Shi Wuyi’s words fell, and the night moon was shocked, even more surprised than seeing that Mo Shuyan was not dead, on the one hand, because he clearly said that he was going to eat his own horror thing, but Shi Wu’s indifferent tone seemed to be talking about others, on the other hand, because Mo Shuyan was the substitute of the old Japanese division, the person who commanded the entire old Japanese division for fifty-two years, and as an old subordinate, Holtlis actually wanted to eat her?! But seeing the smile on Holtlis’s face, which suddenly converged with the words that Shi Wuyi said, Ye Tingyue realized that what Shi Wuyan had just said was unbelievable, but it was true!

“You already knew?”

Holtlis looked coldly at Shi without speaking, this purpose had never been told to anyone, he did not understand how Shi Wuyan knew,

“From the moment Gratt saw me awaken, you started planning.”

Shi Wuyi looked at Holtlis with a smile, saw that the other party’s eyes became gloomy, but did not say a rebuttal, and continued without saying a word,

“When I woke up, the breath in my body escaped uncontrollably, not only allowing me to step into the inner world from the watch world, but also letting Grat, who was hiding his identity through the convenience store owner at the time, know.”

“After he reported to you, you recognized the resemblance of the breath on my body to the ink painting smoke, and began to work on the plan for the future.”

“At the time of the Battle of the Nest, I don’t know what excuse you used to seduce Raiki and Gratt and let them start the Battle of the Nest.”

“On the surface it may have been for the revival of the Lord or something, but in fact it was one of the broken skins of the parchment that I gave to them, so that I could find out after killing them and successfully step into the game you laid down.”

“Then, through Mo Jingming’s intelligence, you learned that I had entered purgatory for a mental examination, and then you told this information to Greid and Ange.”

“They tricked them into saying that my strength would be affected after the test, and then by holding Ling Siye hostage, he lured me who needed to conduct the strength test at that time, so that after killing them, I would get the fragments of the second and third sheets.”

“At the same time, through the Chaos Spirit placed there, the intelligence will be transmitted back to convince you that Ange and Evie around you have obtained two fragments and have great strength.”

“Then you told them that in order to prevent me from obstructing the resurrection of your associates, you needed to place the fragments on the priest’s body, and after handing them the last four fragments to them, you falsely claimed that the last fragment had been placed in a safe place by yourself.”

“This parchment has been in your hands since fifty-two years ago, and you should have known long ago that it was the key to find the ink paint, but you didn’t have the ability to urge it to unlock the seal, so you set your sights on me, who has the same power.”

“The purpose of all your actions is to make me gather seven pieces of broken skin and come here to unlock the seal of ink painting and smoke.”

“And that’s why after you found out that I entered the Sixteenth Guard and had a very high talent, you didn’t directly send out all my strength at once and kill me when I didn’t grow up.”

“Of course, there may be another purpose, that is, you think that your former boss, Ink Painting Smoke, is stronger than mine, so in order to make sure that there are no accidents, I hope to eat me before the seal of Ink Painting Smoke is lifted.”

“Then after the strength became stronger, and then to eat the more powerful ink painting smoke The whole process of not speaking up, Holtlis did not say a word, just stared dead and did not say anything.”

And the night moon had already become a wooden chicken, and after a while, she returned to her senses, looking at Holtlis with an extremely complicated look.

“You actually did this for your own purposes?!”

Although every one of the teachers of the old division had committed an unforgivable crime, it was better to say that they were Hollis’s men, and even if they deserved to die, they should not be pawns that Holtlis had sent to his death in vain to achieve his goal!

Hotlis’s expression was extremely gloomy at the moment, he did not think that his plan, which he thought was seamless, had actually been seen through by the time, and there was no room for omission in the tight seams of the analysis, “When did you know?” ”

Listening to the sound of Holtlis gritting his teeth, he did not say anything at the moment, but he seemed a little relaxed, he thought for a moment and then replied,

“Some are guesses, some are analysed through the actions of the old days, and some are well… It was Evie who told me. ”

Holtlis’s eyes widened sharply, and his tone became gloomy and terrible,

“That woman, how dare she betray me?!”

Listening to the moon at night is like hearing a funny joke, a cold hum of disdain,

“As far as these things you have done, do you mean to mention betrayal?!”

“You know what!”

Holtlis angrily interrupted the night to listen to the moon’s words,

“To die for the Lord, that is their glory!” They should not hesitate in the slightest, they should feel honored!!! ”

“Everything I do is for the Lord, the Lord is about to recover, and their strength is simply not enough to open the way for the Lord’s coming!”

“As long as my purpose is accomplished, then I will become the strongest being in the world besides the Lord!” Become the sharpest sword of the Lord to reshape the earth! ”

The look of the night listening to the moon cooled,

“Since you say that it is for the Lord, why do you even want to eat ink and paint cigarettes together?”

Hotlis’s gaze also became cold, and he crossed the shoulder of the night to listen to the moon and look at the ink painting smoke behind the rock wall, “Oh, that woman, she is not worthy!” ”

With a hiss, the clothes on Holtlis’s body burst open, revealing a lion pattern on his chest, and the mark was constantly flashing a strange red light.

“See? This represents the will of the Lord! That woman didn’t even have a seal, so what qualifications did she have to be the Lord’s substitute on earth?! ”

As if the emotions in his heart that had not been spoken to people for many years had all been vented at this moment, Holtlis’s expression gradually became calmer.

“But none of this matters, you will die here in a moment, and I… It will also become the most powerful being in the world. ”

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