Seven minutes ago, in the port of Shizhao Port, Ah Wei was spitting and bragging with the adjutant,

“I saw with my own eyes that the evil wolves she killed in the old days’ lair were crying and howling…”

“But sir, how come you didn’t recognize the general just now…”

“Fart! Labor is just too excited! So…”

In the face of the adjutant’s questioning, Ah Wei immediately denied it, but was interrupted by a voice that he continued to want to say, “The night moon has arrived? ”

“Didn’t you just see it with your own eyes?” Eh! You little boy, you actually dare to call out…”

Ah Wei originally thought that the adjutant was asking, but halfway through the speech, he reacted to the voice that had just come to his side, he turned to look, and his pupils shrank instantly, “Captain Shi!!!” ”

Only to see a white-haired teenager dressed in black standing next to him, Ah Wei immediately recognized that the person who came was Shi Wu, the night listening moon did not care about the world for many years, has been cultivating in her courtyard, so except for the high-level of the sixteen guards, the other people only know their appearance, but the time is not the same, from the beginning of stepping into the extraordinary realm, he has continuously made one thing after another that sensationalizes the world, coupled with his face against the sky, so that his popularity does not know how much higher than the night moon! Even the lieutenants around him were all glazed over at the moment, and they obviously recognized it without saying a word.

Ah Wei remembered the question he had just asked, and hurriedly replied,

“Yes, the admiral has already come, and he has only been gone for a while.”

Ah Wei smiled, and then motioned to the adjutant to hand over a bottle of water,

“Captain Shi, go to the shade and rest for a while.” Since the general has passed, the incident should be over soon, so don’t bother you to do it! ”

Shi Wuyi’s pale blue eyes landed on the distant sea, at this time the crack in the space had been closed, but under the strong six-eye ability, Shi Wuyan could still see through the sea surface and see the two passenger ships in the bubbles below, which no longer had spiritual power and the breath of the night listening moon, felt the faint space fluctuations remaining in the bottom cargo compartment, and Shi Wuxian realized that the night hearing moon should follow the jealous priest named Ivy into hell together.

“I’m afraid she won’t be able to come back for a while.”

The calm words fell on Ah Wei’s ears, causing his heart to shake suddenly, and a stiff smile squeezed out of his face.

“Captain Shi, what do you mean by that…”

“She’s not on the boat.”

Ah Wei’s heart was shocked, in his opinion, the general was the highest combat strength among the sixteen guards, and since she personally attacked, then no matter what the other side was, the Chaos Spirit would be quickly cut off from the horse!

But now it is not said that the general is not on the ship! I’ve seen her firsthand!

Don’t…… What happened to the general?!

What the hell is that guy on that ship?! Ah Wei was a little flustered,

“Captain Shi, sir, is there something wrong with her?” Shall we send someone to support us right away?! ”


“What about those who are taken hostage?”

Ah Wei looked at his watch, and the expression on his face became more anxious.

“So many people are there, but the bomb is only five minutes away from exploding.”

“When I get there, they’ll be fine.”

Hearing these calm but incomparably firm words, Ah Wei’s heart was suddenly shocked!

Immediately after, he turned his head and looked at the port clearing behind him,

“You clean up the clutter here, make room for the space, the better, and immediately notify the medical team of your branch to come over.”

Ah Wei now had no idea in his panicked heart, and when he saw it, he did not say anything to arrange for himself to do things and immediately replied loudly, “Yes! ”

And then he said carefully,

“Captain Shi, what are we doing leaving this place empty?”

The corners of his mouth flashed a shallow smile,

“Have you seen with your own eyes—the Great Changer?”


Ah Wei looked at it doubtfully, but saw that the figure that did not say anything had disappeared in front of him, and the speed made Ah Wei smirk,

“Obediently, Captain Shi’s speed feels faster than the general!”

“Sir, what does Captain Shi mean by that big changeable man?”

The adjutant leaned over.

Ah Wei kicked over,

“You ask me, I ask who goes?!” All in all, now arrange for someone to do it! ”

Immediately, together with the adjutant, he hurriedly turned around and left, and went to carry out the unspoken arrangement.

Haiyuan No. 116, Luo An was looking at the only three spiders left in front of him, his brows were almost twisted together, although the other chaotic spirits had been destroyed by them, but these three were carrying bombs, so that they did not dare to use half a force against them, they could only try their best to control them, the number of people behind them was too much, there was no way for them to move to a safe place in just five minutes, originally he tried to let a small number of people climb up along the silk line first. But I didn’t expect that as soon as someone approached the silk thread, the three ugly spiders would move wildly as if they were stimulated!

And the ticking in their bodies will also beat with them! This made Luo An feel a little creepy, and he could only helplessly dispel this thought, his heart was now irritable, was it really only necessary to accompany these beasts to die together? At this moment, only to see a figure fall from the entrance of the cruise ship above, Luo An first looked stunned, thinking that there was some enemy coming, but then his look became happy, “Captain Shi, how come you are here!” ”

Without saying a word, he looked around and walked up and patted the other person’s shoulder,

“Well done, Vice Captain Luo, so many Chaos Spirits have been killed by you.”

Luo An was stunned, it was normal for him not to say anything when he knew, but he did not expect that a person of this level of the other party would even recognize his little vice captain, which made him feel a little flattered.

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