The momentum on Shi Wuyan’s body only appeared for a moment, and then dissipated without a trace, as if it was not his active release just now, but just an unconscious escape.

However, although the momentum had dissipated, Ivy still did not slow down, and the roar that was ringing all the time in the Polar Abyss behind him had also disappeared at this moment, and the Chaos Spirits lurking under the Polar Abyss seemed to feel the extremely frightening breath just now! Ivey looked at the front of him with a sluggish gaze, he couldn’t believe that he had been cut by his own silk thread a moment ago, and he didn’t say why such a terrible breath had erupted now!

Even more than the Leviathan they serve the Lord, Leviathan!


Ive’s scattered eyes condensed into light, I still have the origin line!

The thread of origin that all things the Lord has given me can be severed! As soon as her mind moved, the fundamental source line struck towards the face that did not say a word! Break your throat and you can recover, I don’t believe you can still live through your brain!! But the next moment, the roar in Ivy’s heart suddenly stopped, only to see the moment when the origin line was pierced, Shi did not say a word, did not dodge, but directly reached out and grabbed the source line, and then, the black lightning that emitted a terrifying aura jumped on the palm of Shi Wuyi’s hand! Syllable.

With a slight noise, the origin line that Ivy was proud of was directly torn off without saying a word! Yi Wei didn’t know that Shi Buyan had just used the principle of black flash, and at the moment of the power of the palm, the double explosion of flesh and spell power produced an extremely powerful force, instantly tearing off the origin line!

She only felt that her worldview had collapsed now, this was a gift from the Lord, even the terrible woman who listened to the moon at night could only break her other silk threads, and when facing the origin line, she could only use seven feet of strength to block it, and it was not said that he actually ripped off the origin line!

Not a weapon used, but a palm!!!

Evie’s pupils trembled violently, and these terrifying events in front of her made her can’t help but roar loudly at the time.

“You and I are both special ranks, why can your strength reach this level?” Whew”

The face of the moment appeared in front of Ivy,

“You’re special because you reached the special level, and I’m special because the highest is only the special level.”

The sound of the silence was not loud, but it fell into Ivy’s ears like thunder! Those extremely magnificent pale blue eyes were Evie’s most jealous eyes, but now that she was close at hand, Evie didn’t have half a thought to take them down! Because she understands that what Shi Buyan just said is true!

The two of them were not at the same level at all!!! Evie’s figure flashed away, and fine cold sweat oozed from her forehead, “Don’t say anything, you can’t kill me!” ”

The corners of his mouth smiled, “Oh ~ give me a reason.” ”

Evie was about to speak, but without saying a word, he added, “You’d better not tell a lie again.” ”

Evie swallowed his saliva and seemed to have made a difficult decision,

“I know you’re looking for a substitute, and I can help you!”

Seeing that he did not say a word, but also did not attack himself, Evie’s heart secretly said that there was a drama! And then it goes on,

“The parchment crumble in your hand has a total of seven parts, and once it is gathered into a whole, it will become a key to the place where the Lord Substitute is!”

“You have four copies of this fragment in your hand now, and I have two copies here, and if you kill me, then you will never know where the last one is!” You will never find a substitute adult!! ”

Evie finished speaking quickly, and then stared dead at the silent movements, who liked to play with people’s hearts, this time she did not say a word of lie in front of Shi Wu, but told Shi Wu all the things she knew, because she really wanted to live!

But Evie found that after she said these words, Shimu’s expression became strange, “That’s what Holtlis told you?” ”

Ivey vaguely felt that something was wrong,

“This time I’m telling the truth! If there is half a lie, I am willing to be punished by Lord Leviathan! ”

Her expression was very flustered, and she even swore an oath to her Lord, just to prove to the time that what she said was true.

Shi Wuyi looked at Evie’s appearance,

“Is Holtlis telling you… The last fragment was in his hand, and it was hidden in a very secret place that could not be found by me.”

As soon as the words fell, Ive’s face suddenly became extremely shocked, how could he know about this?!

There were only her, Ange and Holtlis under the church at that time, was it the Ange guy who leaked it?!

Thinking of this, Ive’s expression became resentful, but she saw that Shi Buyan felt something from her body, and Evie fixed her eyes on it, only to see that it was the parchment fragment that appeared in Shi Wuyan’s hand, and she subconsciously counted it.

“One… Two…… Three…… Four…… Five…”

Evie’s pupils shrank suddenly, how could there be five fragments on his hands?! Isn’t he supposed to have only four?!

Seeing the horror on Evie’s face, he opened his mouth without saying a word,

“Holtlis is probably telling you that I want to find the ink paint and do something you don’t want to see, like stop her from waking up… Or just kill it… Right? ”

“How do you know?!”

Ivey blurted out, but then thought of something, when she asked Holtlis if he had given the last piece of the fragment to Gratt or Raichi, Holtlis denied it, and bluntly said that their strength was not enough, if they were handed over to them, it would be a free gift, but now that he thinks about it, Holtlis has long been prepared, he does not want to prevent Shi Wuyi from obtaining the fragment, but to rely on the fragment to attract Shi Wuyi! In addition, it is not that Hotlis miscalculated his strength from the Kaiwon Bridge where Ange is located to Shizhao Port in a city spanning so quickly is not that Holtlis miscalculated his strength, but that Holtlis knows the strength of the other party and then deliberately does it!

Just so that both himself and Ange would die at the hands of the unspoken man! As for the magic weapon given to her, it was ostensibly to seal the night moon, but in fact it was to allow herself to survive until the arrival of the time!

Holtlis had lied to her from the very beginning, to all of them! This vicious guy didn’t see them as companions from the beginning, but just a pawn on his chessboard!

Ivy, who had figured everything out, her face changed dramatically, and she was shocked, shocked, angry, and resentful, and one after another appeared on her face, and finally turned into a miserable laugh, “Holtlis!!!!” ”

At this moment, the silent voice sounded again, “Got it? ”

She slammed into the front of her and her expression was still indifferent, “You already knew?! ”

“I know…”

“Then aren’t you afraid of being a pawn on his chessboard?!”

“Let me be a pawn?”

Shi Bu smiled softly, “He doesn’t deserve it!” ”

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