At this time, the night moon was in the middle of sealing the magic weapon, while attacking the surrounding white barrier, while thinking about how to break the seal, suddenly, she heard what seemed to be moving outside, so she stopped the action and listened carefully, although she was trapped in it and could not get out, the transmission of the sound was strangely unaffected, and then, her face became extremely poor!

Judging by the sound coming from outside, Shi Buyan followed Ivey into hell, and the other party seemed to be injured under Ive’s attack! Night Listening Moon’s heart became anxious, there was a large amount of rich spiritual power and black qi near the Polar Abyss, although staying in it for a long time, even if it was a special level strong person of the priest level like Evie, it would not be able to accommodate too much spiritual power and be exploded, but as long as they did not enter, they could rely on the abundant spiritual power of the Extreme Abyss to enhance their strength, which was why the strength of the chaotic spirit group that appeared from the Extreme Abyss before would be higher than the Chaos Spirit in the surface world, and as a superhuman, they would be suppressed by this spiritual power!

Ye Tingyue knew that Ivy’s kind of silk thread was very strong, and she also relied on the unique power she felt – the melting abyss flame intention, to be able to break the other party’s silk thread, but she could not cut off the fundamental source line, so in her heart, without this power, it was understandable that she would be suppressed by Yiwei, but because of this, the mood of the night moon became more anxious, and there were very few people she trusted in her life, and in today’s world, except for Lin Xinzhi, there is only time to say nothing. Before the ink painting smoke was hit by her own hands, she couldn’t let Shi Wuyan die in the same place again! The surging extraordinary power surged up from her body, turning into a substantial wave of flames, constantly burning the surrounding barriers, and the Seven Feet Lie seemed to sense the mood of the night listening to the moon, transforming into a gun shadow in the sky and constantly crashing on the sealing device! Since you can’t find a way to crack it, then use your strength to directly and forcibly break this seal! Outside the magic sealing device, Ivy’s fingertips jumped, and one silk thread after another with her fingers, constantly drawing one wound after another on the body of Shi Wuyi, suddenly, a strong vibration came from the magic sealing device not far away, making Yiwei’s movements stagnant!

She turned her head carefully to look at the magic sealing device, carefully observed for a moment, and found that although the vibration was very large, but there was no half-broken appearance on the sealing device, Evie was relieved, if the woman came out and became a one-dozen two-in-one situation, then she really didn’t play! At this time, Evie suddenly frowned, and she found that when she was distracted and had just looked at the sealing weapon, the time in front of her had actually broken through her own attack, and she was about to follow! Ivey was startled, did not dare to be distracted any longer, and threw himself into the control of the Thousand Souls with all his heart, so he was soon forced to retreat again without saying a word.

Looking at the blood in front of her, but there was no scream in front of her, Evie couldn’t help but be a little surprised in her heart, this boy’s mind was really the toughest person she had ever seen, for the first time in so many years, she still saw someone hurt like this, and she didn’t say a word!

Looking at the difficulty of dodging the key points, but the scales of the cut pieces were silent, coupled with the constant vibration around him, but the sealing magic weapon that could not be broken, Evie only felt that he had never been so happy in his life! That old face that had long since returned to its original appearance was covered with a wild and proud smile, and he thought that he would be killed here by Hollys, but that guy certainly couldn’t imagine that not only was he sealed by himself for listening to the moon all night, but even when he was jealous, he didn’t say anything, and now it seemed that he obviously couldn’t last long! At that time, I will achieve something that no one in the old division has ever achieved! With the strength of one person, defeat two of the world’s top strongmen!

When he went out with the head of the unspoken head, the guy who usually regarded himself very highly as a person ran over and knelt down in front of him to beg him to be the head of the old Japanese Division! The pleasure in Evie’s heart became more and more, and the silk thread in his hand became more and more, and the speed of the swing was once again one point faster!!

It’s just that Ive, who has fallen into extreme self-pleasure, did not notice that the fine wounds on Shi Buyan’s body had recovered more than half of them at some point, and the speed of recovery was getting faster and faster! Even some very shallow wounds, just appeared, just a little bit of blood, then healed immediately!

After feeling the speed of the silk thread of the Thousand Silk Soul Broken by Ivy’s control become faster, he was not surprised at all! Because judging from the recovery speed of his own wound, the reversal technique is about to break through! This extremely strong feeling made Shi Wuyi simply stop deliberately avoiding some key parts, but expose his body to Ivy’s attack as much as possible! When a silk thread pierced through his abdomen, a smile suddenly appeared on Shi Buyan’s face, because at this moment, he heard a long-awaited voice!

“Reversed Technique Detected Host Advanced Proficiency Full!”

“The advanced level of the reversal technique is the reversal technique!”

“Hint: The host’s reversal form has been fully unlocked and the stage of integration has been reached!” As long as the host has a trace of flesh remaining, it can reshape the body through reversal techniques!

Reshape the flesh!

What these four words represent, Shi Wuyi’s heart is very clear, which means that he will not die or perish!

It means that he will become the only invincible being in the world! At this moment, I just feel that there is an indescribable special feeling that arises from the bottom of my heart, and that no one in this extraordinary world will be able to defeat me! Even God can’t do it!!! Evie smelled the smell of blood wafting in the air, and his heart was agitated, as if he was about to usher in the peak of his life!

But then, she showed a doubtful expression on her face, only to see that as her thousand threads of soul broke accelerated, the action of Shi Wuxian not only did not speed up with it, but became slower, as if she was actively leaning over her own silk thread! Did he have any other purpose?

Doubts arose in Ivey’s heart, but she immediately denied it, who would take the initiative to approach death?! Suddenly, when Evie found that one of his silk threads was pierced without saying a word in his lower abdomen, the other person’s figure suddenly stopped, although he couldn’t see the expression when he didn’t say anything, but Evie knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! That special origin thread lurked in the multitude of silk threads, stabbing at the neck of the unspoken at a very fast speed! Burst!

The silk thread passed through, and blood flowed from the neck of the unspoken time! Ivey couldn’t help but be dead!

This horrible guy is dead!

Died at the hands of I, jealous of Evie!!! But the next moment, Ive’s face suddenly changed!

Only to see that she thought she was dead without saying a word, she actually grabbed the origin line that pierced through the throat, just a gentle pull, the origin line was pulled out, and then, a dark red spell force appeared on the surface of his body, making the wounds on his body recover quickly, just in the blink of an eye, all the wounds had all healed! How come?!!

Evie’s heart was filled with monstrous waves!

The whole person was directly paralyzed on the ground by the huge shock!!! And at this moment, he slowly raised his head without saying a word, and a thrilling smile appeared on his face, at the same time, his body exploded with a terrifying momentum that Evie had never felt before! It is like declaring to the whole world – heaven and earth, only I am the only one!

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