The fire dragon fell to the ground, and the flames swept in.

The whole cave was illuminated by fiery red fireworks.

Holtlis’s figure was instantly swallowed up, emitting a strong scorching smell and falling to the ground, but there was no joy in the heart of the night listening to the moon, when it was said that Holtlis was very strong, then Holtlis must be able to bear this evaluation, and would not die so easily!

Sure enough, a click suddenly sounded in front of him, and the night moon stared at it, only to see a corpse of an evolver on the ground begin to twitch strangely, as if trying to struggle to get up!

Whew——! The sound of breaking wind sounded, and the seven feet of fierce light turned into a stream of light that directly pierced through the corpse’s head, firmly nailing it to the ground!

The twitching of the corpse suddenly stopped, but the next moment, there was another corpse that moved! And this time, before the night to hear the moon move, the continuous sound of bone friction sounded in other places! The corpses of more than a dozen evolutionists shook and stood up, and with their movements, the black robes that had long decayed on their bodies turned into powder and fell, revealing the Mori White Bone beneath them!

In the past battle with Hollis, she discovered the ability of the other party to possess the others, but she did not expect that the current Holtlis could be attached to the bones! And it can possess so many people at the same time!

A sharp and unpleasant bone friction sounded, and the bodies of the dozen corpses rose up with red spiritual power, and one after another pounced on the night rain! The seven feet of fiery red in the hands of the night listening moon were flying, and the gun head transformed into a shadow and kept splitting on the white bone, although the attack of the white bone was weak, but the face of the night hearing moon was heavy, she found that even if she shattered the bones of the corpse, or even scattered the whole thing, they would still recover quickly! And after each recovery, the power in their bodies will become a point stronger than before! It’s like an immortal body!

And if they continue like this, if they live a little longer, maybe they will become able to compete with themselves! Night Listening Moon was thinking quickly in her heart about countermeasures, and suddenly, she found that under the dim red light in the cave, there seemed to be something surging between the bones of the corpse in front of her! It’s dark, it’s like… Shadow!! A thought flashed in Ye Yueyue’s mind, that it was the shadow that was controlling the movements of these corpses! At this moment, a corpse raised its bone hand glowing with red light and slashed at the neck of the night listening moon! Night Moon immediately blocked the bone hand with her left arm, and then gathered its extraordinary power on the tip of the seven-foot fierce gun and stabbed at the hollow eye socket of the corpse in front of her! There was a dark shadow surging there!

The next moment, Ye Tingyue felt a strange touch like a stab to the surface of the water, the black shadow dissipated, the movement of the corpse in front of him suddenly stopped, and then the red light on the body passed, and the entire corpse turned into countless bone fragments scattered on the ground! That is true!

Night Listening to the Moon was overjoyed, the breath on her body instantly swelled up, and more than a dozen fist-sized flames burst out from her body, hitting all the corpses in front of her with unparalleled precision!

Those strange white bone corpses all froze, and then scattered into a pile of white bones and fell to the ground!

On the other hand, after tearing open the space rift and leaving, the figure appeared in the basement of Haiyuan University, and when he saw the open door of the mechanism, he did not say a word in his eyes.

He had never told anyone about it, but almost instantaneously, without saying a word, he guessed who had come here–Lin Xinzhi! His heart tightened, and he immediately entered the passage!

This was the secret location he had discovered after the original investigation, and now that the people of the old Riji Division had basically all been wiped out, then the only people who could find this position could be the people of their sixteen guards, he had told Principal Wang and Director Zhou before that they wanted to keep the matter of his investigation confidential, so even if they said this matter, then they could only tell the people who had higher authority than themselves, and in addition to the night moon who had just been with him, the only person with higher authority than him in the sixteen guards was Lin Xinzhi. And he happened to be in the branch near Haiwon University! Bang! The heavy gate was blasted open by gravity!

At the moment of seeing the scene inside, Shi Wuzhi’s gaze cooled down, in front of him was the former classmate Wu Xinshui, at this moment the other party was enjoying eating something, and in front of him, on the left side of the unspoken, Lin Xinzhi was leaning against the wall, and his face looked extremely pale! Seeing the arrival of the time, Lin Xinzhi’s old face squeezed out a smile,

“I’m sorry… Sorry to bother you…… I wanted to see if I could help…”

Shi WuXian stepped forward and gently put his hand on Lin Xinzhi’s shoulder, “I don’t blame you…”

He stood up and looked directly at the person in front of him, and the breath on his body froze,

“Wu Xin Shui… No, you should be called Holtholis. ”

There was no trace of surprise on Holtlis’s face, but after swallowing what was in his mouth, he revealed a strange smile.

“Here you are.”

His tone was as if he had anticipated that Shi Bu Yan would come here, and he was not surprised that Shi Mu would find out his identity.

He was about to say something more, but without saying a word, he interrupted him, “I’m sorry, I’m in a hurry.” ”

Before the words could fall, Shi Wuxian’s fist with fine lightning bolts had already slammed into Holly’s abdomen, and both flesh and spell power exploded!

Black flash!

The smell that escaped almost blew out the candles in the room! Now that the ink painting smoke could touch the seal at any time, Ye Tingyue didn’t know what would happen in the Extreme Abyss Cave, Lin Xinzhi had already been injured not lightly, so when he came without saying a word, he used a black flash with a small range but extremely powerful power, and he needed to make a quick decision!

A powerful force poured into Hollys’s body, and the teenager’s face just appeared with consternation, and the whole person’s body exploded in an instant!

But the next moment, the silent eyes shrank slightly!

Because at this time, there was a change that he had never imagined! That black flash of his own didn’t kill Hollis!

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