Evie’s eyes stayed on Shi Wuyi’s body, “Then why are you looking for a substitute adult?” ”

“That’s not what you should know.”

The matter of finding the ink painting smoke not only involves whether there is another spell in this world, but also involves the problem of system upgrade at that time, and these two points are naturally impossible to tell Ive.

A bitter laugh came from Ivey’s mouth, she had been playing with human life since she joined the old day, but now that she understood everything, she found that in the end, she was just a pawn in the game between Shi Buyan and Hhotlis.

This huge gap constantly stimulated her mood, and hundreds of thousands of soul fragments burst out from her body, all of which attacked without saying a word!

Only this time, she no longer had any extravagant hope to be able to overcome Shi Wuyi, and the toughest origin threads were all torn off by Shi Wu’s direct hands, these ordinary silk threads may be fatal to others, but for Shi Wushi, they have no effect at all.

This attack only wanted to be temporarily dragged on without saying a word.

At the moment when the silk thread left the body31, she tore open a space rift in the void, and the whole person disappeared into it!

But what she didn’t know was that at the moment when the rift was about to close, Shi Buyan had already broken through the hundreds of silk threads she had finally released, came to the position where she had disappeared, grabbed the edge of the rift, and forcibly stopped its closing trend! In the deep sea where Shizhao Port was located, where the Haiyuan No. 78 passenger ship was previously stayed, a dark crack suddenly opened, and then, Ive’s figure stepped out of it, she floated in the deep sea, surrounded by a strong water pressure that was enough to make an ordinary person be squeezed to death in an instant, it seemed to have no effect on her, if you look closely, you can see that outside her body, there is a layer of film like bubbles.

Ivey did not stay in the same place for half a moment, almost at the moment of leaving the gap, the whole person went like a sharp arrow towards the dark sea.

A deep resentment appeared on Ive’s face,

“Without a word, Holtholis, you wait! One day, I will come back to avenge!!! ”

The opening of the space rift, the location of each connection is different, it will be determined according to the mind of the opener, and it is impossible to imagine that he will actually return to the previous position this time! But at this moment, a strong palpitation suddenly arose in Ive’s heart, as if he was being stared at by a predatory tiger! She subconsciously looked back, and saw that the space rift that she had come out of before was not closed as she thought, her brow tightened, and she was very puzzled by this different situation than usual, but the next moment, Evie knew why, because she saw it without saying a word and walked out of it! Ivi had thought that the moment he walked out of the rift, he would be affected by the terrifying water pressure of the deep sea, but he saw that a circular barrier appeared around Shi Wuyi’s body, so that all the surrounding sea water stayed outside the barrier and could not get close to his body! Before Evie could be shocked, he saw that Shi Wu looked up in his own direction, and that indifferent gaze instantly made Evie’s frightened soul fly away! This monster!!!

Yi Wei’s heart screamed, and then he directly entered the first dark form, only to see the black qi escape from her body, enveloping the entire sea area where she was located, and the next moment, a giant spider that was larger than Haiyuan 78 and Haiyuan 116, combined, appeared in the deep sea! Around her body, there was a huge bubble wrapped around her, exactly the same bubble that had been wrapped outside the two passenger ships before! The red-glowing spider eyes stared dead at the time below, she knew that the moment Shi Wuyan came out of the space rift, the previous escape plan had already failed.

“It’s not hell, but it’s my home!”

Her ugly spider legs with barbs slid violently, and the sea water around her shook violently like a living creature, and then a huge pressure was born from it!

This is another of Ive’s powers – the mastery of the deep sea!

The deep sea they are in is nearly three thousand meters at the bottom of the sea, and the surrounding water pressure is about three hundred standard atmospheric pressures, which is quite a pressure of about 90,000 adults on their bodies! At this moment, under the control of Ivy’s deep sea, the pressure around him suddenly doubled!

Evie didn’t know if she could kill Shi Wei with this move, but she believed that under such a huge water pressure, Shi Wu’s body speed would definitely be greatly affected! And you can take this opportunity to escape far away! So after Evie opened the deep sea mastery, the whole person quickly swam towards the sea in front of him! But before she could swim far, she felt a strong wave of energy that spread down the sea to herself!

She looked back, and Shi Bu was still in the same position as before, not catching up, but the sea in front of him became extremely strange! Only to see that on the left side of the time, a large amount of sea water was attracted together, they seemed to be under a huge gravitational force, constantly condensing, which emitted a light blue brilliant light, like a huge aquamarine in the shape of a sphere! To the right of the unspoken moment, a strange vacuum area appears, in which all the sea water has been squeezed out, leaving only a transparent spherical space!

And when Ivey looked at the past, the two spheres with different shapes just collided together! The two orbs disappeared in an instant, and were replaced by a purple-black orb with a flickering fine lightning, which was magnificently unprecedented in Ive’s life, but she did not have a trace of emotion in her heart at the moment, and the only state of mind she had was fear!

The Initial Dark Form should not have realized this, but as its own strength increased, the mind of the caster would gradually recover, such as Gratt and Raiki, after entering the Initial Dark Form, only the animal instincts remained, and the strong ones such as Anger and Evie could also retain the human mind in the Initial Dark Form, which would have been a good thing that would allow them to have stronger strength in battle, but now, it made Ivey feel an unprecedented strong fear! She didn’t have time to think about it too much, her body changed again, the huge spider body quickly shrunk, eight spider legs appeared on its back, and the body changed back to human form, although the body became smaller, but the breath on her body became more condensed and thick.

This is Ive’s first dark form, the second order!

Has a strength that is twice as strong as the Initial Dark Form! In front of that terrifying sphere, Evie did not dare to save half of his strength! And in the instant after she changed her form, a fine light flashed in her unspoken eyes, and she snapped her fingers.


An extremely majestic aura of terror burst out from the purple-black sphere in front of him! Cut all the surrounding sea water away and shoot at the distant Ivey at a very fast speed!

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