The blood on her arm was still flowing, but Evie was laughing very happily, the so-called bomb detonation device, in fact, is just a cover, she did not make a stop timing function from the very beginning, no matter which of the three buttons of red, yellow and green is pressed, the result is the same, the timing will stop instantly, and then it will cause an explosion at a faster speed! In Ive’s cognition, the thousands of people on the ship were not living beings at all, but just toys for her to play.

Toys, when they are blown up, are blown up, there is nothing to be sorry for, on the contrary, they should be happy to please themselves.

Night Listening Moon looked at the extremely twisted Evie who was laughing, and the anger in his heart overflowed into words, at this moment, it was useless to say more, only to kill this person here! Cut her to pieces!

Only then can we comfort the souls who have lost their lives on the sea! The essence of the night listening moon suddenly appeared, the extraordinary power on her body suddenly rose, blowing off the hairpin on her head, the gray hair danced with the wind, the seven-foot fierce was withdrawn from his hand, and the killing qi condensed into a substance attached to it, making the tip of the gun emit a terrifying breath! As soon as the eyes of the night moon froze, they stabbed at the laughing Ivey! But at this moment, the change is abrupt!

Only to see that the earth at the foot of the moon suddenly trembled violently, and countless small stones bounced up in the air, making a crackling sound!

Those chaotic spirits who had survived by chance seemed to feel some terrifying breath, and all of them crawled their bodies on the ground, trembling and making a whimpering cry!

Ye Tingyue thought that this was another trick that Evie had made, but he didn’t expect that the other party’s face was full of surprise at this time, wasn’t she doing it?! So what would that be?!

The vibrations under her feet became more and more intense, and even she had to control the force a little before she could stabilize her body and boom!

The night moon looked into the distance, only to see that a small mountain there had collapsed violently in this violent shaking! Suddenly, Ye Tingyue’s brow frowned, and her figure immediately retreated, only to see a crack appear on the ground where she was standing before, and then she fell into the abyss with several chaotic spirits above! The amplitude of the vibration is getting bigger and bigger! The ground collapsed and fell into the abyss, making people feel like the whole hell is shaking! But suddenly!

The shaking suddenly stopped, as if it had never happened before.

“What’s going on…”

Evie had some sluggish openings, but the night moon was now a contraction of her pupils, and when this extremely unusual vibration appeared before, she vaguely felt somewhat familiar, but only at this moment did she suddenly remember that this vibration that made the hell space tremble had also happened fifty-two years ago!

It was because of the vibration that the ink painting smoke was checked, which led to the subsequent incident!

The seven-foot flame in his hand appeared red, and the body of the night moon was tense, ready to deal with any situation, roaring!

A roar sounded in the silence, as if it came from the abyss, and as if it came from the entire hell space!

The bodies of the chaotic spirits creeping on the ground trembled even more! Night Listening Moon tightly grasped the seven feet of fierce in his hand, an indescribable throbbing burst out from the bottom of his heart, and suddenly, an extremely terrifying breath burst out from the abyss, and a black qi that was thicker than any old priest gushed out! It did not listen to the moon at night, but hovered over the abyss and kept churning, only to condense a vague shadow in a moment! Night listened to the moon and fixed his eyes on it, only to see that it seemed to be a man with a double w, sitting on a huge skeleton throne!

The terror emanating from his body even made the cold hairs of the night moon stand up!

Night Listening Moon wanted to see the man’s face clearly, but the shadow disappeared in mid-air, and then the black qi transformed into another shadow, and Night Listening Moon’s pupils shrank, and what appeared in front of his eyes was a giant snake that spanned the entire abyss! The body was so large that the night moon could not see the other party’s head and tail at all, and could only see the huge body that suddenly appeared in front of him, covered with snake scales! Immediately afterward, the snake’s body disappeared in front of her eyes, and another shadow appeared in the air, a huge giant whale, a monster with two horns and four belts on its back, a strange figure with two bird heads, and a huge fly with penetrating giant eyes…

The shadows appeared one after another, and after a short stay, they suddenly dissipated, and although each shadow could not see the specific appearance, it could only faintly know what it was according to its outline, but they all had one thing in common, that is, they all possessed extremely terrifying coercion and extremely strong evil thoughts!

Even more when you listen to the moon at night, you will feel some kind of whisper ringing in your ears!

In the rush of black qi, another shadow formed, but this time it was different from before, and the shadow formed by the condensation of black qi was extremely clear! It was a monster with three heads, man, cow, sheep, three different forms of the head appeared on the same body, so that its body was extremely strange and incomparably infiltrative at the same time, under his body rode a dragon with black and red, black flames, at the moment when the night listened to the moon, the other party seemed to find her, the three heads turned to the direction of the night moon at the same time, the night heard the moon only felt a shock in her heart, she saw that the other party’s face was an extreme indifference, looking into her eyes, It’s like a god on high up watching a humble ant on earth! The next moment, the strange shadow magnified extremely fast in front of the night listening moon! He did not see his lips open and close, but there was a low whisper suddenly ringing at the bottom of the moon’s heart in the night, “Come here… Come here…… Come here…”

Nightingmoon’s gaze instantly lost focus, and her look became sluggish, but at this moment, a trace of struggle suddenly appeared in the depths of her eyes!

Seizing this short time of clarity, she bit the tip of her tongue violently, and blood and severe pain burst out, restoring her sanity!

But the moment you listen to the moon and see the vision clearly, you can’t help but be shocked!

The shadow in the air had dissipated, and she did not stand in the previous position, but somehow, she had reached the edge of the abyss!

One of her feet was already in mid-air, and the rubble under her feet was falling down, and as long as she took half a step forward, she would fall into the bottomless abyss!

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