Lo Ann scratched his head in embarrassment,

“Wherever, it’s just that these guys are too weak.”

“Excessive modesty is arrogance.”

“Hahahahaha! Right! Your lesson is! ”

The easy-going nature of the time surprised Luo An, but the tension in his heart also became much lighter.

But then, his heart hung up again!

Seeing that Shi Shi walked slowly toward the three spiders, Luo An was shocked.

“Captain Shi, don’t kill them!!!”

He hurriedly trotted to Shi Wuyi’s side, and when he saw Shi Wuyi, he didn’t say anything and didn’t move, just quietly looking at them, Luo An’s heart was slightly relieved,

“They have bombs in their bodies, two fakes, one real, and they explode when they touch them, so that’s why we have them here.”


He had heard some things that were not said from time to time, and knew that this was a person who did not like to act according to the routine, and Luo An was really afraid that the other party did not know about the bomb, and then all of a sudden the spiders in front of him would be killed, and then they would all be killed here, which was really sad to go home!

However, the next second the worry in his heart instantly became extremely frightening! Only to see that when he turned sideways, touching his chin expression was a little playful,

“Xiao Luo, it seems that your intelligence work has not been done well.”

“Huh? What’s wrong, Captain Shi? ”

Luo An was a little scared, was the time for the bomb to explode earlier?! But he continued without saying a word,

“There’s nothing fake in this, all three bombs are real.”


Several exclamations rang out, and even the sixteen guards around the two couldn’t help but become frightened!

This is something that even the general has not discovered!!! At this time, there was a sudden commotion behind them, Luo An looked back, only to see Yan Muqing holding Tang Wanwan in the crowd, his face just appeared happy, but he saw that Yan Muqing’s face was a little ugly, and he also gently placed Tang Wanwan on the ground! Luo An secretly said that he was not well!

Hurriedly ran up, only to see Tang Wanwan’s face was unusually pale, and there was a three-finger-wide wound in the position of her abdomen! Seeing the weak look on his captain’s face, Luo An had a worried look,

“Captain Yan, Captain She… What’s wrong? ”

Yan Muqing’s eyes were a little bleak,

“The situation is not very good, you need to go to Captain Su for treatment immediately.”

“Then hurry up! Here I watched!!! ”

Luo An hurriedly said,

“And when the captain is also here, there will certainly be no problem!”

Yan Muqing’s eyes lit up,

“Where is he?!”

“Over there.”

Yan Muqing immediately pulled away from the crowd, but found that Shi Buyan did not say anything in front of the three spiders, but painted something on the ground outside the crowd.

“Without saying a word, what are you doing?”

Yan Muqing was a little irritable, he originally thought that this person had come to help them, but now the situation was so dangerous, he actually had the heart to paint on the ground! Shi did not look up, just lazily said,

“Eh, let Jean, stand in my way.”

Yan Muqing moved his feet a little angrily, and was about to continue to speak, but he heard a faint shout coming from behind him, “Mu Qing…”

Yan Muqing hurried back to the position he had just taken, reaching out and holding Tang Wanwan’s hand tightly.

“What’s wrong? Is there something wrong with your body again? ”

Tang Wanwan shook her head slightly, and then the corners of her mouth pulled out a smile with difficulty,

“Don’t be in a hurry… You forgot… Just before the general left… Did you say that? ”

Yan Muqing was suddenly frightened, as if she had been poured down by a basin of cold water, she closed her eyes, exhaled a deep breath, and when she opened her eyes again, her eyes had regained clarity.

She had just lost her mind a little, and she was overwhelmed by these chaotic things that had come together, and only after being woken up by Tang Wanwan at this moment did she react, and the general had personally told them that she believed that Shi did not speak, and even regarded Shi Wuyan as the next candidate for the next general! Although the general did not care much about the affairs of the Sixteen Guards, he would not easily make a decision on such a matter, how could the person she was looking for go deep into the danger of the imminent explosion at such a time to do something senseless? Thinking of this, Yan Muqing’s thoughts were clear, but she still didn’t understand what she was doing in her heart, at this time, a long cry came, and she stood up without saying a word, with a faint smile on her face, “Finished!” ”

Only to see that on the deck of Haiyuan No. 116, at this moment, a huge circle was drawn by Shi Wuyi, which was covered with countless intricate and profound runes, encircling all the people on the deck, suddenly, Yan Muqing remembered something, and his pupils shrank instantly! This guy, when he just drew circles, did not use a pen, but directly used his own two fingers!

“Leaning in… Squeeze and squeeze, squeeze and squeeze, all into the circle on the ground… Yes, that’s it! ”

Without saying a word, he greeted the members of the Sixteenth Guard, so that those who were outside the circle stood in the circle… Luo An came to the face without saying a word,

“Captain Shi, are we going in too?”

“Well, let’s all go in.”

“But what about them?”

Luo An looked at the three spiders worriedly, “Oh ~ almost forgot…”

As he spoke, he reached out and pointed back, only to see the three spiders suddenly float up, their bodies stopped in mid-air, a look of panic and crazy struggle, but they could not leave that position for 5.2 minutes!

“Now, it’s all right now.”

Looking at the smiling and squinting Shi without saying a word, Luo An’s heart was shocked, how did Captain Shi do it?! He didn’t have time to think about it, and at the untold urging, he entered the circle.

Looking at this series of actions, Yan Muqing wondered in his heart, what is this guy doing? He was about to open his mouth to inquire, but he looked at her without saying a word, “Do you want to go in too?” ”

“What are you doing inside?”

“Get out of here.”

The calm sound, but like a thunder in the crowd!!!


Countless exclamations rang out, and the surrounding area suddenly became chaotic!

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