Yi Wei’s smiling eyes couldn’t see it, suddenly, she seemed to think of something, the foot that stepped out was taken back, Tang Wanwan’s abdomen was hit by her spider egg, there should be a wound, and it will become bigger and bigger as the spider egg hatches in her body! But she was now smooth as if she had not been injured!!! Yi Wei immediately released his perception and probed towards Tang Wanwan’s body in front of him… No!

That spider egg is gone!

The spider in Tang Wanwan’s body disappeared!!! Ivy was shocked, although he didn’t know what was going on, but at this moment, a strong sense of crisis arose in his heart! As soon as her body moved, she was about to flee toward the door, but at this moment, she heard a creaking closing sound, and then a teasing voice sounded from behind her, “Come and go, don’t sit for a while?” ”

Ive’s pupils shrank instantly, is there anyone here?!

Why didn’t I find out when I first came in?! Her body kept retreating, staring dead in the direction of the sound, and then she saw a figure coming out of the darkness, a teenager with extremely dazzling white hair and jewel-like blue eyes.

“Time is silent!”

Evie blurted out instantly, she had not seen Shi Bu in person, but once through the perspective of Ange’s “child”, she had seen the picture of the old silent punch hitting the heads of Edo and Greder, and then he said,

“As long as it is a living thing, even God will kill you!”

Such shocking words, since then, without saying a word, have left a mark in her heart, one by one, the power is terrifying, and the arrogance is extreme!

Then she suddenly thought of something,

“Aren’t you supposed to go to Ange now?!” Why is it here!!! ”

Her eyes flickered constantly, and she began to wonder if Holtlis was in the shadow of her, ostensibly allowing her and Angie to restrain the night moon and not saying a word, but in fact it was to lead the two of them to herself, this cunning bastard!

I must be unhappy that I usually covet his position and want to take this opportunity to kill me!

Evie’s heart began to curse Holtlis again, but he did not speak lightly when he listened.

“Ange, he’s dead.”


“Oh, by the way, that birdman has also been killed by me.”

“Without saying a word, you don’t want to lie to me!!!”

“Don’t believe, now, you see.”

A fragment of parchment appeared in her hand, and Ive’s pupils shrank instantly, and she recognized that this was one of the two pieces that Holtlis had given to Ange under the church! Ivey gritted his teeth deadly, his eyes full of disbelief, Ange was killed?! Firth is dead too?!

They are all the best in the world, and any one of them is not much different from their own strength! How such a strong strength falls into the mouth of the timeless is as casual as killing a dog! She didn’t want to believe it, but the parchment fragment couldn’t be faked! Evie’s eyes shone with malice,

“Even if you are strong enough, you are one step too late!” You see what’s floating there!! ”

Evie reached out and pointed out,

“It’s the corpses of thousands of people!” They died outside, cursing you under the Yellow Springs why you are so strong that you can’t save them!!! ”

“And your Captain Tang has also been hit by me in the spider egg, as long as it arrives…”

Yi Wei originally wanted to say that he would explode and die, but thinking of Tang Wanwan’s white and smooth abdomen, the momentum suddenly lagged and could not continue.

“Although the ship was blown up, but none of them died, and now… It should already be all in the Sixteenth Guard Division. ”

This time the answer to her was not to say nothing, but to Tang Wanwan, who stood up from behind her,

“I obviously heard the sound of an explosion!!!”

Evie roared madly,

“And it’s all blood and blown up ships outside!” How could no one die?!!! ”

“Well, it exploded, yes.”

Yan Muqing also stood up from the ground, smiling and squinting at Yi Wei, Yi Wei did not expect that Yan Muqing would actually affirm his own statement, and for a while he was a little stunned.

“It’s just that we moved it to another place, as for the blood in the sea outside… Didn’t you find out that it was all spider blood from your men? ”

Yan Muqing looked at Yi Wei doubtfully, and that look was like looking at an idiot.

Ive’s face showed incredulity, shifting? How can it be?

That bomb exploded at the touch of a touch! If it could be transferred so simply, Ye Tingyue would have dealt with it directly, instead of following her into hell to get the remote control! But she still had to believe this matter, because she remembered that when she was on the deck before, the smell of blood coming from the sea was indeed all with the breath of spiritual power! Yan Muqing looked at Yi Wei’s expression and disdainfully skimmed his lips,

“I thought you were a smart guy and didn’t think you were as stupid as some old woman who liked to wear leather clothes.”

“Yan Muqing!!!”

Tang Wanwan was suddenly hit by a disaster, and she was angry.

Yi Wei found that Tang Wanwan not only recovered her abdomen as before, but also appeared blood on her face, and she looked like she was in good condition.

“Your body…”

Tang Wanwan looked at Evie doubtfully,

“Oh you said that spider in your middle and down… It crawled out on its own. Tang Wanwan moved to the side, revealing a spider corpse the size of a fist behind her.”

“Now, it’s here, how?” Do you want to take it back? ”

“Myself… Crawled out…? ”

Yi Wei felt that his soul had been impacted, and Tang Wanwan seemed to suddenly think of something again, hammering his palm,

“That’s right! The toxins you injected into my body are gone. ”

Hearing these words, Yi Wei’s heart rose up with a wave of horror! At this time, Yan Muqing showed a shallow smile,

“Don’t you like to play games?” Is this game fun? ”

Ive’s body was constantly trembling, and there were too many things that reversed, making her feel that her brain was a little overloaded.

“Tell me – how did you do it!”

Yan Muqing and Tang Wanwan did not speak, just smiled and looked behind her, Yi Wei suddenly turned around, only to see that Shi Wuzheng was looking at her faintly, all of this, he did it?!

Ive’s expression became extremely frightened, and what he couldn’t do at night to hear the moon was done by this young man of about twenty years old?! Evie’s heart was extremely unstable, and she thought that today was a good day, but the appearance of this guy made her dreams all come to naught!!!

Who is this time without saying a word?!

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