Its real-time is not without thinking, directly transferred the spider to the deep sea, but the idea just appeared by his own veto, because the water pressure in the deep sea is very large, he does not dare to guarantee that those spiders will not appear from the bubble instant, the bomb in the body will be directly crushed by the huge water pressure, so he simply directly in the high air, released a huge fly, let the ship directly rise to the high sky, anyway, as long as the purpose can be achieved.

However, he did not expect that his move would make the two captains behind him close their mouths in shock.

He walked over and reached out and shook his hand in front of Yan Muqing, and the other party returned to his senses.

“Ahh… What’s up? ”

When smiling,

“It’s still more than a minute before the bomb explodes, and if nothing else, Listening to the Moon won’t stop the bomb from detonating, but will be trapped there, and Ivey will return here after that.”

“What do you say?!”

The second daughter was shocked,

“The general is in danger?!”

In their hearts, the general of this strength of the person, killing a jealous Si Jiao is simply a matter of hand to hand, even if the other party is cunning, can not stop the bomb explosion, but the whole body and retreat is not a problem at all, Yan Muqing suddenly thought of something, the pupils shrank,

“Are those demons…?”

Shaking his head without saying a word,

“Time is running out now, so go back to the bottom of the cargo hold first, and she will be fine with the moon.”

His eyes flickered, the demon would not revive now, at least for a while, he was sure of this matter, otherwise he would not let Holtlis take the wreckage from purgatory, as for the matter of the night hearing the moon being trapped, Shi Bu Yan felt that there was a great possibility, because her strength was not said to have been seen at present, the strongest person besides herself, as the sixteenth guard’s nemesis, Holtlis could not be unaware of this matter, so the weak Evie, when he saw the night moon, not only did not flee directly, But to lure it into hell, the guy of the old Hiji, not the sixteen guards, can give up his life for the sake of others, Evie does this, obviously there is some way to balance the night listening to the moon, a short period of time to increase the strength to kill the night listening moon, it is obviously impossible, otherwise she can fight directly, instead of leading the night listening moon to hell, so the way to balance is to find the flaws of the night listening moon, mess up its mind, and then use the magic weapon that she has encountered without saying that she will trap it! Therefore, Shi Buyan also reminded the other party before the night listening to the moon before leaving, to beware of the old day of the division to take advantage of her weakness, lead to the extreme and through the ink painting and smoke related things, so that the night listening to the moon heart lost.

And this, too, was the reason why the moon saw the ink painting smoke that Ivy pretended to be later in the night, although there was a moment of throbbing, but the reason for the rapid recovery of clarity was that she had been injected in advance without saying a word.

And the reason why he proposed to Yan Muqing that the purpose of playing a game with Yi Wei was to treat his body with his human way, and the other was to lure Yi Wei out, not to find it himself, but to let the other party throw himself into the net! As for the safety of the night listening to the moon, Shi Wei did not worry much.

Soon, Yan Muqing and the others returned to the bottom cargo compartment, jingle bells!

The phone on the body rang suddenly, after taking a look at the time around without saying a word, Yan Muqing answered the phone and pressed the hands-free button, and then, there was the previous scene of dialogue, the next moment, the huge explosion roar exploded above their heads, the hands of Yan Muqing who held the phone were shaking, countless spider severed limbs fell in the air, instantly dyed the sea surface around them red, Yan Muqing was shocked in his heart, if it were not for the fact that they did not appear at the time, they really could not cope with this powerful bomb. At this moment, the breath on Shi Buyan’s body surged up, releasing a fly next to Haiyuan No. 78, and a strong gravitational force suddenly appeared, instantly collapsing half of Haiyuan No. 78’s hull into pieces! Yan Muqing froze, the phone in his hand also fell to the ground unconsciously, looking at the smiling Shi Wu, and only half of the Haiyuan No. 78 was left, Yan Muqing couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, “What is professional? This is called professional! ”

In order to create a realistic explosion scene, this guy even blew up half of their own passenger ship! When she reacted from the shock, she heard the urgent shouts of the night moon coming from the phone under her feet, Yan Muqing hurriedly bent down to pick it up, and when she was about to open her mouth, she found that the phone had been hung up by the night listening moon.

Shi WuXian walked over and smiled and patted Yan Muqing’s shoulder, “It’s still quite like that.”

Yan Muqing turned his face in embarrassment, “No, it’s just…”

Halfway through the conversation, her pupils shrank suddenly, because she suddenly felt a vibration coming from under her feet! Not Kaihara 78!

It’s somewhere else!!!

At the same time, in the Sixteenth Guard Branch of Haiwon University, Lin Xinzhi answered the phone on the desk.

“Elder Lin, the disaster events in the table world have been almost suppressed!”

The voice of Wen Chengye’s excitement came from the phone, and Lin Lao’s face also appeared happy, “Captain Wen, you have worked hard!” ”


Smell the hearty voice of Chengye coming,

“If it weren’t for the fact that Captain Shi had solved the incidents in other places and left our manpower vacant so much, the speed of our suppression would not have been so fast!”

Speaking of this, Wen Chengye said with some emotion,

“In my impression, Shi Buyan was still the hairy boy who had exploded many purposes in Yanqiu Mountain, and I didn’t expect him to become the captain so soon!”

Lin Xinzhi also laughed,

“Yeah, I…”

Suddenly, his brow furrowed!

A sudden vibration came, causing an extremely frightening palpitation in his heart, “Elder Lin? Lin Lao? What happened?! ”

Hearing Chengye’s anxious voice coming, Lin Xinzhi was silent for a moment before slowly opening his mouth.

“It’s going to start messing around again…”

His cloudy eyes kept trembling, because the vibration he felt at this moment made him unusually familiar and afraid!

He knew that this sudden strange vibration did not come from under his feet, but from hell!!! The vibration is exactly the same as ten paintings!! Divine!

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