In a church in the West

An old man is standing in front of the statue of an angel with seven candles

On each of them floated a white soul silk but the last cover was empty

And the old man’s eyes fell on the cover, which should have also had a soul thread, but disappeared with the death of Fei Si.

The old man looked at the candle flame silently


He turned and looked in a certain direction

A burst of essence erupted from his cloudy eyes

The room he was in was shaken by the breath that erupted from his body! He had just felt an overwhelming familiarity

At the same time, he also made himself extremely disgusted, which was the stench of the devil!

“Since you tore up the covenant first, don’t blame me!”

As the old man’s voice fell

A holy white light emanated from his body

At the same time, he touched the soul silk on the five-lid candlestick behind him.

The next moment, five figures suddenly appeared in the room where he was alone

Dressed in black and white robes, each of them held a heavy book of the same appearance

“Your Holiness, Your Holiness!”

The five men knelt down on one knee toward the old man in unison

They were the ones who were the remaining judges in the punishment center, although they were still doing their own thing for the last moment, but after feeling the call from the soul silk

He immediately came to the old man.

“They’re about to wake up, and I already smell their stink!”

Hear the old man’s words

The five were shocked at the same time

Immediately realize what the stink in the old man’s mouth is, that is, the sleeping demon of hell!

One of them immediately gave a salute to the old man and then asked with a serious look

“Your Holiness, what can we do?!”

“Take back what belongs to us.”

The five of them looked stunned

Although the old man did not say where to get something back, they all knew

They were going to the city of the East

Go and retrieve the remnants of the angel that should have belonged to them.

Because Feth had fallen there to retrieve the feather.

The old man’s gaze swept through the crowd, and finally stopped at the two men, “Pree, Charity!” ”


A man with a shaved head

And a blonde woman stood up.

“According to the information that Fei Si had previously returned, there are now three priests in the old division, two of whom are being held back by the organization known as the Sixteen Guards in the East, and you only need to retrieve the skeleton from the hands of Hhotlis.”

“All right, Your Holiness, Your Holiness.”

“No problem, Your Holiness!”

Pres and Charity replied at the same time to the old man nodded

“Time is running out, don’t delay too much time for you to follow me”

The two followed the old man into another room and pushed open the door

There is nothing else in it just in the room

But there is a strange vortex that is constantly spinning! Thick spatial fluctuations emanate from it

Let the space around the vortex appear distorted.

The old man stopped

He looked deeply at the two judges beside him

“Get the skeleton and come back immediately, don’t do anything else senseless.” Face failed, I don’t want the two of you to go out together, and the same results appear, understand? ”

At the same time, a chill rose in their hearts as if they were being targeted by a poisonous snake.

After bowing your head in response

The old man set his eyes on the whirlpool

“Go for it.”

It wasn’t until the figures of the two disappeared into the eerie whirlpool that the old man withdrew his gaze and walked out of the room.

In his view, there could be no mistakes in this operation.

Because Fei Si was only the weakest of the seven judges, but he was almost the same as Ang, who was the third most powerful in the old division, this time he sent two judges

It will certainly be extremely smooth to retrieve the skeleton from Holtholis’s hands, as for the sixteen guards

Except for the general who could look at the moon at night, the others were not afraid

And with his knowledge of Holtlis and now the strength of the old Hiji, as long as he does not pursue the death of Feth

Then Holtlis would definitely be willing to hand over the skeleton.

He didn’t think that would be unfair to the already dead Fish.

Because it can contribute to God’s recovery

This is the supreme glory of all!

Only, as the Pope of the Correctional Institute

It was not known that the skeleton was not in the hands of Hhotlis, but was taken away by the Sixteenth Guard

And it is also absorbed into the body! Their action this time

Even before it even began, it was doomed to failure.

In the desolate and silent hell, only a leopard-like chaotic spirit was lying on the ground and resting


It seemed to smell some kind of extremely disgusted breath and subconsciously looked up

Only to see that the blood moon that hung in the sky all day long had a strange whirlpool appear! The next moment, the head of the Chaos Spirit suddenly separated from its body! Two figures dressed in robes stepped out of the vortex

After taking a look at the Chaos Spirit with a different head

Charity’s gaze landed on an abyss in the far distance, and at this moment Pris’s voice sounded at her side

“There, there’s the smell of a wing sealer. Charity’s blue eyes flashed a hint of discoloration immediately after”

The figures of the two men sped away in the direction of the abyss.

Nightwing Moon looked at the appearance of Holtlis in front of him as the middle-aged man he had seen before, although twenty years had passed

But his appearance was the same as it had been at the beginning

Listening to the moon at night is first a chill

Immediately converged on the shocked expression of seeing the ink painting smoke before and became indifferent

“How did you end up here?”

Holtlis smiled

“Because I’ve been waiting for you.”

“Wait for us?”

The night moon pointed the tip of the seven-foot gun at Hollis

“You make it clear!”

Night listening to the moon felt that something was wrong

Holtlis had lost to himself twice

Previously, even if they launched a disaster that affected the entire world, they would have to be transferred away from the headquarters of the Sixteen Guards

Thus entered Purgatory to take away the wreckage

How did he suddenly become so courageous now that he dared to appear in front of himself and Shi Buyan?!

And said it was waiting for us?!

Holtlis didn’t speak but just showed an eerie smile

The silent voice around him sounded

“He’s waiting to eat me and then eat the ink paint.”

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