body, but Evie does not dare, although the mouth clamors to kill Hhotlis, seize the position of the old day of the steward, but she herself knows very well in her heart, with her current strength, once she and Hhotlis really fight, the losing party must be her. And the woman in front of her is the one who has won the Holtlis twice! You don’t have to think about it to know that the only result of fighting with Nightwing Moon is to turn herself into another ghost under her gun! The footsteps of the night listening to the moon stopped, and Iwei was overjoyed, but then he saw the brow of the night listening to the moon wrinkled,

“Even if I know it’s fake, your face against her still makes me very uncomfortable…”

Before the words fell, a hint of killing intent suddenly flashed in the eyes of the night listening moon, and the whole person’s figure turned into a shadow, instantly disappearing in the same place, and Yi Wei’s heart suddenly throbbed, and instinctively hid to the side, hissing——!

The sound of inhaling cool air sounded from Ive’s mouth, a sharp pain came from his abdomen, Evie looked down, only to see that in his left waist position, there was a very deep wound!

The sense of panic arose from Evie’s heart, she had long heard that the power of the night moon was terrifying, but she did not expect that it would be terrifying to this extent! Just when the other person’s figure disappeared, she didn’t even catch half a trace! The night moon turned around and looked faintly at Ivy,

“For the sake of you letting me see her face again after many years, hand over the remote control, I can leave you a whole corpse, otherwise… The next shot is in the heart! ”

Without saying a word, Ye Tingyue’s wrist shook slightly, and Yin Hong’s blood shook down from the seven-foot spirit.

At this moment, Ive’s teeth are constantly trembling, why is this?! Before the action, Holtlis had told her that Ye Tingyue was a rare strange woman in the world, who was decisive in killing and doing what she said!

The murderous qi of the whole body can isolate the erosion of their old evil thoughts! But she has a huge flaw that no one knows, that is, ink painting smoke! Nightingale’s obsession with her had reached the point of nearing demonization!

Fifty-two years ago, Holtlis was not killed by the night listening to the moon, because at that time the other party personally shot the ink painting smoke into the abyss, so that the heart shock did not have time to take care of him, twenty years ago, Holtlis once again saved his life from the hands of the night listening moon, but also because the matter of ink painting smoke was mentioned at that time, so that the heart of the night listening moon was shaken, and he was able to escape.

So Holtlis told Evie that although the strength of the night moon was unmatched by her, as long as the other party was led to the extreme abyss and dressed up as ink paint, then the mentality of the night listening moon would definitely have problems, which could greatly delay time, and even if the other party was too insane, it was not impossible to kill it! But……

A yin poison appeared in Yi Wei’s eyes, although it was true that the mind at the beginning of the night listening to the moon did fluctuate, but it was only a moment to restore clarity!

Even the murderous qi on his body had become heavier! This is not at all the same as what was said before! Which door is this a huge flaw?!

Did this guy deliberately tell me the wrong information, that is, let me be killed by the night listening moon?!

Ivey cursed Holtlis madly in his heart, “How’s that considered? ”

The sound of the night listening to the moon sounded again, and the ethereal voice fell into Ivy’s ears, but at this moment it was like a life charm, and a fierce intention arose in Yiwei’s heart, and instead of answering, he directly turned around and jumped towards the abyss! Yi Wei knew that there were not only endless chaotic spirits under the Extreme Abyss, but also extremely rich spiritual power!

This kind of energy, which is highly toxic to the extraordinary, will definitely make the night moon dare not follow her in! Night Listening Moon is the corner of the mouth bent, the hand is loose, the seven feet of Lie floated in front of the body, the Night Listening Moon will be two fingers together, whisk over the body of the Seven Feet Lie, with her movements, the Seven Feet Lie actually began to tremble and emit a burst of humming!

As his fingertips brushed the tail of the gun, Nightingmoon’s eyes froze sharply, “Go! ”

The seven-foot spirit directly turned into a shadow, and instantly chased Ivy’s figure into the abyss! Not long after, only to hear a cracking sound, Ivy jumped out of the abyss again, and behind her were three seven-foot spirits!

“Turn it over! I!!! ”

Yi Wei shouted anxiously, she did not expect that although the night moon did not follow in, but the seven-foot spirit was like a shadow, the thick killing qi on it blocked the spiritual power, making the chaotic spirits lying in the abyss terrified and afraid to make a sound! When approaching himself, he was even more divided into three, blocking his own continued deep action and forcing himself out!

With a wave of his hand, the three seven-foot spirits stopped in front of Ivy’s eyes, and then in the humming sound, they flew back to the night listening to the moon, and the night listening moon held out her hand to Ivy, “Then take it out.” ”

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