On Haiyuan No. 78, Yan Muqing and Tang Wanwan were already shocked and could not speak, their eyes looked stunned and did not say anything, what just happened?! Bang all at once, so many people disappeared in front of their eyes?!

Is this a space spell? The power of time and space? Or is it an extraordinary array? Unfortunately, the conjectures in their little heads were all wrong, because the ability that was just used without saying anything was a power that did not belong to this world – spells! When Shi Wuyan was in Shizhao Port, he observed the situation here through his six eyes, and his brain instantly constructed the next plan! So he set the coordinates at the port of Shizhao, drew the formation with the spell in his body on the passenger ship, and then used the extended use of “Cang” to move instantaneously! This high-level operation that can only be used after the Cang is accurately oriented can not only make yourself have a teleportation effect, but also be used by other people! In the original world, Gojo Goku had used pandas and tigers to teleport them over the High School.

Shi Buyan closed his gaze back from the direction of Shi Zhaogang, and through the ultra-distant view of the six eyes, he saw that all the people who had moved past had landed safely, so he walked towards the second daughter who was dumbfounded.

Yan Muqing was still immersed in shock, until Shi Wuyan came to her and crouched down in front of her, she only turned back, only to see Shi Muqing’s eyes fall on the wound position on Tang Wanwan’s lower abdomen, and seriously looked at it.

“This spider has broken out, but the shell of the spider’s egg as a source of spiritual power has been broken, and it will not continue to grow larger for the time being… This is the way to listen to the moon, his eyebrows are again picked, and he looks at Tang Wanwan with some surprise.”

“You have also been injected with a lot of toxins into your body, and although you have been forced out of some, there are still a lot of remnants… It is reasonable to say that with so many doses, you should be directly unconscious, and now you can still stay awake, and your physical fitness is very good.”

Tang Wanwan was still a little unaccustomed to it, and when she called the general in front of her face to listen to the moon, but the next sentence became Wan Wan in his mouth, which made her who was always flirted with by Yan Muqing as an old woman.

Yan Muqing did not care about these details at the moment, she looked nervously without saying a word,

“How is she doing?! Is there really a way?! ”

“Toxins are easy to solve…”

Yan Muqing looked happy, but when he listened to the next words, his expression became nervous again.

“However, this spider has already blended with her flesh and blood, and it cannot be forcibly taken out, otherwise it will cause serious internal bleeding.”

Yan Muqing was shocked, no wonder the previous general had shattered the spider egg, but he had not taken this spider out!

But…… Isn’t there no way to do this?! Yan Muqing grabbed the hand that was silent when he was silent,

“Just now you said you could save her!” You must have a way, right?! ”

Shi Bu said that he would easily open Mu Qing’s smooth and tender little hands,


“So what to do? Is there anything I can do to help?! ”

“Put your arm in her mouth.”

Yan Muqing was stunned, but he still did it on time without saying a word, and then he looked at Tang Wanwan softly without saying a word, “Next… It may hurt a little, and you have to endure it a little. ”

The two of them had not yet reacted to what they meant without saying anything, so they saw that Shi Wuyan placed his hand on the wound position of Tang Wanwan’s abdomen, and then saw that his palm emerged with a thick dark red energy, Tang Wanwan felt the warmth brought by his lower abdomen, and the warm feeling brought by Shi Wanwan’s palm was somewhat shy, but the next moment, her eyes opened again!

Both eyes widened in surprise pain! Yan Muqing’s pupils also shrank suddenly, because as the special energy appeared on Shi Muqing’s hands, Tang Wanwan’s lower abdomen actually began to arch strangely!

She immediately realized that it was the spider moving underneath!

This feeling of something moving around in the body made Tang Wanwan feel a little unbearable in pain, and she subconsciously bit down.


The arm was bitten violently, causing Yan Muqing to inhale a cool breath in pain, but she did not pull her arm back, but stared at the strange bulge with dead eyes.

At this time, the eyes are bright, hooked!

He lifted his hand from Tang Wanwan’s lower abdomen at an extremely slow speed, and at the same time increased the degree of release of his own spell power, making the breath on his body more intense.

And that bulge is getting bigger and bigger!

Tang Wanwan’s painful sweat came down at this time, but she didn’t dare to move around, and could only instinctively bite Yan Muqing’s arm.

Suddenly, a creak appeared at the location of the wound! Immediately after, I saw a thin black spider leg sticking out! The spider is out!

Yan Muqing was overjoyed in his heart, so he wanted to reach out and pull the spider out, but he heard a low cry, “Don’t move!” It has barbs on its legs! ”

Yan Muqing immediately stopped moving, cold sweat instantly oozed from her back, this thing she had found when she checked the spider corpse before, but now she was in a hurry and actually forgot!

If it weren’t for the fact that she didn’t say anything, even if she really forcibly pulled the spider out, then Tang Wanwan would definitely open her skin and flesh!

The spell power breath in Shi Wuyan’s hand was raised again, and the spider couldn’t stand this extreme seductive scent, and it let out an unpleasant cry, and it jumped out of Tang Wanwan’s abdomen! As soon as Yan Muqing’s mind moved, the sickle that had been waiting for him jumped into the air and took the spider in his mouth!

Yan Muqing just breathed a sigh of relief, and found that the action of not saying anything was not over, he lifted Tang Wanwan up from the ground and leaned against the wall, the middle finger of the index finger was together, the mantra force in the body was condensed on the fingertip, and then tapped on Tang Wanwan’s forehead, and at the same time as the mantra force entered Tang Wanwan’s body, the second finger went straight down!

The spider has come out, so all that needs to be done now is to clean up the toxins in her body!

It was like letting the spiritual power running through Si Yu’s body calm down before, he had discovered before that the toxin in Tang Wanwan’s body was a special toxin containing spiritual power, so it would only force out part of the night listening moon, but since his spell power could swallow up the violent spiritual power, it was natural to deal with the toxins in Tang Wanwan’s body at this moment! However, Shi Yu forgot one thing, at that time Si Yu was unconscious, and had almost no perception of the body, but now Tang Wanwan, although her breath is somewhat weak, people are awake, she can feel Yu very clearly, and she does not say that her fingertips are wandering on her body…

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