Ye Tingyue’s tone was very indifferent, but Evie’s heart was very cold, she pulled out the remote control from her body in a hurry, and then handed it to the front, but just when Ye Tingyue’s hand reached over, Evie slammed her hand back!

The remote control fell directly into the abyss behind him! At the same time, more than a dozen transparent silk threads burst out from her body, with a sharp cracking sound, all heading towards the night listening moon!

And she herself disappeared in the same place, running along the abyss to the right side!

She didn’t want to be so stupid as to do what Ye Tingyue said, because just like the other party said, even if she handed it over, she couldn’t escape a dead word! But Evie didn’t want to die yet, there were still so many beautiful and tender skin waiting for her in the world, how could she die now?!

As for the procrastination task arranged by Hhotlis, she had been delaying for so long, and it should have been completed, anyway, even if there was a problem, it would not be blamed on her head afterwards, she had been dragging on here for nearly half an hour! She had tried her best!!!

Evie burst out with full force and ran wildly, she subconsciously looked back, her own thousand threads of soul should be able to block the other party for a while, the remote control fell into the abyss, the other party certainly did not dare to… Evie’s thoughts suddenly broke, and she saw that when her spider silk struck, the night moon would strike seven feet on the ground with a pestle! The next moment, an invisible flame seemed to rise around her, causing the space near her body to produce a distortion similar to that of high temperature burning! And those dozen spider silks were directly burned into nothingness in the instant they got close to that piece of air!

How can it be?!

In the heat of thousands of degrees, there will be no deformation of the tough silk thread! How could it just get close and melt away?! At this time, I saw the night moon look in her direction, and the coldness and killing opportunity contained in it made Evie’s heart tremble suddenly! It’s just that the night moon didn’t catch up, she withdrew her gaze and jumped directly into the bottomless abyss! She…… Get in?!

Evie was shocked, isn’t this woman afraid of death?! Even as a priest, he did not dare to stay in the abyss for a long time, because that rich spiritual power was not only a toxin for the extraordinary, but also for the chaotic spirit, as long as he stayed for a long time, he would also be overwhelmed by too much spiritual power and die! Just heard the moon chase her with seven feet of spirits at night, it is obvious that the other party knows about this matter, but now it is still jumping in, is this woman crazy?! For the sake of the thousands of people on that ship, their own lives are gone?!

Evie could not understand the behavior of the night listening to the moon, and her shock turned to a dismissive sneer,

“It’s really stupid, but just ordinary people, to this extent for them!”

Evie’s figure continued to rush, whether the night moon was dead or alive next had nothing to do with her, she wanted to get out of here as soon as possible! Suddenly, a black shadow broke through the air and slammed into the ground in front of her, and Ive’s footsteps stopped immediately, biting his lip and beginning to retreat behind her.

“Where are you going?”

An ethereal voice sounded behind her, and Evie turned around in shock, only to see a plain-clothed night moon appear behind her, and in her hand she was holding the remote control that she had just thrown into the abyss! Blocked in the middle by the Seven Feet Spirit and the Night Listening Moon, Iwei’s shocked face was distorted, she didn’t expect the Night Listening Moon to be able to come out of the Extreme Abyss so quickly, and looking at her appearance, it seemed that she had not been affected by the spiritual power in the Extreme Abyss!

Was it because of the transparent flame-like energy around her body?! Evie stared fiercely at the night and listened to the moon,

“You’ve got your hands on something, what are you still looking for me for?!”

Night Listening Moon looked at the remote control in his hand, he didn’t notice it before, and now he got it in his hand to find that there was not only one red button on it, but two small buttons in green and yellow.

“Which one is the switch to stop the timer?”

Ivey heard this and immediately laughed,

“Hahahahahaha! It was meant for this! ”

Seeing that the night seemed to be displeased with the moon, Evie’s eyes moved,

“I can tell you, but you have to take back what you said and let me get out of here.”

Night Listening Moon shook her head without any hesitation,

“No way, you have committed so many sins, leaving you a whole body is already my biggest concession.”

“Then you’ll never know which button is the stop detonation!”

“No, the remote control is now in my hand, and I can hit it until you say it.”

Ye Tingyue’s tone was very flat, but it made Yi Wei’s heart suddenly rise up with a contemptuous anger, “Then you try!!!” ”

As soon as the words fell, white spider silk burst out of her body again, only this time not a dozen, but hundreds!

They are wrapped around each other and look like a giant cobweb!

Head from all directions towards the night to hear the moon shrouded! Evie didn’t know what power the night moon had just used, but she believed in a truth, quantitative change will cause qualitative change, as long as she uses enough spider silk, then it will definitely hurt the night listening moon! But the next moment, Evie was horrified to find that the spider silk he had shot out was just like before, and when he approached the distorted space around the night listening moon, one after another was burned into nothingness! The expression of the night listening to the moon is as calm as water,

“It’s useless, I’m not on the same level as your strength…”

What covered her body now, as Ivey had suspected, was a kind of transparent flame containing extreme heat, which complemented her own intense killing qi, forming a sphere-like space centered on herself, and anything that entered its range would be immediately attacked by the flames, which was a move that Night Moon had only recently explored, and she named it – Molten Abyss Flame Meaning!

At the moment when he mastered this ability, a kind of enlightenment suddenly arose in the heart of the night listening to the moon, and he seemed to… Enter a new realm! Suddenly, the different colors in Ye Tingyue’s eyes moved slightly, only to see that among the many silk threads, there was a silk thread that was no different from the others, and it did not melt in the extreme heat, but passed through the molten abyss flame and rushed towards her abdomen!

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