The seven-foot martyr beside him suddenly let out a clanging sound

Slam into that thread! But this time

Seven Feet Lie did not cut this silk thread as easily as in the cargo hold

Instead, it was when the two collided

A sharp metal collision sound was emitted! Night Listening Moon obviously did not think of it either

This silk thread, which did not seem special, could have been strong enough to reach such an extent

Although the dodging action was made immediately

But it was still seen by Ive, who had scratched a shallow blood mark on his arm

The excitement in his eyes was beyond words! The silk thread that had just injured the night moon was not an ordinary silk thread in the dry silk soul but in the many silk threads

The toughest one!

When given to her through the demonic brand

There was even a hint of the Origin Power of the Demon Vitan she served!

This made that origin thread not only extremely sharp and tough, but also far better than other silk threads! Evie was just trying to fight to the death

So hide the origin thread in the other silk threads

But I didn’t expect it to really be able to break through the “molten abyss flame meaning” of the night listening to the moon.

And let the other party get hurt! Her mind was moving

That origin line suddenly turned its head in mid-air and stabbed straight towards the night moon again!

Pin pin pin!

A dense crash sounded

The impermeable wind waving in front of the Seven Feet Lie kept bouncing back the Origin Line

Night’s brow furrowed slightly

She didn’t expect this thing to be so tough! But Evie was more anxious

She had only given birth to that little hope of victory

In the constant clanging sound, it gradually went out

She just thought about her own origin line and the other side kept chopping but forgot

The other party can block the approach of the origin line! I still can’t win this way! Or have to die!

Ive’s heart was getting more and more anxious


The strength of the whole body was immediately mobilized

Let the speed of that origin line suddenly speed up or even disappear directly into mid-air!

This next night listening to the moon is always unable to react to it! But what she didn’t know was that

Although the speed of the Origin Line was so fast that it was invisible to the naked eye, it was immediately sensed by the moment it entered the “Molten Abyss Flame Consciousness” around the Moon at night!

Listen to the twinkle in the eyes of the moon at night

A burst of flames suddenly rose from the body of the seven-foot fierce gun, “Gun cage! ”

With her words

Below the Source Line, several seven-foot flames suddenly appeared, and they crossed like a cage

Firmly anchor the origin line in mid-air! Evie was stunned

I immediately tried to extract the Source Line from it but found that it was only in vain!


Seven feet of spirit was thrown from the hand of the night listening moon

Crossing Ive’s left arm gave her to the ground “Say the stop button, leave you whole body!” ”

Seeing Evie just screaming

The night moon made the flames on the seven-foot gun burn up at the same time, and the killing intent on his body soared

Straight for Ivey on the ground

“Speak quickly!”

Her tone became anxious because after Ivy’s various delays it was now time to explode

There is less than a minute left!

“Talk about it! I say! ”

Ivey grinned in pain

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead with a strong killing intent

“That remote control in your hand is fake.”

“What do you say?!”

“Hiss – don’t panic! How could I possibly carry such a thing with me if I accidentally detonated it during a battle what to do if the real remote control was in the bottom cargo hold where we were staying before, in the second human cocoon on the left side of the entrance! ”

Listening to the moon at night, there was a chill in his eyes

Immediately he felt the phone from his body and dialed Yan Muqing’s number

The phone only rang once, and Yan Muqing’s somewhat surprised voice came out, “General, you’re all right!” ”

She didn’t wonder how the night moon in hell could call her in the watch world

Because the mobile phones of the sixteen high-rise guards are specially transformed

This work is what she personally handles as the leader of the technology development team.

“The remote on my side is fake!” The real is there for you! In the ground cargo hold, in the second human cocoon on the left side of the entrance! You go back now! ”

Night listened to the moon and hurriedly opened his mouth

“General, I’m here!”

After a burst of sobbing

Yan Muqing’s surprised voice sounded again, “Found! ”

Then she became flustered again

“There are three buttons of red, green and yellow, and I don’t know which one to press!” The time above is only twenty seconds!!! ”

Night listening to the moon although there are some doubts

Yan Muqing, didn’t they go looking for Su Ruquan, why were they still staying in that bottom cargo compartment? But now there was no time to think about this, when she was about to put the phone in front of Ivey’s face

At the same time, a cold light with serious threat appeared in his eyes, “Speak quickly!” ”

“Yellow! Pressing the yellow one!! ”

Yan Muqing listened to the other end of the phone

Ive’s voice of pain and fear

There was some hesitation in my heart

This jealous priest is a crazy woman who does not take human life seriously, is what she says really credible?

Yan Muqing’s palms were nervously oozing sweat, but listening to the constant ticking sounds coming from the top of her head, Yan Muqing still gritted her teeth and pressed the button, because she had no choice but to do so! Listen to the moon at night and hold your breath

Nervously listening to the movement on the other end of the phone, “Stop! Five seconds left!!! ”

Yan Muqing’s excited voice sounded

Let the night listen to the moon deeply relieved fortunately, this woman said the truth

Otherwise, the thousands of lives on the ship will really be gone! Night Listening to the Moon looked towards Ive

It is preparing to kill it completely

But it was the discovery that the corners of the other party’s mouth showed a strange smile and listened to the moon’s heart beat at night!

Not good! She took back the phone

He was trying to tell Yan Muqing that he might be cheating. Rumble!!!!

A loud roar suddenly came from the phone

Even the phone in her hand trembled!

Yan Muqing!!! Yan Muqing!!! Tang Wanwan!!! Tang Wanwan!! ”

Nightshade shouted loudly toward the other end of the phone, but no one answered her

Night Listening Moon’s eyes were instantly covered with bloodshot bombs without stopping!

The loud roar just now was the sound of the bomb exploding!!! There are a few people there!!

They are all innocent!!! That’s it?!!! Night’s body trembled as she listened to the moon, and she looked at Evie with a face as deep as water

But I saw that the other party had a playful smile on his face and even made an exaggerated lip shape to imitate the explosion just now

“Boom ~ ~ hey hey, this game is very fun isn’t it the general”

Thanks for the monthly pass.

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