A roar of the chaotic spirit pulled back the silent thoughts, and as they deepened in the abyss, the spiritual power and black qi around them became more and more intense, and the spell power breath emitted from the parchment in their hands became more and more obvious, and even the chaotic spirits that were dormant in the darkness began to become restless and impatient, but they were forced by the breath on the two of them to come forward.

Suddenly, in the unspoken perception, a hole appeared in the dark space ahead, “Go in.” ”

Shi said quietly, the two entered from the mouth of the cave, after passing through a narrow passage, the space in front of them suddenly opened up, only to see that the location they were in was an extremely vast cave, there was no light on the rock wall, but it was eroded by the rich spiritual force, so that the whole cave emitted a faint red light, so that Shi Buyan no longer needed to be perceived, just by virtue of the naked eye can see everything around them.

Nightshade Moon’s brow furrowed, under the shimmering light, she found that the ground was littered with the corpses of Chaos Spirits, and even the corpses of human beings were mixed in, but their bodies were all carrying various animal patterns of the old Hiji, obviously not believers or evolutionists, and judging from the degree of dust and clothing damage on their bodies, these humans and Chaos Spirits had been dead for at least a few decades, but what Nightwing Moon wondered was why these corpses appeared in this abyss cave that did not know how many meters deep? Suddenly, the parchment in Shi Buyan’s hand seemed to sense something, and the breath on it suddenly rose, directly floating into the air, and flew forward quickly!

Shi Wuyan and the night listened to the moon immediately followed up, but the parchment did not fly far, just stopped in front of a rock wall and pasted it, the next moment, the parchment actually melted into the rock wall as if it had melted away, and the rock wall was strangely rippled! Immediately afterward, the thick rock wall began to gradually become transparent, and when it became completely transparent, revealing the scene behind the rock wall, the eyes of the time were different, and the night moon was even more violently trembling! I saw that behind the rock wall, there was a woman dressed in black sitting cross-legged on the ground, her extremely long black hair was scattered, covering her face, and Shi Wentong was talking about Fu Ri Lu Li and saying goodbye to the red habit

She was an extremely outstanding beauty, the woman’s eyes were now closed, and she couldn’t see what her state really was, but it was not necessary to see from the violent reaction of the night moon that behind this rock wall was the woman named Ink Painting Smoke!

Night Listening Moon saw a close friend who had not been seen in fifty-two years, and subconsciously wanted to pounce on the transparent rock wall, but just after some movement, his wrist was tightly held by Shi Wu, and when Night Listening Moon turned his head to look at it, his eyes had already become red, “Let me… Past! ”

He didn’t let go of his hand, because in his perception, this seemingly transparent rock wall was faintly emitting a sense of crisis! His fingers moved slightly, and a fist-sized stone on the ground flew up out of thin air and smashed into the rock wall, and the next moment, only to hear a crisp sound, the stone was directly cut into pieces by some invisible force! Hearing the moon in the night, he immediately transformed the seven-foot spirit in his hand into a double body and stabbed at the rock wall, and it was not surprising that at the moment of touching the rock wall, the seven-foot spirit was also cut into several pieces! Ye Tingyue immediately realized the problem, and she looked sideways without saying a sincere apology, “I’m sorry, I was too excited.” ”

Without saying a word, his eyes fell on the rock wall in front of him,

“This is some kind of seal, which cannot be forcibly broken, but can only wait for it to be lifted on its own.”

Listening to the moon at night, the rock wall was thinning at an extremely slow rate, but because of the dim red light around it and its own transparency, this change was very inconspicuous.

“So are we waiting now?”

Ye Tingyue couldn’t help but glance at the ink painting smoke sitting opposite with his eyes still closed, “No, we have other things to do.” ”

Night Listening Moon looked at Shi Yu doubtfully, but when he saw Shi Yi, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked, “Wait a long time… Hotlis. ”

Night Listening to the Moon was suddenly shocked, he didn’t even notice that there were other people’s breath here, and Holtlis was actually hiding here?!

But the next moment, only to hear footsteps behind her, the night moon suddenly turned around, only to see a middle-aged man coming out of the dark corner, he calmly looked at the silent and night moon standing in front of the rock wall, “Yes, wait for fifty-two years…”

Below Haiyuan University, Lin Xinzhi came to the sealed basement according to the route in his memory, slammed open the closed door, a damp smell of the ground mixed with the musty smell came to his nose, Lin Xinzhi wrinkled his nose, looked at the space with lighting equipment, but after searching for a moment, he did not find any abnormality, just when he was doubting, the spiritual force suddenly sensed that something was wrong, he walked to a dilapidated wall, after groping for a while, Pressing down on the perceived anomalies one by one.

The walls flipped slowly, revealing a pitch-black passageway.

Lin Xinzhi walked along the passage for a while, and a faint glimmer of light appeared in front of his eyes, as if it was… A door?

Lin Xinzhi vigilantly released his perception, always on the lookout for possible enemies.

He walked to the door and pushed open the heavy stone door, only to see a small room surrounded by several burning candles, and in the middle of the room was a teenager sitting on the ground with his back to himself.

It seems that he heard the sound of pushing the door, and the teenager turned around with a smile on his face,

“I didn’t expect you to be the first to come here… We met again, Lin Xinzhi. ”

Lin Xinzhi was not half happy, because the appearance of the teenager in front of him was exactly the little fat man Wu Xinshui he had seen in the information before! However, Lin Xinzhi was sure that this person was definitely not that Wu Xinshui! Because of the familiar tone of the other party, and the smiling but arrogant and abnormal eyes, only one person can be!


Four more finished, fortunately did not break the word and thank you for the customization.

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