The warmth from the finger belly made Tang Wanwan even ignore the pain in the abdomen, and the expression of the whole person became extremely strange, but Shi Buyan was concentrating on controlling the operation of the spell force in her body, and did not notice Tang Wanwan’s look, but when his two fingers came to the middle of Tang Wanwan’s ribs, the sudden hissing made him have a momentary lapse of concentration, almost shaking his hand to go somewhere else, fortunately, he was determined, and his two fingers quickly followed to the lower abdomen position.

Feeling the complete elimination of toxins in Tang Wanwan’s body, he counted several acupuncture points on the other party’s body to stop the bleeding in his abdomen, and then stood up.

“Okay, it’s all right.”

Yan Muqing did not know when, has turned his head to the side, when he heard the words to speak, he turned his face full of crimson, she took a look at Tang Wanwan, who was constantly panting, and quickly took out a jade toad pill from his pocket, which was the same as before Lin Xinzhi gave Mo Jingming the same thing, with the powerful effect of stopping bleeding and fixing qi, Tang Wanwan took the jade toad pill down, immediately mobilized extraordinary power to begin to repair herself, she was originally a first-level physical extraordinary, the physical quality was extremely strong, at this time the spider in the body was out of the body, The disappearance of the toxin, coupled with the jade toad pill developed by Yan Muqing, not only did the qi and blood on the face recover a lot in an instant, but even the wound in the abdomen began to heal slowly.

Shi Wuyan looked at Tang Wanwan’s slowly recovered abdomen, and her mood also became better.

“I didn’t expect your body to be so great!”

However, unexpectedly, as soon as this word came out, the second daughter was instantly Xia Fei’s cheeks, and Tang Wanwan thought of the touch just now, and even lowered her head and did not dare to look at the time without speaking.

When I don’t say a little confused, I praise your body to recover quickly, what do you blush? But soon, the ticking sound in the spider’s body on one side pulled Yan Muqing’s thoughts back, and she looked at the silent eyes with a strange flash,

“I heard you say before that the three bombs were real?”

When he saw it, he nodded without saying a word, and Yan Muqing’s face became not very good-looking.

“This woman even has to lie to us about this kind of thing!”

Without a word, his eyes flickered,

“What just happened?”

Yan Muqing originally wanted Shi Mu to solve the bomb problem first, but seeing the calm expression on the other person’s face, and then thinking that she had just saved Tang Wanwan with a divine skill, she was a little stunned, what the general could not do, he did it without saying a word!

This kind of mentality and strength made Yan Muqing start to look at Shi Muqing again, before she thought that Shi Muyan was just a hairy boy, the reason why she was willing to believe in him was only because she believed in the general, and now after personal experience, Yan Muqing began to really try to believe Shi Muyan itself.

Although it was only three minutes before the explosion, she still chose to believe it without saying a word, and succinctly said what had happened before at a rapid speed, and then looked at it with hope and did not say anything.

“Can you stop the bomb from exploding?”

“No, but we can keep them from exploding here.”

Yan Muqing’s look was a little surprised,

“But if they touch them, they’ll explode!”

Under such a premise, Yan Muqing did not know how to transfer them.

Shi WuXian suddenly came over, looking at the pair of blue eyes that were close at hand, Yan Muqing’s heart instantly tensed up, and then he listened to the playful tone of his voice and whispered,

“Since she loves to play games so much… Would you like to play with her too? Yan Muqing’s eyes instantly lit up.”


Immediately after, her expression became confused again, “Then what to do…”

Yan Muqing’s words stopped abruptly halfway through, she only felt a burst of man’s breath coming at her, and in an instant, she and Tang Wanwan returned to Haiyuan No. 78, without saying a word, they released their arms around them, and then looked up with two fingers together.

Yan Muqing didn’t even have time to blush at this time, and he couldn’t help himself in shock!


The unspoken words that only listened to them rang out around them, and at the same time, the Haiyuan No. 78 where they were located actually began to shake! Then, the two daughters were shocked to find that the deep sea around them was rapidly brightening! Wrong!

It’s not the sea getting brighter!

They are rising from the bottom of the sea!

And the Haiyuan 116 overhead is also floating upwards rapidly! Yan Muqing felt that he was a little sluggish, and the two passenger ships on the bottom of the sea looked at at least twenty-five tons or more!

It actually floated up from the bottom of the sea!

Suddenly, she remembered something and shouted at the time,

“Stop! There’s also a cruise ship on it, and if it hits a bomb, it will explode! ”

But the next moment, the horror in her heart became even worse!

Seeing that the passenger ship overhead was about to crash into the cruise ship parked on the surface of the sea, the breath on Shi Wuyan’s body suddenly rose, and then the cruise ship also left the sea! The light in front of them suddenly brightened, and Yan Muqing and Tang Wanwan couldn’t help but close their eyes, and when they opened their eyes again, their pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a grain of rice!

Only to see that the Haiyuan 78 where they were located had come to the surface of the sea at this moment, the silk thread connecting the passenger ship had been broken at some point, and the Haiyuan 116 and the cruise ship, which were originally above their heads, were now floating in the air hundreds of meters away from them!!!

“A ship of 25 tons… Two ships of 50 tons…”

Yan Muqing’s eyes were sluggish and murmured, she originally thought that the transfer of the time was to transfer the spiders with bombs into the deep sea, just like the previous transfer of those people, but she did not expect that Shi Muyan would actually transfer the spiders with the ship to a height of hundreds of meters!

These are two ships that add up to at least fifty tons!!! Yan Muqing felt that he still didn’t say anything when he looked down, this guy was not a genius at all, but a special peerless immortal talent!!! At the edge of Shizhao Port, among the people receiving treatment, it was not who suddenly let out an exclamation, and then the exclamation spread among the crowd, and all the people looked at the sea in the distance in shock, before they were located Haiyuan 78 had already appeared on the sea, while the other two ships were extremely frightening floating high in the air!

“Sleeper! The magician began again!!! ”

Ah Wei blurted out in shock, Luo An’s eyes fell on the three figures that appeared on the surface of the sea, looking at the white-haired figure in the front, subconsciously murmuring,

“Captain Shi… What a man of God…”

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