This is his dignity as a dragon envoy!
Just look at a certain Saiyan prince.
By the way, the hairstyles of these two people are quite similar…
Seeing that Yulongdu had decided to go, Kona and Juzi didn’t have much to say, so they could only follow his wish and bring Xiba along.
Kona couldn’t help but think of what Da Muxiu had said to him in Fangyuan a long time ago, that following Yulongdu would definitely not end well.
Might be able to verify it today.
But how could the dignified Ice Queen lose the upper hand in words?
After a cold snort, Kona retorted:
“Don’t be too confident, the outcome is yet to be decided!”
He looked sideways at the battlefield between Sakagi and Yulongdu.
Relying on the advantages of attributes, coupled with the unstable factors that Phoenix King is controlled by the dark ball, Rogia has gradually suppressed the opponent.
Seeing this, Kona smiled even more, and sneered at Sachs:
“How about it?”
However, what Kona didn’t expect was that facing his own sneer, Sachs laughed even more exaggeratedly. Has the useless fat gone on? Forgot who is the real trump card of Boss Sakagi? ”
As soon as Sachi finished speaking, Sakagi threw two more Poké Balls as expected.
Chaomeng and Deoxys, who defeated Yulongdu last time, appear!
“Don’t think it will be the same as last time!”
Without showing any weakness, Yulongdu also released its super ancient fast dragon and ace big fast dragon.
“Heh, you have to go see the King of Hades today, Yulongdu.”
Sakagi sneered.
“It’s you who is going to see Hades, trash!”
“Miss Kona transferred all the nutrients that should be supplied to the brain to those two groups.
Yu Longdu retorted with a cold voice.
About ten miles away from the Lake of Wrath, the alliance has the highest combat power that can be assembled at present, the new Kanto League champion Chihong, the new king Qinglu, Ajin, and Cattleya.
There are also Dago, the president of the Fangyuan League, the champion Mikri, the champion of the Sinnoh League Sirona, the champion of the United League Alice, the champion of the Alola League Lillie, and the champion of the Galar League Dandi all gathered here.
Through her innate superpower, Cattleya sensed the atmosphere of two legends and many heavenly kings and even champions fighting.
“It can be confirmed that Sakamu and Yulongdu are fighting, and the other three former Kanto kings who defected from the alliance are probably also there.”
Cattleya withdrew her superpowers and spoke to everyone around her.
To be honest, there is no need for Cattleya to use superpowers to investigate, and the aftermath of the fight between Fengwang and Lugia is enough to judge.
226 Yulongdu: What about my legend?
“Hurry up and call your cousin!”
Qinglu quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed the number.
Sirona frowned watching this scene.
According to previous news reports, that man should still be in Carlos now, right?
It will take at least ten hours to come here as a jet machine. What can he do?
Shixiang Town, Carlos Region.
Damu Xiuyue is on the back of Yanbai Kyurem,With one hand on each side, he tightly hugged Karuna and Serena.
And – Punish Hoopa trembling in Serena’s arms.
At a distance of about 50 meters behind, Jiefang Hupa followed closely behind, roaring angrily, and continued to chase and kill.
Da Muxiu looked down at Maxiu, Zhimi and other Carlos Alliance pavilion owners and kings, and shouted:
“Go get Team Flare! Get involved and die!”
Feeling the evil fluctuations emanating from Liberation Hoopa above their heads, it didn’t take Da Muxiu to say that Matsuu and the others knew that it was not an opponent they could deal with.
Without further ado, he ran to Team Flame’s base.
“By the way, what is that? It has the same ability as Hoopa!”
Serena watched in horror as Liberated Hoopa approached from behind.
At this time, Jiefang Hupa opened his bloody mouth, and the dark wave ray blasted out.
Waves of Evil! ! !
The pupils of Yanbai Kyurem’s eyes rolled, and red and white flames rose brazenly to envelop the body.
After blocking the wave of evil, the flames turned into countless flame snakes and rushed towards Liberation Hoopa.
Cross flames!
However, Liberation Hoopa let these flames burn on his body surface, and the speed of pursuit did not mean to slow down at all!
“After receiving Kyurem’s move, he was still unscathed!?”
Even Karuna was frightened, she had never seen an elf that could be so fierce, it forcibly swallowed Kyurem’s attack without any change.
“Loto! Loto! Caller: Smelly brother, Loto!”
At this time, Rotom’s mobile phone flew out of Da Muxiu’s pocket and shouted.
Oki Xiu responded, and then a green and anxious face appeared on the screen:
“Cousin! Sakamu and Yulongdu are fighting in the lake of anger, what’s your trick!?”
“I’m too busy here to die.”
Seeing Liberated Hupa getting closer and closer, Da Mu Xiuguai said with a smile.
Suddenly, Jiefang Hupa opened one of the space golden rings and got into it.
In less than a second, the golden ring appeared in front of Yanbai Kyurem, and Hupa was released from it in the blink of an eye.
Space to move! ?
Liberating Hoopa’s six arms burst into flames and struck out with heavy punches.
Flame fist!
Seeing this, Yanbai Kyurem instantly transformed into Dark Kyurem, and the dragon energy of his arms turned into two broadswords, and he slashed back to meet them.
Dragon Claw!
Swell –! ! !
The two sides collided together, causing the space to shake.
“Emergency Loto! Emergency Loto!”
Rotom’s cell phone shrank behind Da Muxiu’s shoulder in fright.
“Hey! Cousin, what happened to you?”
Because the picture on the screen was shaking so much, Qinglu really couldn’t see the specific situation on Oki Xiu’s side.
But it can be vaguely seen that Da Muxiu released Kyurem, and he seems to be fighting an extremely fierce elf.
“In short, Sakagi and Yulongdu have already released Phoenix King and Rogia, right?”
Oki asked.
“Yes, yes.”
Qinglu replied.
“it is good,”
Oki looked sideways at Punishment Hoopa who was being held by Serena and said:
“Hupa, bring Phoenix King and Rogia over here.”
Hoopa raised his head with a question mark, “Huh?”
“What? Can’t it be done?”
Oki asked back.
“no problem!”
Hoopa took off the two gold rings which were much smaller than Liberated Hoopa and threw them into the sky.
The two small golden rings expanded rapidly in the air, and chaos gushed out from the center of the rings.
“Hoopa~ Lao Lao!”
Lake of Rage.
Fengwang and Lugia are at loggerheads in the middle of the lake.
Suddenly, two giant golden rings appeared directly above the two big birds.
“what is that?”
Sakagi and Yulongdu on both sides were also stunned by this sudden change.
In the next second, an irresistible strong suction gushed out from inside the two rings in the sky.
No matter how Feng Wang and Rogia struggled, it took less than five seconds before and after.
The god of life and the god of the sea were sucked into it together.
In less than two seconds, the two golden rings disappeared out of thin air.
As if nothing happened.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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