The air wave is erupting

Holtlis’s head exploded in an instant

Turned into countless tiny pieces floating in the air

But it was still connected by the black shadow oozing from his body and quickly converged towards his body!

And that’s when it happened

The silent eyes moved slightly, “Cang! ”

Several tiny black holes appeared in different positions in front of them, attracting all the pieces in mid-air

They couldn’t get back to Holtholis’s body, but they could feel it without saying a word

Even so

Hotlis is not dead either.

Although his breath fluctuated, it still showed no sign of dissipating.

The experiment failed

Without saying a word, he waved away the cang

Holtlis also recovered as before

He seemed to be extremely angry at the act of sneaking up on Shi Wuyi, “Despicable and shameless!! You can’t kill me!!! ”

There was no answer when I saw it

Instead, he looked at himself thoughtfully

A nameless fire rose in Holtlis’s heart as the priest who was in charge of arrogance

What he hates most is that others talk to him in that lofty posture

The ink painting smoke of the past is like this and now it is not said and it is so! The contempt from the bottom of my heart every time I talk to myself

It would make Holtlis feel an unbearable humiliation, which was also his plan to carry out his own plan at the cost of the lives of all the priests

Swallow it without saying a word and ink paint the smoke

The reason for thus climbing to the highest point of this world’s combat power was that he could not tolerate this attitude at all

In this world

Only he Holtlis is entitled to be arrogant to others!

“You’re crazy for long!” The Lord will soon be resurrected, and then you will be the first victim of the Lord’s reshaping of the earth! ”



Holtlis was furious

Say a whole bunch of things yourself to you one oh?! Do you look down on me?!

Shi Wuyan was seriously thinking

How to solve the strange dark shadow thing

Annoyed by Holtlis’s arguments, he returned with some impatience

“It will take some time for the Lord’s revival to come, otherwise the wreckage would have been in your place for so many years, and I would not have seen you rush to start the ceremony.”

“Moreover, I’ve seen it before, and that broken finger hasn’t been absorbed completely before you say it’s recovery, so don’t read it there all the time.”

Hotliss was visibly stunned, “Have you seen that?! ”

“Yeah, isn’t that altar right here?” ”

Without saying a word, he gently stepped on his feet

Then began to work on the plan to kill Holtlis completely, and Holtlis was shocked

The facts are as never said

Although the severed finger remains had been in the old days before, they wanted to awaken the Lord from his slumber

Not only does it need to be sacrificed

It was also necessary to restore the Lord’s own strength to a certain extent, so they had not carried out the revival ceremony before

Until the last twenty years

Only then did Holtlis learn from the seal that the state of the Lord had been restored to the point where the ceremony could be carried out

That’s why he began to plot the altar where he wanted to go into purgatory to retrieve the seals and start the ritual

It was just deeper underground in the room where they were now, in the place where they had just said it

That’s why he kept the body here, but he didn’t find out how the other party knew that it was wrong! Holtlis suddenly remembered

When he went to deliver the remains of the angel to Feth, to make sure that nothing happened to him

This body of his had also left here for a moment, didn’t he take advantage of that time to come here?! I didn’t say a word when I looked at the person in front of me and fell into thought

Hotlis felt a palpitation

This person actually filled in the secret to this extent?! The thought of horror appeared in his mind for a moment and was immediately forcibly removed by him!

Because even if it is not said

You can’t really kill yourself in the secret! At this thought, Holtlis’s expression once again returned to arrogance, and a huge amount of spiritual power suddenly surged out of his body to wrap his palm tightly

Immediately the figure turned into a shadow and split straight towards the neck of the silent time! And there is no action without saying anything

Still seriously thinking about Holtlis knew

That is, the other party has a very special kind of enchantment on the body that can block the proximity of all objects

That’s why I made a completely defenseless look now because the other party was very clear

Such an attack of his own could not hurt him!

The spiritual power in Holtholis’s body suddenly churned like boiling water when he was about to approach!

The color of the spiritual power on his palm became dim for only a moment

It turned a dark red! And the breath that emerges from it

It is the same spell power as the time!!


The silent gaze suddenly froze

Seems to be shocked by this change of their own! The corners of Hollis’s mouth smiled

Even if you react now, it’s too late!

Even if your kind of enchantment is extremely powerful

But you can’t stop the same breath attack as yourself!!! Hotholis’s heart swelled with immense joy

The next moment, his palm fell violently!

It’s just that

The pleasant scene of the imaginary hand falling from the knife and the head falling to the ground did not appear, but the sound of more intense interest sounded without saying a word

“Your abilities are very special.”

Hothris’s eyes appeared with a fine streak of blood as he stared dead at the bare white neck


It was only a centimeter away from its own knife, but it was as insurmountable as a heavenly graben!

Holtlis’s figure jerked back

There was a thick disbelief in his expression

“How is it possible that I broke the barrier you left behind before I knew it?”

Shi WuXian thought about it for a moment

“Oh, you’re talking about the seal in purgatory.” It’s not a boundary, it’s just that I inject my energy into the enchantment that it already has. The purpose is to make you let go of your strict heart. ”

There was a pause

Without saying a word, he continued

“As for me, it is not the enchantment you think, but another force called “infinite.”

Holtholis’s pupils shrank suddenly

There was a thirst for knowledge in his eyes that he had never had before

“What’s that?!!”

“It’s the other side you can never reach, the ‘infinite’ is everywhere and I’m just turning the ‘infinite’ into reality.”

As he spoke, his fingers moved slightly

A very tiny fly appeared beside the two of them

“Contraction, expansion, this emptiness is “infinity.” Holtlis looked at the tiny space beside him that was constantly transmitting gravity, “infinite” the power that had broken through his centuries of cognition.”

Let his brain sink into a brief sluggishness and blankness just subconsciously murmur

“‘Infinity’ is everywhere…”

Right now

Time is not spoken in the spiritual chain of the heart

Suddenly, there was a soft voice from the night listening to the moon, “What’s wrong?” ”

Listen to the moon at night in the cave of the abyss

Looking at the sudden stop in front of him, Holtlis immediately returned after hearing the unspoken questioning.

“I don’t know why, he suddenly stopped moving. I didn’t say anything.”

Eyes fell on Holtholis, who was in a daze in front of him, suddenly

He seemed to think of something, and his eyes lit up suddenly

“It seems that a way to break the game has been found.”

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