After entering the first dark second order, Yi Wei, coupled with the power of the deep sea, made her strength soar, and the whole person was almost integrated with the sea, and when the purple-black sphere came towards her, Yi Wei immediately wanted to go around, but her face changed suddenly, and she found that her body could not move! It was as if she had been locked by some powerful force, so that she could not escape at all, and could only force herself to face this attack without saying a word! In the endless panic, the sea water around Evie surged rapidly, and in an instant, hundreds of barriers were formed, all stacked in front of her, Evie was slightly relieved, but the next second, the barrier that consumed her whole body strength to form was directly shattered the moment the purple-black sphere touched!!!……

At the edge of Shizhao Port, Ah Wei was on the phone,

“Hey, do you still have any spare medical teams there, there aren’t enough people here.”

He glanced back at the group of people behind him who were receiving treatment, and although he had already transferred all his medical teams, there were too many injured people involved in this incident, so he thought of transferring medical personnel from other places.

“Don’t tell me that there aren’t enough people over there, I’ll tell you, I have two things here…”

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be arguing with him, which made Ah Wei a little impatient and!!!

A huge roar suddenly sounded from the sea in front of him, Ah Wei subconsciously looked up, and then his pupils tightened!

Only to see that on the surface of the originally calm sea, there was suddenly an extremely magnificent purple-black ray that burst out from the sea and pierced the clouds!

And with the appearance of the ray, an extremely large opening appeared on the surface of the sea ahead! It’s like an invisible knife that cuts the entire sea in half! This kind of scene that had never been seen in his life suddenly shocked Ah Wei and the crowd behind him and could not speak, until the wreckage of the ship that flew into the air fell back to the sea and splashed water, and Ah Wei returned to his senses and muttered in a daze.

“Obedient, Captain Shi is changing this magic again… J.T… J”,……

At the same time, in a room deep underground at Haiyuan University, a slightly chubby teenager was sitting upright on the ground, his age did not look very old, probably only eighteen or nineteen years old, but the calm expression on his face did not look very consistent with his age, but an old man who had lived for hundreds of years. The candle in the room was burning quietly, but the shadow behind him was shaking strangely, and looking at its silhouette, it didn’t look like a man, it looked more like a woman! Suddenly, the shadow seemed to be stimulated by something, and the shaking became more intense than before! There is even a tendency to detach from the body of a teenager! But the teenager was still sitting on the ground, as if he was completely unaware of the strange movement of the shadow behind him, and the next moment, there seemed to be a woman’s scream, which sounded from the shadow behind him, and then the violent shaking of the shadow stopped violently, and the form changed from a human form to a curled up black shadow. The young man’s eyes, which had been tightly closed, opened sharply at this moment, and a ray of essence burst out from his eyes!

The young man made a deep inhalation action, a huge wind suddenly arose in the room, the candle flame shook in an instant, and the shadow behind him actually turned into a wisp of black gas from the ground with his inhalation, and was inhaled into his body! In just a few moments, the shadow was all absorbed by the teenager, and the breath on his body became more condensed! The candle flame subsided, the essence of his eyes faded, and a low self-voice echoed in this small basement, “Time… It’s here. ”

Then, his eyes closed again, and the room fell silent again, as if nothing had ever happened, but under the illumination of the candlelight, the figure of the teenager looked extremely strange! Because there is no shadow behind him! And at this moment, if Jiang Yi’er was here, he would find that this strange teenager sitting in the room was an acquaintance before him–the little fat man who always sat in front of him in Haiyuan University!

Shi Bu did not check whether Evie was dead, because in the moment when Evie cut open the sea water and impacted Ive’s body, he sensed that Ive’s breath had dissipated in this world, and the other party did not even have time to issue the last scream before death, and at this moment, the system’s prompt sound also sounded in Shi Wuyi’s mind, “Detected that the host has punished the crimes of the world, and the crimes are jealous” Reward the host with 8 points of integration.”

“The current Fusion of Gojo Goku templates – 98%.”

“Unlock a new skill: Realm: Immeasurable Void!”

“Currently Mastering skills:

1. Six eyes.

2. Unlimited Technique – “Stop Force”.

3. Divine Gymnastics.

4. Unlimited Spell – Spell “Cang”.

5. Reversal – Spell “He”.

6. “Black Flash”.

7. Reversal style Dacheng style.

8. Virtual “茈”.

9. Field: Immeasurable emptiness.”

Shi WuXian was silent for a moment, and then a brilliant light flashed in his eyes!

Gojo Goku’s template fusion level finally reached 98, only two points away from reaching perfection, and he not only reached the point of Dacheng in the reversal technique, but also unlocked the immeasurable void!

If the reversal technique after Dacheng could make him reach the point of immortality, then the immeasurable void that was now unlocked would allow him to step into the realm of the gods!

In the world of spells, each spellcaster has a different spell, and his abilities are strong and weak, but everyone is pursuing the same thing, that is, the field!

The field known as the end of the spell! In the original world, the realm was divided into three forms:

1. Simple field

2. Field extension

3. Field development

Among them, the realm development consumes the most mana, but its effect is also the most powerful!

Because the spells in the realm are 100% hit, and the spells in the own realm can also be enhanced! And now the ability I have gained is the last of the three forms of the realm – the realm unfolds: immeasurable disobedience!

Take a break… Today it’s two changes… Make it up tomorrow, four more!

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