No, now is not the time to admire.
No matter how strong you are, you can’t beat people indiscriminately!
Just when Ma Xiu plucked up her courage and wanted to ask Damu Xiu what she was doing.
I only heard O Muxiu ask indifferently to Ai Lan who was controlled by Xanadu:
“Say, where is Team Flare’s base?”
Team Flare? !
Hearing these three words from Oki Xiu’s mouth.
Ma Xiu froze in place for an instant.
Since the identities of Fradali and Paqila were exposed, the name of this organization is in the hearts of the Carlos people, enough to be compared with the Kanto Rockets.
It is the target of everyone shouting and beating.
Caruna and Serena who followed were also serious.
When they heard Da Muxiu say that this trainer named “Ai Lan” was a member of the Flame team, to be honest, they still couldn’t imagine it.
Because Carunai has investigated the identity of this young man, he is the adopted son of the chief elf doctor Bratano in the Carlos area.
This kind of person would join the Flame team?
Ai Lan, who was controlled by superpowers, said with dull eyes:
“In…in Shixiang Town.”
Everyone’s face changed again, really!
Reminiscent of Ai Lan’s claim that she wanted to challenge the Miare Conference to fill the position of Heavenly King that Paqila had vacated, Ma Xiu’s face turned pale with fright.
If it is really going to be made by Ai Lan, wouldn’t it mean that there will be another member of the Flame team on the throne of the King of the Carlos Alliance?
Good guy!
Ma Xiu called him a good guy.
One just left and one came again, Fradali is really good at it!
“Very well, this guy is useless.”
Da Muxiu looked disgusted, and asked Xanadu to hypnotize Ai Lan to sleep, and said to Ma Xiu:
“Little girl, this item is for you.”
“Uh… yes, how to deal with it?”
Ma Xiu asked a little confused.
“Leave it to Junsha,”
Carunai hesitated for a while, and finally decided that Jun Shalai’s family should deal with Ai Lan.
Carunai’s personality is more similar to Sirona’s, and they both have a strong sense of justice. She can’t do things like lynching.
Ma Xiu nodded, asked her gym staff to help contact Junsha, and then asked Karunai:
“”〃Champions Are you going to hunt Team Flare next? ”
Carunai shook her head, “No, transfer the residents of Shixiang Town first, it will be bad if a big battle breaks out there.”
She has already received news from the champions staying in Kanto that Yulongdu captured Lugia and caused immeasurable damage to Dead Leaf City.
The battle between legends is just that scary.
And according to Oki, once they confront Team Flare, it is likely to turn into a more terrifying battle than the last time in Miare City, the Black Crack VS Wujitai.
The townspeople must be evacuated in advance.
Shixiang Town, a small town with little presence in the Carlos area.
The most famous of all is the jagged and eccentric ancient stone ruins unique to this (Li Li’s) town.
No one knows that the secret base of the Flame team, which is now being wanted by the Elf Alliance, is located here.
And the final weapon that almost destroyed the Carlos area 3000 years ago is also buried deep in the ground of this town.
“Ai Lan has not heard from her for several days.”
In the secret base, Pazila frowned and reported to Vladali.
She had a strong sense of foreboding.
However, Fradali stared straight at the Pot of Punishment that was placed in the center of the table and taken from the Creation Village.
Whether to use this power, Fradali is also very hesitant.
°Boss, the situation in Shixiang Town is not right. ”
At this time, one of the cadres of the Flame team, Kuseloski, with a big belly, rushed over to report: “A large number of Junsha troops entered Shixiang Town this morning and moved all the residents away. ..
225 Fradali, you idiot
“Have you been discovered? How come one by one?”
Paqila’s expression changed suddenly after hearing Kussalowski’s report.
Transferring the townspeople in advance, this is obviously to take some action against the town.
In this small, uninhabited village, apart from targeting their Flame team, Paqila really couldn’t figure out why the Alliance needed to come here.
“Did Xerneas find it?!”
Fradari asked in a deep voice.
“I found it, but it’s a bit difficult to capture…”
Kussalowski said nonsense.
“There is no room for reservation.”
Fradali gritted his teeth and suddenly picked up the Pot of Punishment in the center of the table.
In an instant, a trace of evil consciousness gushed out from the gap in the lid of the Pot of Punishment, constantly guiding Vladali’s mind, asking him to break the treasure pot used for sealing.
Back when Vladali got it from the village of creation, this force tried to control Vladali and let him free himself.
But feeling this evil that was even worse than Yveltal, Vladali couldn’t help being discouraged, and has been dragging on until now.
“hurry up!”
At this time, a violent voice suddenly appeared 550 in Fradali’s mind.
Fradali sipped his lips, and smashed the Pot of Punishment to the ground before his consciousness was completely obliterated by the darkness.
God knows that the physical hardness of the treasure pot that can contain Hoopa’s horror is so brittle.
Anytime you hit it, it shatters.
Pot of Retribution where nearly endless dark energy shattered from the groundIt gushed out and spread to cover the entire sky of Shixiang Town.
outside world.
“What is this!?”
After receiving the order from the champion Carunai, all the kings and hostesses who went to fight against the Flame team looked at the strange darkness in the sky, and their expressions changed suddenly.
“That’s the same as Hoopa”
On the other side, Serena, who was standing next to Muxiu, holding Punishment Hoopa in her arms, looked in astonishment at the huge golden ring that emerged from the center of the dark sky.
That is Hoopa’s unique space ring!
“Fradali, that idiot, still brought things to this point.”
Da Muxiu said with disgust.
This is troublesome, if one fails, time and space will collapse.
Punishment Hoopa shivered in Serena’s arms in fear.
In the huge golden ring in the sky, a (cfce) demon god with a ferocious expression descended with scarlet pupils. Under the surprised eyes of King Carlos and the owner of the pavilion below, he locked on Seri at first sight. Punishment Hoopa in Na’s arms.
“go to hell!”
Angry, ferocious, and resentful tones were mixed together, Liberation Hupa’s two big hands faced each other.
A shadow ball as huge as a dark sun descended from the sky.
Although the goal was obviously to punish Hoopa, this attack completely covered everyone below.
“Hey one by one”
Lake of Wrath in Johto District.
Feng Wang, who was covered in dark energy, was forced back again and again by Rogia’s water cannon from the opposite side.
Sakagi waved his hand, “Storm.”
Yulongdu said in a cold voice:
“We also use the storm here!”
Both sides fanned their wings at the same time, and the violent hurricane rolled up, rolling the spring water of the Lake of Wrath and the trees, rocks, and soil within a few kilometers around them into the sky, and blasted them together in midair.
“Oh, it’s really unexpected that Yulongdu can subdue Rogia.”
A few miles away, the senior cadres of the Rockets headed by Saqi and Apollo also fought fiercely with the remaining Kanto Four Heavenly Kings, oh no, the former Four Heavenly Kings.
Saqi called out his cat boss, suppressed Kona for a while, and said with a calm and strange smile:
“It’s just that I didn’t expect Yulongdu to be more stupid than we imagined. He took the initiative to step into such an obvious trap. Today next year will be his memorial day.” Why did the two sides start fighting in the lake of anger?
the reason is simple.
Because Sakagi directly sent someone to release the news that he himself was in the lake of anger.
Then Yulongdu came, it was that simple.
In fact, it is no wonder that with Yulongdu’s haughty personality, losing to Sakagi in front of countless people on the Quartz Plateau last time was the greatest shame in his life.
Now that he has been approved by Rogia again, how can he not seek revenge from Sakagi? !
Even if he knew there was something wrong, he would go.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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