Only to see that Holtholis’s body, although it was blasted into countless pieces by the powerful power of the black flash, did not fall to the ground, but was pulled by a dark energy connection, causing all his body parts to float in mid-air! The whole picture looks extremely eerie!

Immediately afterward, a ripple of dark energy like a shadow appeared, and Holtlis’s torn body seemed to be pulled by something, and it reunited and returned to its previous state!

Holtholis’s face once again revealed the same eerie smile as before,

“Eagerness is a big taboo for young people.”

Shi Wuyi took two steps back and came to Lin Xinzhi’s face, at this moment the latter’s face was extremely shocked, he did not expect that Holtlis could use such a strange means to dissolve the terrible punch that Shi did not say!

“Elder Lin, can you now pull me and Tingyue into the spiritual chain?”

Lin Xinzhi was stunned, not knowing what to do when he didn’t say anything, “I’ll try…”

At this moment, the night moon in the abyss cave was slowly approaching the white bone that had been scattered by herself, B1 She wanted to confirm whether Holtlis was really dead, and suddenly, the voice of the moment suddenly sounded in her heart,

“Be careful! Things have changed, and Holtlis has no way to kill for the time being! Ye Tingyue was shocked in his heart, he couldn’t even kill without saying a word?! At the same time, the afterglow of her eyes caught a glimpse of the corpse that had been burned by herself at the beginning as if it had twitched! Hearing the moon’s heart in the night, the seven-foot flame immediately burst into flames and stabbed at the corpse! Zheng! ”

A long sword blocked the seven-foot spirit.

Nightwing Moon looked at the re-erection, already unrecognizable Holtholis, her mind moved, and the seven-foot fierce flew back into her hand, “Red Lotus Roar! ”

With a loud cry, three monstrous waves of flames struck towards Hotlis! Only the next moment, Ye Tingyue saw something she had never thought of! A twisted smile appeared on Holtlis’s burning face, and then the long sword in his hand suddenly burst into a burst of hot flames, and then Hottlis slammed the sword in front of him! Three hot waves of flames emanated from in front of him, heading towards the roar of the red lotus of the night moon!

Two waves of six identical flames collided violently, and the surging energy shook the rock walls in the cave, and the small rubble fell to the ground and made a crackling sound.

Nightwing Moon stared dead at Holtlis in front of her, and a monstrous wave set off in her heart at this moment, and it was not only Holtlis who was able to use the Red Lotus Roar, but the most crucial thing was another problem!

In the instant just now, the night moon felt that Hollis’s body was emitting not the exclusive spiritual power of the Chaos Spirit, but a very obvious supernatural force!!!

“What the hell are you?!”

“The ruler of the old days, the substitute of the Lord in the human world.” And from now on… He is the strongest in the whole world! ”

In the face of Lin Xinzhi’s questioning in front of him, the youthful Hotlis had a frantic look on his face.

“Huh… It’s just a dog that Lucifer keeps on earth. ”

When not to say a cold hum,

“Time is silent! You call out the name of the Lord!!! ”

Holtlis’s eyes were filled with anger, but he did not pay attention to him when he did not say anything, but walked to Lin Xinzhi again, and after carefully perceiving the other party’s injury, he said to Elder Lin in his heart.

“Elder Lin, once the spiritual chain is established, even if you are not here, it will not be broken, right?”

Lin Xin didn’t understand why he suddenly asked this question, but he still nodded subconsciously, but after seeing the shallow smile that suddenly appeared on his face, an extremely dangerous feeling suddenly arose in his heart!

The next moment, without saying a word around his body, he quickly drew a circle composed of intricate runes, “Cang! ”

With a low cry, Lin Xinzhi found that a sudden flower in front of his eyes was clear, and when it was clear again, his eyes turned into an endless blue sea, and his body appeared in the sky at a height of tens of meters! Bang!

Lin Xinzhi fell violently to the ground, and Luo An, who was taking care of the wounded in Shizhao Port, was shocked in his heart, and rushed over to help Lin Xinzhi up.

“Elder Lin, how did you suddenly come over?”

But I heard the old man in front of him rubbing his waist while whispering something in his mouth.

“Don’t say a word, you stinky boy! I want to fall to the death of the old man alive!! ”

At the same time, in the basement, without saying a word, he looked at Holtlis in front of him,

“It’s really rare that you didn’t take the opportunity to sneak up on me just now, don’t you old people like to do this kind of thing the most?”

But Holtlis smiled faintly,

“It doesn’t matter, just let him live a few more days…”


A crimson shock wave shot out of Shi Wuyi’s hand suddenly, directly hitting the talking Hollis!

The powerful force pierced through the wall in an instant, and a huge hole appeared in Holtholis’s body, and his entire torso disappeared under the impact of He!

“Time is silent! You actually sneaked up on me!!! ”

The indifference on Holtlis’s face disappeared and suddenly became extremely angry!

But without saying a word, as if he hadn’t heard, he looked with great interest at the tiny pieces of flesh and blood that were constantly being pulled back from the surrounding space under the tug of the black shadow.

Shi Buyan had already guessed that Holtlis had appeared in the public eye before, not the body, one was that Ye Tingyue had told him about Hhotlis’s possessive ability, and the appearance of the other party had changed when they met twice, the second was that even though Holtlis was inferior to the night moon at that time, he still escaped from her hands twice, and the third was the character of Hhotlis, which was the most secure way to take risks with his body.

And these speculations were obtained by the unspoken final confirmation when Lin Xinzhi told him by text message that when Holtlis took away the seal, he was a member of the Sixteenth Guard Prison Team, but he did not know whether it would be Hollys’s body or a doppelganger that appeared in front of the ink painting smoke seal, so it was not until he saw with his own eyes that it was the doppelganger who appeared there, and Shi Wuxian left there and came here, just to kill this Holtlis body that borrowed the body of the witch heart water! Although he could not kill the other party for the time being, which made Shi Wuyan feel surprised, he was not worried, the method, as long as he was willing to find, it would definitely be more difficult than difficult.

Before Lin Xinzhi was here, Shi Buyan had relented in order not to hurt the friendly forces by mistake, and now there were only him and Holtlis here, so he could completely let go of his hands and feet to test.

Without saying a word, Hotlis looked at the angry face that had recovered again, and his mind moved, and the thunder and lightning flashed between his fists, and once again a black flash hit Holly’s head!

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