He looked at the night moon with an extremely cold gaze, as if he were looking at a dying man.

Listening to the moon hum coldly at night, it was just a defeated general under the previous subordinates, and he dared to be so rampant? I was about to do it, but I heard a silent voice ringing around me,

“Listen to the moon, the next thing may be to bother you alone for a while.”

“Hold on for a while?”

Listening to the moon at night, isn’t it a matter of hand to hand to deal with Holtlis? Then I realized something,

“You’re leaving?!”


“Where are you going at this time?!”

The silent gaze fell on Holtlis, who was not far away, “This is not his body. ”

Listening to the moon at night, but before he could react, he said again without saying a word,

“He’s stronger than you think, don’t be careless. Before I could even reach the ground, a spatial rift appeared beside Shi Wuyi, and the next moment, his figure had disappeared into the Abyss Cave, and the destination he was going to was the secret room below Haiyuan University! ”

Ye Tingyue still didn’t understand what Shi Wuyi meant, but the expression on her face when she looked at Hhotlis changed from her previous contempt to prudence.

Seeing the sudden disappearance into the space rift, Holtlis’s eyes flashed a different color,

“He found out…”

“What do you say?”

Hearing the questioning voice of the night listening to the moon, Holtlis’s face showed a smile, and he slowly walked towards the night listening moon.

“Shouldn’t he have run away out of fear?”


“I don’t think we need to make a big fuss here, don’t you want to meet your former best friend, Mo Tu Yan?” She’s right behind you. ”

“I don’t want to.”

“Do you know I’ve taken the seal out of your headquarters?”

“I know.”

Holtlis’s footsteps stopped, looking at the night moon eyes flashed a trace of surprise, after so many years of dealing, he knew that the night moon has two of the most fatal shortcomings, one is the obsession with ink painting smoke, the other is the hope that no one in the world is innocently dead, no matter which of the two touches, it will make the night listening moon mentality fluctuate, so in order to transfer them out of the headquarters, for the time is to apply the lure of fragments, for the night moon is to use two loopholes at the same time, At that time, the night listening to the moon, just as he expected, the mood instantly became angry, and came to Shizhao Port according to his own plan.

But just when he mentioned the ink painting smoke and the world again, Ye Tingyue was surprisingly calm, and he could not feel half of the anger from her body.

Is it because the time is silent?

No, how long has that boy known Ye Tingyue? Holtlis did not know that his subconscious guess was actually the correct answer, Ye Tingyue was extremely closed when she first met Mo Xueyan, although her strength was very strong, but she was extremely bad at communicating with people, just like Xiao Yueqing, which is why she said to Xiao Yueqing at the beginning, hoping that she would become the next captain of the combat team, and the personality of Mo Shuyan was different from her, and her grasp of people’s hearts was extremely accurate, so after the establishment of the Sixteen Guards, The two of them divided their labor, ink painting smoke inside, managing personnel and large and small affairs, night listening to the moon lord, cutting off disasters and all kinds of chaotic spirits, at that time night listening to the moon because of their own personality, so there were only two people who believed, one was ink painting smoke, the other was Lin Xinzhi.

But after those things happened later, Ye Tingyue was deeply shocked, believing that it was his own reasons that led to the Ink Painting Smoke accident, so in a rage, almost the entire old Nichi Division was almost destroyed, but after being cursed by the devil, the awakened Ye Tingyue realized his inner problems, in order not to let his emotions get out of control and affect other innocent people, so he handed over all the affairs of the Sixteen Guards to Lin Xinzhi, who was only in his early twenties at the time, originally wanted to give him the position of general. However, at that time, Lin Xinzhi’s strength was not enough, and in order to warn of the remnants of the old Japanese division, he had to continue to serve as a general in the night.

She then locked herself in the courtyard inside the headquarters, one to suppress the entrance to hell that was just below her courtyard, and the other to calm her mind by drinking tea and planting flowers.

Over the decades, except for the later invasion of the headquarters by Holtlis, Nightingmoon’s mentality had indeed changed a lot, but those two knots in her heart had never been scattered.

Not long ago, when she saw Shi Mu who had the same power, those forcibly sealed memories poured out together, and even made her start to doubt Shi Mu Shu, but what Shi Mu said later was to make Ye Tingyue gradually realize that they may be similar, but they are two completely different people, because in Shi Wu’s eyes, she saw a kind of light that reached the bottom of people’s hearts.

The best way to defeat the demon is to face it head-on.

With the more things Shi Wuyi did, the more contact with Ye Tingyue, the more the emotions that were forcibly suppressed by her appeared in Ye Tingyue’s heart, and also made her hard-to-cultivate indifferent nature become irritable, and when Holtlis called, this emotion reached its highest point, not only was the emotion out of control at that time, but also the suspicion of Shi Wuyi rose again, and when she calmed down after venting, she did not hesitate to refuse Holtlis’s cooperation invitation, looking at the time when it was close at hand. The pride on Shi Buyan’s face, from that moment on, the strong obsession with ink painting smoke in Ye Tingyue’s heart dissipated, and in his own heart, he added a place for his trusted person.

For someone who never wants to release trust easily, as long as she starts to believe in someone, then she will never have doubts about him, so she may be hurt again, but Ye Tingyue is willing to take this risk!

Before she was around, she could show the emotions in her heart, and now she was facing Holtholis, and the night moon had converged on the emotions in her heart, and after the obsession was broken, although there was still some special emotion for the ink painting smoke, but now this emotion has become controllable! Holtlis’s eyes glistened with danger,

“Your change… It’s because the time goes on, he’s for you… What does that really mean? ”

The corners of Ye Tingyue’s mouth evoked a faint smile, “He… Maybe it’s just a ray of light…”

As her words fell, the fiery flames emerged, and the seven-foot fierce gun rose into flames, which were flaming guns that could increase their own strength, and then the seven-foot flames danced in the air, and three monstrous waves of flames burst out from the gun! Illuminate the whole cave in a fiery red!

Red Lotus Roar!

Night’s Moon Shot is a powerful move, even if the other party has lost to himself twice.

Holtlis was no stranger to this move, but this time he did not dodge, the shadow behind him suddenly rose from the ground, turning into a vague tall figure, grasping forward with both hands, and even grabbed the three waves of flames in his hands! Just as he was about to make other moves, he found that several guns had been born under him, turning into a gun cage and trapping himself firmly in it! At the same time, a fiery red light suddenly rose into the air, followed by the figure of the night listening moon, and the next moment the human gun merged and transformed into a flame dragon with terrifying power descending from the sky! Tenglong Yueyuan!

This was exactly the move to slaughter tens of thousands of Chaos Spirits with one blow before the night listening to the moon! Because I told her without saying a word, don’t be careless!

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